The Best Chester Anderson Quotes

[the guys are washing up some rocks they think are valuable]
Chester: Boy, look at the size of this one. This must be worth a thousand bucks by itself.
Eddie: I saw a movie once. These guys pried a stone just like this out of this great big idol's eye. All the guys died 'cause it had a curse on it.
The: I hope nobody's been cursin' around here.
Wally: Hey, I saw that picture, Eddie. It happened in Egypt. Those kinda curses aren't allowed to work on Americans.

[Tooey brings over a book to identify the rocks the gang has found]
The: Did'ja find out what they is?
Tooey: Yeah. Here's a picture. They're garnets.
Chester: Yeah, I guess they are. Hey, what are garnets? Are they valuable?
Tooey: Are they valuable! - they use 'em in jewels. It says in India, they even sell 'em for rubies.
Chester: [letting it sink in] Rubies.
Wally: Hey, and we got a whole vacant lot full of 'em.
The: Gee, they must be worth a jillion dollars a pound!
Chester: Boy, we'll be richer'n any kid in the whole world. Even Sal Mineo!