The Best Claudine Crane Quotes

Claudine: Don't go back. Come with us.
Sookie: Come with you where?
Claudine: Our home. It's more beautiful than anything you can imagine.
Sookie: How do you get there?
Claudine: Swim. Come.
Sookie: [Thinking] Hate deep water. Mama and Daddy were killed by water. Don't. Can't swim.
Sookie: I can't. See, I never learned to swim.
Claudine: Don't fear the water. It wasn't the water that killed them.

Claudine: You killed Sookie.
Bill: I haven't.
Claudine: You've taken her blood. I can see it in you.
Bill: I love her.
Claudine: You think you do. You only want her light.
Bill: No. She's safe. She's alive. I swear to you, I would never harm her.
Claudine: Leave her alone, vampire. We will protect her.
Bill: How have you ever protected her?
Claudine: We have. Believe me.
Bill: Who is we?
Claudine: Now, why would I tell you that?
Bill: Sookie needs to know what she is, so that she can protect herself. Please. What in God's name are you?