The Best Celia Flores Quotes

[Celia Flores tells Daniel Salazar to confess his sins to his Dead]
Celia: They haunt you. They hate you for your silence.
Griselda: [as Daniel begins to imagine hearing his wife's voice, as Griselda whispers in Spanish] Asleep you would confess. In dreams, I would grant you absolution.
Celia: [Celia in Spanish] Don't carry this torment with you into death. Confess your sins. Ask their forgiveness. End your pain.
Griselda: [Griselda in Spanish] And mine.
Celia: You are dying. Can you feel it? Speak while you still have words.

[Celia Flores tells Nick that the dead have always walked amongst them]
Celia: None of this is new, Nicholas. We are just visitors. Our dead, and they are our dead, they have always walked amongst us. The only difference is now we can see them.

[Daniel Salazar tells Celia Flores he found the infected in the cellar]
Daniel: [Daniel in Spanish] By bringing death close you endanger us all.
Celia: [Celia in Spanish] Why do you fear death? Why are you so obsessed? You need to make peace with your Dead, Old Man. What are you afraid of?

[Celia Flores looks at her infected son Luis as she talks to Nick]
Celia: What do you see? Look at him. Is this death? What you see is my son. Changed, yes, but no less my son. My Luis. Who you brought back to me.
Celia: [Celia in Spanish to her men] Put him with the others. Take care of him.
Celia: There are many who do not understand us. Or are afraid to.
Celia: [Celia rests her hand up to Nick's face] You are not.

[Madison stops Celia Flores from slapping Victor Strand]
Celia: Why are you here? Who are you?
Madison: His friend.
Celia: You are his fool.

[Daniel Salazar tells Celia Flores that her Dead is an abomination]
Celia: I'm not the killer here. I see the way you look at me. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that's hatred in your eyes. But I am old enough to know fear when I see it.
Daniel: [Daniel in Spanish] Me too. I'm not afraid of you.
Celia: [Celia in Spanish] Not me. It's the Dead you fear.
Daniel: Those creatures you keep, they are an abomination, an act against God.
Celia: It's not my Dead you fear, old man. It is your own.

[Celia Flores tells Madison that her son Nick is special]
Celia: He's special, your son.
Madison: He's impressionable.
Celia: The enlightened always are.
Madison: He's fragile.

[Celia Flores sings a song for her son Thomas Abigail to go to bed as Victor Strand watches]
Celia: [to Strand] When Thomas was a little boy, he was so afraid of the dark. The only way he could sleep was if I sang. It had to be that song. Nothing else worked.
Victor: [Strand scoffs] A creature of habit from the start.

[Celia Flores asks Nick why he's sad]
Celia: You have a heavy smile. Why?
Nick: I'm just a bit sick of it.
Celia: What?
Nick: Of all the killing.

[Victor Strand tells Celia Flores that he needs to bury Thomas Abigail]
Victor: I have to bury him.
Celia: You don't deserve to bury him.
Victor: It's what he wanted.
Celia: What he wanted? What he wanted was what you promised. This man, my beautiful, stupid son, wanted you!
Victor: He is not your son.
[when Celia backhands Strand]

[Daniel Salazar apologizes to Celia Flores about the death of her son Luis Flores]
Daniel: I'm sorry for your loss.
Celia: Why? He wasn't shot in the head. Right?
Daniel: No.
Celia: Then there's nothing to be sorry for.

[Celia Flores tells Madison that she needs to understand the Dead like her son Nick]
Celia: He understands. The changed ones are our responsibility.
Madison: He's my responsibility.
Celia: If you remain here, you will have to accept them as Nicholas does. As we accept them. It is a new world. I hope you can see it with new eyes.
Madison: What if I can't do that?
Celia: Then your son will choose between his family and the truth that they don't want to understand.
Madison: I want to understand. I do. I need to understand.

[Celia Flores asks Nick about which person is the real monster]
Celia: When they look upon my son, what do they see? Go on, say it.
Nick: A monster.
Celia: Is that what we call these creatures who can't control their nature, their hunger? And what do we call those who destroy them? The ones who kill without thinking. Which is the monster?

[Nick asks Celia Flores what are the infected if they're not dead]
Celia: What is it you want to know?
Nick: They're not really dead, are they?
Celia: No, they are not, Nicholas.
Nick: So what are they?
Celia: They are what comes next.

[Celia Flores tries to feed the tied-up Daniel Salazar her Pozole]
Celia: [Celia smiles] You think I would poison a good Pozole? Who would do such a thing?

[Celia Flores tells Nick that this world is their beginning]
Celia: This is not apocalypse. This is our beginning, Nicholas. The end of death itself. Life eternal.

[Celia Flores gives a speech for her son Thomas Abigail]
Celia: [Celia in Spanish] Forty years we worked for these Abigail's. Made their food. Cleaned their linens. I raised the son they ignored, as if I bore him from my own body. Make no mistake, Thomas was my son. Today, I bury my son. I'm not a housekeeper anymore. All of us are new again. And whatever sins we committed... whatever lies we told... hearts we betrayed... today, they are forgotten. The world is reborn. Now the work begins. And we shall do it in the honor of his memory.

[Celia Flores and Madison look at the Dead family members in the cage]
Celia: [Celia opens the gate] If your child was hungry, would you not feed him? If your child couldn't speak... would you not speak for him anyway? Even if your child could not love, would you not love him anyway?
Madison: I would.
Celia: What wouldn't you do for your children?
Madison: Nothing.
[when Madison closes Celia in the gate with the infected, locking it]