The Best Cesar Pescador Quotes

Judge: This is a difficult decision. It brings the rights of the individual to head-on conflict with legitimate governmental requirements. However, I'm inclined to grant the people's limited request.
Cesar: What?
[gets out of his seat]
Cesar: This is worse than Castro, man!
[Everybody in the courtroom goes berserk as Judge Waxman continuously bangs his gavel]
Cesar: You can't cut my leg without my say-so! I'm not going to no hospital! I'm not going to no hospital!
Judge: All of you, sit down! Quiet in this courtroom! Quiet! I said quiet or I'll clear the court!
[bangs his gavel again]
Judge: Excuse me!
[bangs the gavel again, silencing the crowd]
Judge: Excuse me, Mr. Pescador. We can and will. Now, sit down!
[Pescador sits back down in his seat]
Judge: The defendant will submit forthwith to the surgical procedure which shall be conducted in the manner consistent with this court's written ruling.

Paul: Attempted homicide? Those 53 people are homicides. They're dead.
Attorney: He didn't mean to kill anyone, Paul!
Paul: Don't tell me you're even thinking about negligent homicide. Now, look, if he's only a messenger boy, he'd better start naming names or he's going down alone.
Attorney: He says if he goes to prison, the man'll have him killed.
Paul: [as he pins Pescador against the wall] Listen to me, man! You don't go to jail, there's about 500 grieving relatives out there who'd be happy to kill you! You hear what I'm saying?
Cesar: I'll take my chances with them.