The Best Chancellor Palpatine Quotes

Dr. Sionver Boll: It's scales are remarkably strong and light. If we could examine their composition, we might be able to synthesize them to reinforce our clone armor.
Chancellor: And what is stopping you?
Dr. Sionver Boll: We need to remove the scales first. It's very difficult, not to mention painful.
Chancellor: Would it not be more efficient to simply kill the beast?
Mas: Kill it? Are you sure?
Dr. Sionver Boll: Chancellor, I must protest. Besides being the last of its kind, this creature may be intelligent.
Chancellor: I find that hard to believe. It is, after all, just an animal.
[Zillo beast growls]
Dr. Sionver Boll: It didn't seem to like your comment.
Chancellor: I applaud your high moral stance, Doctor. After all, principle is in short supply these days. However, every passing minute of warfare brings countless deaths, deaths that could be prevented once the beast's secrets are unlocked. If there is anyway to hasten that process, it is our moral duty to explore it.
Dr. Sionver Boll: I serve at your pleasure, Chancellor. I'm just not sure where to begin. The fact remains that the beast is indestructible.
Chancellor: Nothing is truly indescribable, Doctor. Wasn't there something in Malastare fuel that affected the beast?
Dr. Sionver Boll: It weakened the Zillo, yes, but...
Chancellor: Excellent. I suggest you start there. Doctor, you need to find a way to kill that beast, or we shall replace you with someone who can.

Chancellor: I've got a bad feeling about this.

Chancellor: I should have known secrets do not stay secret for long around here.
Padmé: Isn't that precisely the point of a democracy?
Anakin: Of course, in wartime, some things must be kept secret, even from the people, so as not to aid the enemy.
Mas: It is unfortunate that the beast must die, Senator. But the greater good demands it.
Padmé: How is killing the last of a species, in secret and without debate, good for anyone?

Chancellor: I should have known secrets do not stay secret for long around here.
Mas: Isn't that precisely the point of a democracy?
Anakin: Of course, in wartime, some things must be kept secret, even from the people, so as not to aid the enemy.
Padmé: It is unfortunate that the beast must die, Senator. But the greater good demands it.
Mas: How is killing the last of a species, in secret and without debate, good for anyone?

Chancellor: [via hologram] That may be the only way we shall get this treaty signed, and rest Master Windu's conscience.

Chancellor: A democracy is only as strong as the people who comprise it. At present, the people I am charged with protecting are dying faster than I can count. It is my moral imperative to take action. Anakin, is it not worth the life of one savage beast to give our brave troops the advantage they need to win this war?

Chancellor: Isn't it remarkable that one can have all the power in the galaxy and yet the words of a single senator can sway the thoughts of millions?
Mas: What do you plan to do about this?
Chancellor: For now, we must adhere to the principles of our democracy. We must let the wheels of the Senate turn.

Orn: Oh, why do I have to go to the jail for this?
3D: Move it.
Chancellor: Sorry Senator, but everyone has a job to do.

Chancellor: Members of the Senate, please, please...
Senator: How dare they?
Zion: They attack, and now they want peace?
Padmé: Chancellor Palpatine, may I remind the senators that the peace proposal was made prior to their assault.
Senator: That only highlights its insincerity.
Halle: Chancellor Palpatine, in light of this unprovoked attack on Coruscant and the vulnerabilities it raises, I propose the Republic purchase an additional 5 million clone troopers.
Bail: The Republic is already operating in deep debt. How do you propose we pay for these additional troops?
Halle: My people are drafting an emergency appropriations bill that would raise funds...
Padmé: From the Banking Clan?
Halle: Yes, of course. Do you have an alternate means of paying?
Padmé: One alternative might be to stop the war, not escalate it.
All: Traitor! Traitor!
Padmé: Whoever attacked the power grid wants us to continue to fight. It's a calculated attempt to destroy the peace process. Not everyone in the Confederacy wants this. I know this for a fact.
Mee: You have Separatist friends, Senator?

Chancellor: Doctor, a word if you please.
[hands over a data pad]
Chancellor: Your new orders.
Dr. Sionver Boll: [shocked] What is this? You want me to clone the beast?

Chancellor: Let us commit our military might to defending the Mandalorian people.
Duchess: Defending? You mean to occupy our home. You would trample our right to self-determination.
Chancellor: We mean to save your people.
Duchess: You will turn our planet into a military target, which will bring the war to us. Mandalore must remain a neutral system.

Padmé: After all that, we lost.
Chancellor: I know this decision was most unexpected. I myself don't support it, but democracy must stand.
Padmé: Of course. You are right, Chancellor.
Chancellor: Actually, given recent events, perhaps it is for the best. How can we justify fortifying our security here in the Senate if we don't also provide reinforcements on the front lines? You see, the victory of the clone army, for now, is the only thing that can lead us to peace.

Mas: You summoned me, Chancellor?
Chancellor: Prepare my ship.

Chancellor: I understand you made an important arrest in the plot to destroy the Jedi. To think a simple bounty hunter could create such a plan...
Anakin: I believe someone else, someone much more powerful was behind this. And I don't think it was Dooku.
Chancellor: Oh? And have you any clues as to who it may be?
Anakin: Not yet, Chancellor.
Chancellor: [pats him on the shoulder] Have patience, my boy.

Chancellor: We must let the wheels of the Senate turn.

Chancellor: Isn't it remarkable, that one can have all the power in the Galaxy, and yet the words of a single senator can swade the thoughts of millions?

Chancellor: Nothing is truly indescribable.