Top 150 Quotes From Bill Compton

Bill: [about Sookie] You're playin' with her life.
Eric: It's not game to me.
Bill: All this for a colleague. For the sheriff of Area 9, why?

Bill: We've have had a difficult relationship with law enforcement for many years.

Sookie: I think we need to stop seeing each other.
Bill: Why?
Sookie: Because you don't breathe. You don't have any electrical what ever it is. Your friends would like nothing more than to rip my throat out and because vampires killed that precher from the Fellowship of the Sun church and his wife and baby! You look me in the eye and tell me they didn't do it?
Bill: Humans have killed millions upon millions in senseless wars. I do not hold you responsbile for that.
Sookie: Bill, night before last I had to bury my bloody clothes becuase I didn't want my grandmother to find out I was almost killed and tonight I was almost killed again! Why on earth would I continue seeing you?
Bill: [very serious] Because you will never find a human man you can be yourself with.

Jessica: You really think they're coming for you?
Bill: Or Sookie. Or both of us.
Jessica: Well, why aren't you with her, then?
Bill: Because she doesn't want me to be. If she needs me, I will know it.
Jessica: All right, she screwed up your proposal, I get it. But the whole time she was looking for you, she was wearing your ring.
Bill: Jessica, it's over.
Jessica: No way.
Bill: Way.

[last lines]
Lorena: Most impressive. You won the trust of Russell Edgington himself. A bravura performance.
Bill: I don't care what you believe. My only loyalty is to my king.
Lorena: Your only loyalty is to your own sentiment. It's your great failing. A century ago it was to your human wife, now some ridiculous waitress. You'll say anything to save her.
Bill: We can never love humans without bringing suffering upon them. You taught me that. And I will never forgive you for it.
Lorena: It's an essential truth. One you refuse to face, because you've clung to the illusion of humanity.
Bill: [grabs her by the neck] You are right! Is that what you wish to hear? You proved it to me once, and now I've learned it again! You have won. You've deprived me of my freedom. My home. My humanity. But I will never, ever love you.
Bill: [Lorena kisses him, he throws her on the bed] Never!
Lorena: Yes! Make love to me!
Bill: Never! I will never!
Lorena: [Bill rips her clothes off and has sex with her, then twists her head around a full 180 degrees] Oh William, I still love you.

Bill: You should go to ground.
Lorena: And not be with you when the light flows out of you? I cannot.
Bill: And what will you do then? Find another man that you deem honorable? So you can turn him into a violent hateful thing like yourself? Destroying whatever it was you loved about him to begin with?
Lorena: Yes. It's all my fault isn't it? You never enjoyed killing those humans, writhing naked in their blood. Making love to me as the light died in their eyes. Oh no. I forced you to do all that.
Bill: No, you did not.
Lorena: Be a man and admit you liked it.
Bill: Just as you liked enticing all those starving men with your flesh. Luring them into your maker's clutches so that he could murder them and defile their bodies in unspeakable ways as you watched!
Lorena: I am NOT Istvan!
Bill: Really? He made you his mirror just as you tried to make me yours. He is the reason that a girl, who once marveled in the beauty of all life, now delights in bringing pain and horror to every moment
Lorena: You never embraced our nature!
Bill: Your nature! It was never mine! I welcome death because only then will I be truly free of the disease that is you.

Sookie: [while driving home with Bill] I use to get so mad when people judged vampires just for being different. It's like they were judging me too. I told myself their fear was nothing but small mindedness. But maybe that's what I wanted to believe. 'Cause the more open my mind gets, the more evil I see.
Bill: Sookie, most of us, vampire, human or otherwise are capable of both good and evil. Often simultaneously.
Sookie: You can't expect me to believe that Eric is capable of anything good. Not after how he tortured Lafatette.
Bill: I have had worse sheriffs.
Sookie: I don't understand how you can defend him.
Bill: He saved your life.
Sookie: I can still hate him.
Bill: I hate that he maybe putting you in harms way once again, for his own selfish reasons. And I hate that he has shown your the barberousness we call justice. If I could glamour it away for you, I would.
Sookie: I'm glad you can't. I'm sick of things sneakin' up on me. Rene and what ever the hell that was that attacked me last night. If I'm never gonna be safe, I'd rather know what to be affraid of.
Bill: Well, after last night I hope that doesn't include me.
Sookie: I know there is evil in you. I know there is and it scares the hell outta me. But you're right. There's goodness in you too and when I look in your eyes, that's what I see.

Sookie: [after everything he has told her] You're gonna have to give me a minute here, Bill. I'm feelin' a little overwhelmed.
Bill: Of course.
[they start walking again]

Bill: If Sookie is hurt in any way because of you, I will not stop until I drive a stake through whatever semblance of a heart you have left.
Lorena: It's true. You're in love with a human. That's so tragic, it's funny.
[starts laughing]

Bill: Are you still angry about our fight? Sookie, none of that matters anymore.
Sookie: You're right. I'm alive and in one piece. Unlike my friend Lafayette who Eric chained up like an animal and left to bleed to death.
Bill: What?
Sookie: You better not have known anything about this, Bill Compton. Because if you did, I don't think I could ever forgive you!
Bill: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Eric: [behind them] I imagine she's referring to the human in my basement... The human who traded sexual services with a vampire in order to sell his blood - which as you know is a grave offense.
Sookie: [to Eric] His name is Lafayette and you ought to be ashamed of yourself for what you've done to him.
[slaps him]
Bill: Sookie!
Eric: [unfazed] I'm glad you're feeling better and may I add that color suits you very well.
[refering to her red shirt]
Sookie: Go to hell!
Bill: [holding her back] Sookie! Enough!
Sookie: Oh it's not nearly enough. They've tortured him and bitten him and shot him and kept him down there in his own filth for weeks.
Bill: [to Eric] Is this true?
Eric: There are others who would have done far worse and you know it.
Sookie: You're gonna let him go right now or I swear, I'm going to the police.
Eric: [draws his fangs] I do not respond well to threats!... But perhaps we could come to some sort of arrangement.

Bill: Try to behave yourself.
Eric: Don't I always?

Claudine: You killed Sookie.
Bill: I haven't.
Claudine: You've taken her blood. I can see it in you.
Bill: I love her.
Claudine: You think you do. You only want her light.
Bill: No. She's safe. She's alive. I swear to you, I would never harm her.
Claudine: Leave her alone, vampire. We will protect her.
Bill: How have you ever protected her?
Claudine: We have. Believe me.
Bill: Who is we?
Claudine: Now, why would I tell you that?
Bill: Sookie needs to know what she is, so that she can protect herself. Please. What in God's name are you?

Bill: [awakens, very weak and looks around seeing 2 bodies] The others?
Lorena: [meakly] They all presented themselves as gentlemen. Blame the war if you like. They proved to be no more than savages once I let them into my home. They deserved no better.
Bill: Am I dying?
Lorena: Oh, yes. But I'm not keen to let you go quite so easily. I've waited a long time for a man such as you.
[straddles his waist and cuts her neck]
Lorena: Drink. If you do not drink, you will die as certain as I am speakin' to you right now. Do you wish to see your family again? Your wife, your children? You must drink from me.
[Bill drinks with reluctance]
Lorena: Take me in you. Feel me in you. We are together, William. Forever! You are mine!

Sookie: [shocked] The last time I saw you, you asked me to marry you.
Bill: You did us both a favor by not saying 'yes'.
Sookie: You have to say that... Someone is is listenin'.
Bill: Lorena, actually.

Bill: [to Sookie, about Jessica] You undermined my authority as her maker! You risked those people's safety and your own! If I had not glamoured them with in an inch of their sanity, both our lives would have shattered!
Sookie: I know. I'm sorry!
Bill: You keep sayin' that and I am expected to what? Forget this ever happened?
Sookie: What else do you want me to say? I know when she asked me to take her, I should say no. But all I could think about was Gran and what I would give to see her again.
Bill: That does not give you license to behave like an irresponsible child! She is a loaded gun, Sookie. Not a doll for you to dress up and play with!
[Sookie gets out of the car]
Bill: What are you doing?
Sookie: Walking!
Bill: Don't be ridiculous. Bon Temps is nearly 20 miles away!
Sookie: [walking away] I'd rather walk all night then spend another second in that car with you!
Jessica: [to Bill, after he gets back in the car] She wants you to go after her. She wants you to go after her and kiss her and tell her that you love her.
Bill: She will come back, when she calms down... she will come back.

Sam: [wrapping his arm tighter around Sookie] Well, we better get going. We're gonna grab a cup of coffee before we call it a night.
Bill: Coffee? Sounds delightful.

Bill: These wolves do your bidding?
Russell: Well, unfortunately not as well as I hoped. I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Compton.
Bill: [incredulous] You're *sorry*? Your Majesty. You had me abducted by werewolves!... Dragged across state lines. They took silver to me; fed on my blood!

Stan: Steve Newlin! You have pushed us too far. You expect us to sit on our thumbs while you round up your men to come lynch us? We'll kill you first. Same way we did your father.
Sookie: Oh god, no.
Steve: Murderer!
Stan: [to the other vamps] Destroy all of them.
Godric: [as the vamps swarm the church] Enough! You came for me, I assume. Underlings?
Stan: Yes, sheriff.
Godric: These people have not harmed me. You see we can coexist. Mr. Newlin, I do not wish to create blood shed when none is called for. Help me set an example. If we leave you in peace, will you do the same?
Steve: [seething] I will not negotiate with subhumans! Kill me. Do it. Jesus will protect me.
Godric: I am actually older than your Jesus. I wish I could have known him, but I missed it.
[to the armed congregation]
Godric: Good people, who of you is willing to die for this man's madness?
[met with silence]
Godric: That's what I thought. Stand down, everyone. People, go home. It's over now.
Sookie: Oh, thank god. Bill?
Bill: It's alright. You're safe now.

Eric: [after Bill has found him in his bathtub, with soft music playing] I texted you three times. Why didn't you reply?
Bill: I hate using the number keys to type. What are you listening to?
Eric: From my younger days. It's really quite beautiful if you know old Swedish. I have a favor to ask of you.
Bill: A favor or an order?
Eric: Depends on how you look at it. Honestly, did you think you could keep her to yourself?

Sookie: [seeing his home] This is where you live?
Bill: Since old Jesse Compton had no living heirs when he died, ownership reverts back to me.
Sookie: I thought that wasn't for sure unless the VRA passes.
Bill: Well, I haven't been getting in any trouble with the renovations I've been doing. Although, of course I've been doing them myself in the night. I need an electrician, but I can't get anyone to return my calls.
Sookie: Maybe if I made a few calls tomorrow, I could come by after work and tell you who to contact.
Bill: Thank you.
[stops walking and stares at Sookie standing in the moonlight]
Bill: Take your clip out.
[she removes her clip]
Bill: May I?
[touches her hair; leans forward and takes a deep breath]
Bill: I can smell the sunlight on your skin.
[they kiss passionaty]
Bill: [pushes her away and turns, his fangs drawn] I should see you home.
Sookie: All right.

Eric: The sheriff of Area 9 in Texas has gone missing. Have you heard about it?
Bill: I hadn't. But I know the vampire of whom you speak. His name is Godric. Correct?
Eric: Indeed. That goes without saying he needs to be found. Which is where Sookie comes in.
Bill: No!
Eric: She's yours and I'm asking your permission to take her with me to Dallas.
Bill: You you can do whatever you want with me but I am not putting her in this position anymore. I cannot and I will not allow you to bring her into these matters.
Eric: We made a deal, your human and I. That if I didn't kill anyone she would work for me as often as I like. You remember that don't you? You were there.
Bill: Taking her across state lines is a far cry from taking her to Fangtasia for the evening!
Eric: I'm only asking your permission out of respect. If I want her I can simply take her... Is no your final answer?
Bill: It is.
Eric: Poorly played, Bill.

Malcolm: [to Sookie] Maybe you oughtta come on inside.
Sookie: Are you trying to glamor me?
Malcolm: [taken aback that she noticed] Yes.
Sookie: That doesn't work on me.
Liam: Why not?
Sookie: I don't know, it just doesn't. Is Bill available?
Bill: [from inside the house] Let her in... Diane, let her in.
Diane: Oh, fuck him.
Malcolm: [backing away] You have.

Sookie: [finishing her dessert] It's a good thing you don't eat, 'cause I wouldn't share it with anyone. I think of a better way to top off the best meal of my life.
Bill: I do have one last thing.
[hands her an envelope]
Sookie: [opening it] Plane tickets?... Where's Burlington?
Bill: It's in Vermont.
Sookie: Why would we...
Bill: Here's the other part.
[takes out a jewel box and pushes it to her hands. She opens it to find a diamond ring]
Bill: Ms. Stackhouse, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? That is assuming last night did not scare you off weddings for good.
[as she says nothing]
Bill: Sookie, say something.
Sookie: [tearing up] I've dreamed of this since I was a little girl... In my dreams I always say 'yes'.
Bill: Than it ought to be easy.
Sookie: Then why can't I say it? My heart's flying around in my chest. I can't even think straight. My life's inside out. With all that's happened I'm not sure about anything. I don't even know if I'm human!
Bill: What?
Sookie: Maybe I am some kind of freak. I've only met one other person in the world like me and who even knows where he is? And what happens when I grow old and weak and you're still the same, what then?
Bill: Sookie, I don't care about any of that. I want you just as you are.
Sookie: But I'm not even sure what I am!
Bill: Are you saying no?
Sookie: No, I'm saying... I don't know what I'm saying. I need a minute to clean myself up. I'm sorry.
[leaves the table]

Sookie: How old are you? Am I allowed to ask that?
Bill: I was made vampire in 1865, when I was thirty human years old.
Sookie: Wow, you look older than that.
Bill: Life was harder then.
Sookie: Were you in the Civil War?
Bill: [apprehensive] I was.
Sookie: Would you be willing to come and talk to my grandmother's club? It's mostly a bunch of old people who had family in the war. They call themselves, The Descendants of the Glorious Dead.
Bill: [incensed] The glorious dead? There is nothing glorious about dying in a war. A bunch of starving, freezing boys killing each other so the rich people can stay rich. Madness.
Sookie: I'm sure it was awful.
Bill: Would it make you happy if I did this?
Sookie: Oh, it would make my grandmother ecstatic.
Bill: Would it make you happy?
Sookie: Well... yes.
Bill: I'll do it, then. I look forward to meeting your grandmother. When may I call on you?
Sookie: I'm off work tomorrow.
Bill: Just after dark then.

Sookie: [standing outside her house] Well, since you're here...
[opens her door, but Bill hesitates]
Sookie: What's wrong?
Bill: You have to invite me in. Otherwise, it's physically impossible for me to enter a mortal's home.
Sookie: Seriously? Well, come on, try.
Bill: I-I can't. I can't even try.
Sookie: That is so weird!
Sookie: Oh Bill, won't you please come in?
Bill: Thank you.
Sookie: [blocks his path] So, if I were to withdraw my invitation, would you have to leave?
[Bill nods, embarrassed]
Sookie: I'll have to remember that.

Sookie: [surprised as Bill wipes off the mirror] Wait a minute. I thought you were supposed to be invisible in the mirror.
Bill: We started most of the myths about ourselves many centuries ago. If humans thought that we couldn't be seen in a mirror, it was another way for us to prove that we weren't vampires. And that way, we could stay hid.
Sookie: So, what about holy water?
Bill: [splashing bath water] It's just water.
Sookie: Crucifixes?
Bill: Geometry.
Sookie: Garlic?
Bill: It's irritating, but that's pretty much it.
Sookie: [pause, smiling] Wow. I feel a little weak.
Bill: Of course you do. I fed on your blood. You should take some vitamin B-12 to replenish.
Sookie: Will I need to do that everyday?
Bill: If you don't mind, yes. And no garlic.
Sookie: Is it always like this?
Bill: No, it is not.
Sookie: I never thought I'd be able to...
Bill: I am honored that you chose me.

Bill: You're mostly human. Apparently, a Fae coupled with one of your female ancestors.
Sookie: Coupled?
Bill: The Fae were known for breeding with humans, sometimes against the human's will.
Sookie: My people are rapists?

Bill: [arriving at Fangtasia] You said you wanted to go out tonight.
Sookie: [clearly upset] I did not mean Fangtasia! I mean really, all those pathetic people who come here looking for sex with vampires.
Bill: I know. It's despicable.
Sookie: You know what I mean. So what? Five, ten minutes?
Bill: As long as Eric requires us.
Sookie: You mean as long as he requires me! Didn't even have the decency to ask me himself.
Bill: You are mine. He didn't need to ask your permission.
Sookie: He cannot check me out like a library book!
Bill: Unfortunately Sookie, he can. Eric is sheriff of Area 5.
Sookie: Sheriff?
Bill: It's a position of great power among our kind. We do not wanna anger him. As long as the requests are reasonable, we should accede to his wishes.

Sookie: I thought vampires were the only one's who could hypnotize people.
Bill: No offense Sookie, but humans are shockingly susceptible to just about every form of thought manipulation.

Bill: [as he leaves the Queen's house] What are you doing here?
Eric: Hopin' the Queen knows how to kick some maenad's ass.
Bill: [skeptical] Now why would you do that? So that you look like a hero to Sookie?
Eric: [smoothing his hair] Oh Billy, this paranoia is really quite unbecoming. Has she, uh, mentioned me?
Bill: No. That was really quite desperate of you. Tricking her into drinking your blood, so that she'd become attracted to you.
Eric: Unlike you, who fed her your own blood the very night you met.
Bill: How do you know that?
Eric: So you're not denying it.
Bill: I was saving her life.
Eric: Isn't that convenient.
Bill: You stay away from Sookie, Eric or I will tell the Queen you are forcing humans to sell vampire blood for you.
Eric: [ominous] You wouldn't.
Bill: I won't... as long as you never come close to Sookie ever again.
Eric: I don't like threats, Bill.
Bill: Neither do I.
[walks away]

Bill: [weakly] We need to rest.
Lorena: So the minute I shut my eyes, you can run into the sun light and destroy yourself to save her? I care about you too much to allow that.
Bill: I may love her, but I'm not suicidal.
Lorena: I know better than anyone what you are capable of.
Bill: Lorena, this is foolish! We are getting weaker and the bleeds have begun. You may be able to keep me here awake, for a day, maybe two but not forever.
Lorena: You're right. Forever is a long time. Than again, I'm very patient.

Bill: [after Malcolm and his gang have left] I'm sorry you had to witness that. Your visit was unexpected.
Sookie: What's hep D?
Bill: Hepatitis D is the only blood born pathogen to which we are subseptible. Malcolm must be furious.
Sookie: Hepatitis?
Bill: A mutation. Relatively harmless to humans, oddly enough.
Sookie: I've never even heard of it?
Bill: That's because we've kept it out of the media.
Sookie: And it makes you sick for a year?
Bill: No. Just makes us weak for about a month or so. The biggest danger to us from hep D is being captured and staked during that time.
Sookie: Yeah. You don't want your weaknesses to be public knowledge.
Bill: Precisely.
Sookie: And what the hell did you mean, "Sookie is mine"?
Bill: I was communicating to the others that you were my human and therefore I was the only one who can feed on you.
Sookie: [furious] You most certainly can not feed on me!
Bill: Well of course I can't, Sookie. But had they known that, they'd have considered you fair game. And I wouldn't have been able to stop them from attacking you. It would be three against one. And Malcolm is much older than I am and quite strong.
Sookie: And... you and Diane dated?
Bill: We had sex once, just after she was made vampire back in the late 1930's.
Sookie: [sickened] What? Gross. Bill, she so- Th-they're all so mean, so...
Bill: Evil. Yes, they are. They share a nest and when vampires live in nests, they become more cruel, more vicious. They become laws unto themselves. Whereas vampires such as I, who live alone are much more likely to hang on to some semblance of our former humanity.

Sookie: What can I get for you tonight?
Bill: Do you have any of that synthetic bottled blood?
Sookie: No, I'm-I'm so sorry. Sam got some a year ago, but nobody ever ordered it, so it went bad. You're our first.
Sookie: Vampire.
Bill: Am I that obvious?
Sookie: I knew the minute you came in. I can't believe nobody else around here seems to.
Bill: [referring to Sam] He does.
[Sam is looking at Sookie and Bill]
Sookie: Oh, don't worry about Sam, he's cool. I know for a fact he supports the Vampire Rights Amendment.
Bill: How progressive of him.
Sookie: Well, anything else you drink?
Bill: Actually, no. But you can get me a glass of red wine, so I have a reason to be here.
Sookie: Well, whatever the reason, I'm glad you are!

Bill: [looking at Eric and back down at his drink] Uh oh.
Sookie: Don't say "uh oh". Vampires are not supposed to say "uh oh".
Bill: It's Eric. He's scanned you twice. He's goin' to summon us.
Sookie: He can do that?
Bill: Oh, yeah.

Bill: Long Shadow was choking the girl and would have killed her.
Magister: So you murdered a higher life form for the sake of your pet! You broke an acient and fundimental law. You decreased our numbers at a critical time in our history. Very bad. Very, very bad.
Bill: Magister, Long Shadow broke the law first. She was mine and he knew it. He would have killed her and fed from her!
Magister: [displeased] Hello! Human! Irrelevant. Happens every day!
Bill: He was stealing from Eric.
Magister: Sheriff?
Eric: Yes, Magister. It's true. Long Shadow was a thief and a liar. He was hurting my business.
Magister: [considering] The business part, that is a serious offense.
Bill: And it was the human who exposed Long Shadow. Would you tell him, Eric?
Eric: The only reason the girl was there was because I called her.
Bill: To protect your wealth!
Eric: To protect my wealth, yes. Magister, she is... valuable.
Magister: Humans exist to serve us. That is their only value.
Bill: There are those among us who think differently.
Magister: [challenging] Do you question my authority? I am the magister. I was trained in the Inquisition and I am the adjudicator for every vampire territory in North America! As the humans say, the humans you love more than your own kind, back your shit down!
Eric: [warningly] Bill.
Magister: Well, you haven't bored me. That works in your favor. And you seem to be obedient to your sheriff.
Eric: For the most part... When it matters, yes he is.
Magister: The usual sentence is five years in a coffin, chained with silver. During which time your body will waste to leather and sticks. You'll probably go insane. However, I'm feeling a bit... creative.

[Jason has just awkwardly hugged Bill]
Jason: Was that all right for you?
Bill: [He is noticeably uncomfortable but still tries to be polite] It was fine.

Sookie: [after he breaks down the door] Bill!
Bill: Jessica let him go!
Jessica: But?
Bill: As your maker I command you!
Sookie: Thank god you're here.
Bill: Shut up!

Bill: I am not the vampire you are looking for. I am not privied to the queen's secrets. Nor do I have any interest being your sheriff. I'm sorry to waist your time.
[rises to leave]
Russell: [musing] Poor Sookie. Such a shame she has to pay the price for your stubbornness.
Bill: [drawing his fangs] You leave Sookie out of this!
Russell: You are in my house, Mr. Compton. Put your fangs away!

Sookie: [after they have made love] Doesn't it get old for you? I mean you've been doing it for over a hundred years. Doesn't it get predictable?
Bill: Not with you it doesn't. You're entirely different. And the beauty and the tragedy of it is that you don't know just how different you are.
Sookie: Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong.
Bill: There's nothing more natural than the act of making love. Who am I to try to change what comes naturally to you.
Sookie: But if you could change something...
Bill: I wouldn't change a thing.
Sookie: [pauses] What's it like to sleep in the ground?
Bill: Well, it's not exactly comfortable. But it is safe. Which if I recall is what the three voicemails required of me that night.

Maryann: [catching Bill and Sookie] What are you doing in my house?
Sookie: This is 'not' your house!
Maryann: [wickedly] It is now.
Bill: [to Maryann] I strongly suggest you remove yourself immediately!
Maryann: [about Bill] My, you found yourself quite a specimen. Though I dare say there's nothing stopping him from one day leaving you cold.
Sookie: You don't scare me.

Bill: [about her menu-ordered blood donor] Jessica, we discussed this.
Jessica: All I did was order him off the menu. You didn't say not to order off the menu.
Bill: I would no more allow you to feed on that young man than to watch pornography on television!
Jessica: Porno?
[Smiles wickedly]
Bill: Jessica...
Jessica: Hey, Sookie, there's dirty movies on TV!

Bill: Vampires are always in some kind of trouble. I prefer to be in it with you.

Sookie: I'm sorry!
Bill: Get the hell outta here!
Sookie: Bill?
Bill: [pushing her out the front door] Now, so I can clean up your mess!
Sookie: [about Jessica's parents] Please don't kill them!
Bill: This is all your fault! Now get the hell out of here!

Eric: I admire you,, Bill, it takes a real vampire to admit he cannot protect his human.
Bill: And it takes a true monster to not care about anyone or anything other than himself.
Eric: I care about others.
Bill: You care about Godric. You had no obligations to Dallas or Texas. This is personal for you, why?

Stan: You should have told me Eric hired a fuckin' human, Isabel.
Sookie: Now wait just a minute.
Bill: [about Sookie] Respect her!
Isabel: [to Stan] I couldn't tell you, Stan. You've been off on your own for days.
Eric: Are you certain Godric was abducted by the Fellowship of the Sun?
Isabel: No!
Stan: Yes! They're the only ones with the organization and man-power.
Isabel: But they're amateurs. It doesn't make any sense. This is Godric we're talking about. Two thousand years old.
Stan: Old don't make you smart.
Isabel: Besides there's not proof.
Sookie: If they've got him, I'll hear it. That's my job.
Stan: There's not reason to wait. We need to take these fanatics down. Full out attack. Exterminate them like the vermin they are.
Isabel: [angrily sarcastic] Hmm, vampire hating church annihilated. Wonder who did it? Fucking brilliant!
Bill: I doubt the king of Texas would approve of the destruction of our international political agenda.
Stan: Fuck that. The great revelation is the biggest mistake we ever made.
Isabel: Don't use Godric to make your own little power play.
Stan: You're completely incompetent!
Eric: [almost yelling] What's happened to Godric that he surrounds himself with clowns?
Isabel: We invited you as a courtesy. This is not you territory. You have no voice here.
Stan: Yeah, sheriff. Why don't you run back on down to Louisiana. We don't need you or your puppets.
Eric: I'm not going anywhere.
Sookie: I'm nobody's puppet!
Stan: I have a plan.
Isabel: It's not a plan. It's a movie!

Isabel: I know how worried you were about Sookie infiltrating the Fellowship and I thought Hugo could help.
Bill: And why would you want to help us?
Isabel: Because Godric is my sheriff, not yours. It would be criminal to let you take such a risk without my at least offering.

Bill: I have no heart-beat. I have no need to breathe. There are no electrical impulses in my body. What animates you no longer animates me.
Sookie: What does animate you then? Blood? How do you digest it if nothing works?
Bill: Magic?
Sookie: Oh, come on Bill! I may look naive but I'm not, and you-you need to remember that.
Bill: You think that it's not magic that keeps you alive? Just 'cause you understand the mechanics of how something works, doesn't make it any less of a miracle... which is just another word for magic. We're all kept alive by magic, Sookie. My magic's just a little different from yours, that's all.

Lorena: [crying] I don't know how it got this way. I can't help that I still love you. You know I do. But now it has become a constant humiliation.
Bill: The pain you suffer you have inflicted upon yourself.
Lorena: When will we see each other again?
Bill: Never.
Lorena: We're immortal. Our paths are bound to cross eventually.

Sookie: I'm going to find Godric.
Bill: None of this has anything to do with us. Godric is not your concern.
Sookie: If it weren't for him I wouldn't be standing here. He's in pain. He's suffering. I gotta do something.
Bill: Don't you think we've done enough for Dallas?
Sookie: You of all people should understand how he feels. What if it were you, Bill? What if in eighteen hundred years, you were Godric?

Bill: [producing Sam] Maenad! I have your sacrifice!

Sookie: Claudine told me you would take my light.
Bill: She's afraid for you, and with good reason.
Sookie: What reason is that?
Bill: Every supernatural I have ever met believes the Fae were wiped out of existence... by vampires.

Duprez: Vampire priests?
Pam: Do you know nothing of our history?
Bill: Vampires have often found it advantageous to maintain a hidden presence in humanity's most powerful institutions. And in the 1600's that was the Catholic Church. And today, as you all know, it's Google and Fox News.

Eric: You killed a vampire, Bill. For a human. What are we gonna do about this?
Bill: What do you have in mind?
Eric: I'll take the girl.
Bill: No!
[long pause]
Bill: You can have anyone you want. Why do you want her?
Eric: Why do *you* want her? You're not in love with her, are you?
Bill: [incensed] Sookie must be protected.
Eric: Now, that sounds like an edict. But it couldn't be, because I would know about that. Admit it. You love her.
Bill: If I hadn't done what I did, would you have let his disloyalty stand?
Eric: Whatever I did to Long Shadow I would not have done in front of witnesses. Especially not vampire witnesses. Not smart, Bill. Not smart at all.

Sookie: [inside Fangtasia] This feels a little bit like what a vampire bar would look like if it were a ride at Disney World.
Bill: Well, don't get too comfortable. It tends to get more authentic as the night wears on.

Eric: [as Bill catches his arm] I don't like being touched.
Bill: [disgusted] Oh believe me, I do not like touching you. Your contact with Sookie will cease from this moment on.
Eric: Oh ,that's hardly your decision.
Bill: Callin' my maker 'cause you couldn't win Sookie for yourself is feeble and desperate, even for you.
Eric: [smiling] Are you picking a fight? I'd like to see you try.
Bill: She will never be yours and there's nothing you can do. In this you are powerless. Accept it.

Bill: May I call on you sometime?
Sookie: Call on me?
Bill: Um... may I come and visit with you at your home?
Sookie: Sure. My grandmother would love to meet you. Oh! That reminds me. Can I talk to you after work? I have a favor to ask you.
Bill: Of course. After all, I am in your debt.
Sookie: Not a favor for me, for my grandmother. If, if you'll be up... well, I guess you will be. Would you mind meetin' me around the back of the bar when I get off at... probably around 1:30?
Bill: I'd be delighted.

Bill: I need you to go upstairs and get cleaned up. Remove your makeup and make yourself presentable. I will not have you looking like a slattern.
Jessica: A what?
Bill: A... lady of the evening.
Jessica: Awesome!

Sookie: I was in that basement for two days. You don't even wanna know what almost happened to me down there. Where were you?
Bill: Sookie, it's...
Sookie: 'It's complicated' is not an answer. Every time I've needed you, you've always come runnin'. Even in broad day light. What kept you?
Bill: [reluctant] ... I was held.
Sookie: Held? Like kidnapped? By who? By Eric?
Eric: [walking up] Hmmm. I heard my name. I hope you are speaking well of me.
Sookie: Why should I? You let me walk into a trap.
Eric: I regret that. If I had known it was a possibility...
Sookie: You did know! But because it was Godric, you'd risk anything.
Eric: The bond between a vampire and his maker is stronger than you can imagine. Perhaps one day you'll find out.

Bill: [pulling her close] You think about whatever you think about. It's okay. You're safe with me.

Bill: [about Maxine's crazy trance] Does she ever calm down?
Hoyt: Playin' Wii gets her to focus, but I wouldn't call it calm!

Bill: [as Eric enters his home] I take it by your being here, there was no way around it then?
Eric: I can't really say. Didn't exactly look into it.

Bill: [while he is digging a grave for Jessica, to Pam] Would you leave her alone!
Pam: It's your own fault. You and your insane affection for stupid cows.
Bill: Just go away!
Pam: I wouldn't be here if the magister could trust you.
Bill: I fulfilled the conditions of my sentence! I murdered this innocent girl.
Pam: There was no murder. You drained her blood and gave her yours.
Bill: I've proven my loyalty!
Pam: Yes. But you're romantic, you're sentimental. You just might do something to keep the little blood bag from joinin' our ranks. I'll follow my orders. I won't let you stake her before she goes to ground.
Bill: I'm not gonna stake her. I'm gonna set her free.
Pam: You've already set her free. The same as Eric freed me.
Bill: Everyone she's ever known will recoil from her. Everything she's ever loved has been stolen from her.
Pam: Oh, please! There's no comparison. You've given that pathetic lump of temporary flesh...
Bill: Jessica!
Pam: The ultimate gift. You're a maker. You're a hero.
Bill: I find myself doubting whether you were ever truly human.
Pam: [smiling] Thank you.

Bill: There must be some people who know about your talent.
Sookie: The people closest to me. But, we never talk about it. And I do my best to stay out of their heads. Over the years, I've learned how. I figured it's kind of unethical to listen into my family, and my friends, my boss. But, they know. Other people suspect or they think I'm psychic. Most people just think I'm crazy.
Bill: [intrigued] What does it sound like?
Sookie: It's sort of like a stream of consciousness. Gets weirder when people are mad or upset. Sometimes... sometimes it's just images. I should be gettin' home.
[moves to sit up, surprised]
Sookie: Wow, I feel completely healed.
Bill: [definite] You are.
Sookie: Do doctors know that V juice can do this?
Bill: No. We wanna keep it that way. I should show you to your car.

Malcolm: [letting Bill in] Well look. It's everyone's favorite buzz kill.
Diane: Hey baby.
Liam: Yo mister mainstream. Thirsty?
[offers him blood]
Bill: No.
Diane: Hungry for something else? I remember you having a very sizable... appetite.
Bill: The three of you will stay away from me and Sookie from now on.
Malcolm: I'm your elder. You have no authority here.
Bill: There are higher authorities.
Malcolm: I'm not afraid of Eric.
Bill: Higher than him.
Malcolm: When then she can speak to me.
Diane: She can suck on sunlight for all I care.
Bill: You know, you are doing nothing to help our cause.
Diane: Not everyone wants to dress up and play human, Bill.
Liam: Yeah, not everybody wants to live off that Japanese shit they call blood, either. As if we could.
Bill: We have to moderate our behavior now that we are out in the open.
Malcolm: Not everybody thinks it was such a great idea and not everybody intends to toe the party line.

Bill: [after finding her bloody] Sookie... What did this to you?
Sookie: [choking] Bull... human... I couldn't see... Bill, I can't move.

Dr. Ludwig: [to Bill, about Sookie] You can give her blood now. Her body should accept it.
Eric: [moving fast to Bill, about blood] Mine is much stronger. Allow me.
Bill: Never!

Tara: [uptight] Did you own slaves?
Sookie: [shocked] Tara!
Bill: I did not. But my father did.

Sookie: [driving as Bill retches out the window] Bill?
Bill: [sitting back] I'm alright.
Sookie: No, you are not alright! None of this is alright. I'm callin' Eric!
[as Bill vomits again]
Bill: I will not turn to Eric!
Sookie: I've got to get you to Dr. Ludwig.
Bill: [sitting back again] Sookie, What happened back there? What did you do to her?
Sookie: I don't know. I swear. It was Maryann that attacked me in the woods, even though I don't have a scar. I could feel her there on my back when she was touchin' me.
Bill: I will kill her!
Sookie: Good. How?
Bill: Tara has been under Maryann's influence. Maybe she could be of some help to us.

Eric: [chained in silver] I... I offer myself in exchange for Godric's freedom and the girl's as well.
Steve: That's noble, but she's just as culpable as you are. She's a traitor to her race. The human race. She hardly deserves mercy. Maybe we should tie her to you so you could meet the sun together.
Bill: [charging in] Sookie!
Steve: [holding a gun to Sookie's head] One more step, vampire and the girl dies.
Bill: If you shoot her, everyone here will die. Let her go, now!
Steve: [to Sookie] Honestly, what do they see in you?

Eric: [at Fangtasia, about Jessica] She's your punishment, not mine. What am I supposed to do with her?
Jessica: Excuse me! I can hear you, mister rude! I wanna go to the bar. I wanna be one of those dancers. I'm hungry.
Bill: She won't listen to me! It will take more time than I have to teach her obedience.
Jessica: I don't obey anybody! Those days are over.
Eric: Can't handle one little girl, Bill? New ones can be like this. Man up, my friend. She's not even one night old.
Bill: That is not the issue!
Eric: [to Jessica] You want to stay with you maker, don't you?
Jessica: No, he's a dick! Dick, dick, dick.
[Eric chuckles]
Jessica: You're cute. Can I sit in your lap?
Eric: No.
Jessica: [whining] Why? Nobody let's me have any fun. Fuckers!
Eric: Sit down and shut up! Close the door.
[turning to Bill]
Eric: See, you have to be tough with them or they'll walk all over you.
Bill: I am well aware of that. But you see how she is and there are urgent matters to which I must attend!
Eric: Sookie Stackhouse? Haven't you done enough for her?
Bill: If any harm were to come to her because of my absense, you would be...
Eric: [leaning in intensely] What?
Bill: Without her helpful skills.
Jessica: Let me out! I wanna do something bad!
Bill: I would be in your debt. I would return the favor.
Eric: Oh yes, you will. You most definitely will.

Eric: [about Pam] She is extremely lazy, but loyal. How's yours? Jessica?
Bill: Petulant. Dangerous. Afraid.
Eric: I'm glad to see you two are bonding

Bill: [waking up as she comes back to bed] I dreamed you were gone.
Sookie: You did?... That's funny, 'cause I was.
Bill: [chiding] Sookie...
Sookie: It was only for a few minutes. I had to. Bill, it's the most amazin' thing. I met another telepath and he's not a vampire or very good at it. Oh, it's wonderful knowin' there's somebody besides me.
Bill: You made him aware of your gift after everything I've said?
Sookie: Not on purpose. We were in each other's heads before we knew it. I thought you'd be happy for me.
Bill: The more people know what you do, the harder it is for me to protect you.
Sookie: [about Barry] He can't even admit what he is to himself. He's not gonna do any talkin' about it.
Bill: You can't be sure.
Sookie: Yes, I can. I'm good at this. Look, if all we're supposed to do in Dallas is shut up and take orders, I might as well be slingin' beers at Merlotte's. You're the one who told me I was more than a waitress.
Bill: You are. But...
Sookie: What?
Bill: Never mind.
Sookie: Talk to me. Lean on me. I've leaned on you plenty.
Bill: Well, here I am responsible for you and Jessica. Yet no decisions are mine. It makes me feel...
Sookie: Like a human?
Bill: Like a waitress.
Sookie: You're walkin' in my shoes and it's givin' you blisters.
Bill: Eric is strangely intent about all this. It's not like him. I don't trust it.
Sookie: Don't you worry about Eric. We'll do the job and go home. A deal's a deal.
Bill: Sookie, you know what he's like. It's not like him to break a contract with a girl.
Sookie: A woman... he needs me. He won't wanna make me mad.
Bill: ...I can't lose you.
Sookie: You never will.

Bill: [in bed with Sookie after finding the cat dead] Aren't you tired?
Sookie: Everytime I close my eyes, I see her face.
Bill: Your cat?
Sookie: Gran. But now that you mention it, Tina's in there too.
Bill: You do know that I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. That I am here for you, to protect you.
Sookie: What if I don't wanna need to be protected? What if wanting to be protected makes me feel like the helpless little girl I used to be all over again?
Bill: Sookie... all of the things that you need to be protected from, all of the trouble you're in, you are in because of me. So, you needing to be protected has nothing to do with you or who you are. All of it is my fault. So why don't you just go to sleep and let me be the one to worry about it.
Sookie: Bill, all the trouble I'm in, it's mine. I chose it. I chose it when I chose you.
Bill: Yes, but...
Sookie: Don't you think I wanna blame somebody else? But what happened to my Gran, and now to poor Tina, it's my fault. And it's sweet of you to try to take it on from me, but if I let you, I'd be so mad at you, I'd never be able to look at you again. And right now your face is just about the only thing getting me by. So why don't we just leave it on me, okay?
Bill: [pause, accepting] Very well.
Sookie: Night Bill.

Talbot: [to Bill] I'll show you to your room.
Bill: My room? Your Majesty, you promised me an explaination.
Russell: And I have no intention of letting you leave without one.

Dr. Ludwig: I'll expect my payment by the end of the week.
Eric: It's always a pleasure doing business with you, Dr. Ludwig.
Dr. Ludwig: Fuck off!
Bill: Clearly the pleasure is one-sided.
Eric: She's no fan of the fang. She tolerates us, because our blood is of such great value to humans.

Bill: [about the other vamps] You saw them in the lair tonight. Despicable, vicious, petty creatures.
Sookie: You're different. You're not like them. No, you're not. You have a heart, whether it beats or not. There wasn't one vampire there who could say the same.

Sookie: [coming from the bathroom] I could kick myself. I'm so stupid! I wasn't thinkin'.
Bill: [about Eric] He did take bullets for you. At least we both came out alive.
Sookie: I know better than to believe one word outta that man's mouth. I sucked his chest! What is wrong with me?
Bill: Eric has had a thousand years pratice at deceit... He lied to prove his power to me. He counted on your goodness. There's no shame in that.
Sookie: But his blood, Bill. I tried to spit it all out. But some of it musta gone down.
Bill: It only takes a drop or two.
Sookie: He'll always know where I am and how I feel. Always. That's worst of all.
Bill: No, not the worst.
Sookie: What do you mean?
Bill: Don't be surprised if you... feel some... attraction to him. Sexual.
Sookie: [detest] To Eric? That's impossible. I-I can't stand him.
Bill: It is possible. Another consequence of the blood. Woulda happened sooner or later. He was determined to form this bond with you.
Sookie: I could kill him.
Bill: I concur.

Bill: [watching Sophie-Anne feed on her female slave Hadley's thighs] Uh... is this a bad time?
Sophie: [straightening] Bad time? There's no such thing as bad or time for that matter. Wanna join me?

Sam: [walking into Sookie's room] She's asking for you.
Bill: There something you want to say to me?
Sam: I want you to stay away from her.
Bill: You know Sookie doesn't take kindly to people making decisions for her.
Sam: You don't need to tell me who Sookie is. I know who she is. I've known a long time.
Bill: Well, then you'll also know that this is neither the time nor the place for you to... mark your territory.

Sookie: [opening the door and seeing Bill, all better] You're alive?
Bill: Well, technically no. But I am healed. I fed.
Sookie: Would you like to come in?
Bill: Yes.
[enters as she closes the door behind him. seeing her bruised face, he tries to bite his wrist]
Sookie: No.
[stopping him]
Sookie: Without my blood, it'll take weeks for you to heal.
Sookie: I don't care. After everything I just need to feel human right now.
Bill: I failed you.
Sookie: [smiling] You were willing to sacrifice yourself to save me.
Bill: But if I'd just been...
Sookie: My life is too short for all that.
[they kiss passionately]

Sophie: Maenads are sad, silly things... the world changed centuries ago and they're still waiting for the God who comes.
Bill: Does 'he' ever come?
Sophie: Of course not. Gods never actually show up, they only exist in humans' minds, like money and morality.
Bill: If I can't kill her, how do I get her to leave Bon Temps?
Sophie: She has to believe she successfully summoned forth Dionysus in hope he will ravage her and quite literally devours her until she is lost into oblivion.
Bill: So she seeks death? The true death. The only thing she has evolved beyond.
Sophie: Ironic, isn't it? You know, they're really not that smart, these maenads.
Bill: So how does she summon this non-existent god of hers?
Sophie: I never said he was non-existent. I just said he never comes. She believes if she finds the perfect vessel, sacrifices and devours part of him or her, plus surrounded by the magic of her familiars then her mad god will appear. At that point when she willingly surrenders herself to him...
Bill: That's the only point she can be killed.

Jessica: [enters with Eric and Pam] Hi, daddy.
Bill: [furious] What is this?
Eric: There are favors and there are... favors.
Pam: She is extremely annoying.
Bill: You can't do this! We had a deal!
Eric: Yeah, well now the terms have changed. She's yours, unless you wanna give me Sookie?
[laughs as he draws his fangs]
Eric: It's just a suggestion. Though a few nights with this one may change your mind.
Pam: Good luck.
Eric: [in Swedish, as they leave] O du ljuva frihet.
[translation: Oh sweet freedom]
Jessica: [as Bill turns to her] So, who's good to eat around here?

Bill: [to Sookie] I love nothing more than to see you happy. It's really quite selfish.

Lorena: [walking up to Sookie] Hello there. I'm Lorena.
Sookie: Nice to meet you. I'm Sookie.
Lorena: Hmmm, yes. You're what all the fuss is about.
Sookie: Excuse me?
Lorena: Aren't you a morsel.
Sookie: I'm sorry. Who are you?
Lorena: Well, we have a mutual friend.
Sookie: Bill?
Lorena: Funny, he never mentioned you. I practically made him what he is today.
Bill: [entering the room] Lorena!
Lorena: Oh, hello darling. I was just getting to know your plaything. You always did like to prey on the innocent.
Sookie: Bill, is this your maker?
Bill: She released me years ago. She no longer has any hold over me.
Lorena: Oh I wouldn't say that. We had two marvelous nights in your hotel room.
Sookie: What?
Lorena: Did you know your boyfriend hit me over the head with a fifty-two inch plasma screen television earlier tonight? Everyone always says they're so thin and light. But let me tell you when wielded properly, it's quite a weapon.
Sookie: [to Bill] You did?
Bill: Lorena, you need to leave!
Lorena: [to Sookie] I hope he doesn't pull the same shenanigans with you. There's no excuse for domestic violence.
Bill: What she has failed to mention is that she was holding me prisoner!
Lorena: [almost laughing] Cha! We were catchin' up, is all.

Bill: Sookie, Sookie, Sookie, Sookie, Sookie, Soo-!

Bill: [points the gun at the state trooper's face] Now, you listen to me, officer. I do not take kindly to you shining your light in the eyes of my female companion. And as I have more than 100 years on you, I do not take kindly to you calling me "son". So the next time you pull somebody over on suspicion of bein' a vampire, you better pray to God that you're wrong. Because that vampire may not be as kind to you as I'm about to be. I'm not gonna kill you. But I am gonna keep your gun. Does that sound fair?

Caroline: [opening the door with a gun trained] Who's there?... Good god in heaven.
Bill: [coming out of the shadows] Caroline, my dearest.
Caroline: The war ended three years ago... I was sure you had parrished.
Bill: I'm home now.
[embracing her]

Bill: You're connected. He'll be able to sense your emotions.
Sookie: You big lying A-hole.
Eric: Bill, you're right. I believe I can sense her emotions.

Elderly: My great-grandfather was in the 28th. I wonder if you might have known him. His name was Tolliver Humphries.
Bill: Tolliver Humphries. Yes, I knew him very well. We fought together. Tolliver Humphries was my friend. He was a brave man, perhaps to a fault. I dare say it contributed to his death.
Elderly: What happened? Were you there?
Bill: I was.
[flashes back to a battle field with wounded and dying men]
Bill: We were about twenty miles north of where I stand now. The federals outnumbered us 5 to 1 and they had better fire power as well. We spent much of the afternoon recovering the bodies of those we'd lost. There was a boy in our troop, no more than 13 or 14, who lay wounded in the middle of a field under poor cover. He called to us all day. He begged us to help him. He knew he would die if we didn't. I admit I had considered shooting the boy myself just to shup him up. But Tolliver convinced me that would be an act of murder, not war. He told me God wanted him to rescue that boy. I pleaded with him not to go. To think of his own wife and children back home. But he ran into that field like it was a cool spring day. They shot him just as he reached the boy. It was obvious to us that he was beyond help.

Bill: A fresh corpse full of blood, Detective, that's something no vampire could resist.

Bill: You've heard there's a maenad in our midst?
Sam: I'm familiar.
Bill: You are aware she is here because of you.
Sam: Something like that.
Bill: I need you and Sookie needs you to make this right.
Sam: If I thought it was as easy as givin' myself up to Maryann, I'd have done that by now, and what's to say she's gonna stop at me? Killers just don't suddenly quit killin'. You oughta know that.
Bill: And standing by idly is not an option either. You must come with me.
Sam: Oh, I'm not sure I wanna be doing that.
Bill: I'm not sure I'm giving you a choice.

Sookie: [gasping, hurt] Am I dying?
Dr. Ludwig: Yes.
Bill: No! She cannot die! You will save her!
Dr. Ludwig: Back off, vampire. Let me do my job!
Eric: Forgive him. Bill is abnormally attached to this human.
Dr. Ludwig: [working on Sookie] Well, we don't have a lot of choices. She's been poisoned. You ever heard of Komodo dragons? Their mouths are teaming with bacteria. After one has bitten you it will track you for hours, days just waiting for the toxins to slowly eat away at your nervous system. 'Til you're good and helpless. Then it will devour you alive.
Sookie: [gasping] I was... scratched by a dragon?
Dr. Ludwig: No, but this poison is similar but way more efficient. I don't think I've seen it before but it's hard to tell without further testing and we don't have that kind of time.

Lorena: [as Bill wakes up suddenly] Is somethin' happenin' to your human?
Bill: Lorena!
Lorena: [holding him down] I made you. Your blood knows mine. You will never physically overpower me.

Bill: [searching inside the bombed home] Sookie! Sookie!
Sookie: [on the floor, under Eric] Bill?
Eric: [weakly] I covered her. She's only stunned. Get the humans.

Lorena: [taking him back home for a last look at his family] You know you can never enter. Do you wish to see them grow old, grow feeble and die while you remain the same year after year?
Bill: [beseeching as tears of blood start] They are my family.
Lorena: They are as good as dead if they are found harboring a vampire. I've brought you here, and now it's time for us to go. Come.

Sookie: Bill, I think we should take her with us to Dallas. I think it would be good for you, because I think, deep down, you don't like vampires even though you are one.
Bill: So?
Sookie: Hating yourself is a bad thing.
Bill: I am a vampire. I am supposed to be tormented.

Bill: [to Jessica] Two-thirds of new vampires never survive the first year.

Sookie: I've know Tara my whole life and every trace of her was gone. Replaced. And here I thought vampires were the only one's who could hypnotize people.
Bill: No offense Sookie, but humans are shockingly susceptible to just about every form of thought manipulation.
Sookie: It's all comin' from Maryann. All of it. She-she eats people's hearts and she wants more. She wants their souls and that chant...
Bill: Chant?
Sookie: Lo lo Bromios, lo lo Dendrites, Eleutherios, Enorches, Bacchus.
Bill: [very serious] Bacchus!
Sookie: Bill... I've seen that look on your face before and I don't like it.
Bill: I read about some ancient creatures many years ago. But I always assumed it was just a myth. But I believe Maryann might be one.
Sookie: What is she and more importantly, how do we kill her?
Bill: I do not know how to defeat her, but I do know one vampire who might.

Jason: A lot of Americans don't think you people deserve special rights.
Bill: They're the same rights you have.
Jason: No, I'm just saying there's a reason things are the way they are.
Bill: Yeah. It's called injustice.

Sookie: [awakes to find Bill licking at her open head wound] Do I taste different from other people?
Bill: Yes. What are you?
Sookie: Well, apparently I'm not dead. What I am is telepathic. I can hear people's thoughts.
Bill: Even mine?
Sookie: No. That's why I like you so much. I can't hear you at all. You have no idea how peaceful it is after a lifetime of "blah, blah, blah."
Bill: May I ask you a personal question?
Sookie: Bill, you were just licking blood out of my head. I don't think it gets much more personal than that.

Bill: Jessica, I'm gonna have a guest coming over shortly...
Jessica: Can we eat her?
Bill: You may not!

Russell: Mr. Compton has accepted a position in my court and therefore keeps nothing from me.
Eric: [Looks at Bill] Oh... You're here of your own accord. Which means...
Bill: Sookie is no longer mine.
Eric: Huh.
Russell: A king in front of them, a queen behind them, and they're talking about a human girl.
Talbot: Men.

Bill: Sookie hates feeling like she doesn't have her independence.

Eric: I hope you'll enjoy your blood substitute, which is costing me $45.
Bill: I have no intention of drinking it, I just want you to pay for it.
Eric: You're so mature.

Jason: I'm goin' to Merlotte's and find out what the hell's happenin' on my turf!
Bill: Jason, if it is the same creature we think it might be, you don't wanna go any where near it. Trust me.
Jason: Mr. Compton, I ain't about to sit back and let some monster destroy my town.
Sookie: Jason, this would be one of 'those' times to use your head.
Jason: Oh I am. I ain't never been so clear in my whole life. This here, is the war I've been training for.

Sookie: [worried] So, you're not in any trouble?
Bill: A simple slap on the wrist. That's all.
Sookie: You swear? Because Pam made it sound...
Bill: Pam was turned almost a hundred years ago, and yet somehow still behaves as though every day were Halloween. She's all drama and theatrics. I assure you, everything's going to be fine.

Sookie: [arriving at Bill's house] See, I knew it. Underneath that tough vampire exterior, you're nothing but a big softy.
Bill: Don't tell nobody.
Sookie: [looking at the clothes] Wow, this is a lot of pink, Bill. I'm sure Jessica will love it.
Bill: Yes, well I remember when ladies clothing stores sold petticoats.
Sookie: [giggling] That's just weird.
Bill: Actually, I kinda miss my times. They left something to the imagination. Unfastenin' 'em required a certain skill.
Sookie: I think there's a Halloween store around here that might still have some.
Bill: [grinning] You are such a tease.

Bill: [back in the present] You released me. There was nothin' left between us. What could you possibly have to gain from this?
Lorena: You're making a fool of yourself with that girl. You have no future with her. Everyone knows it but you... Some day you'll see this for what it is. An act of love.

Bill: [leaning in close] Do you realize that every person in this establishment is staring at us right now?
Sookie: [shyly] Oh, their just staring at me because my brother is in some kind of trouble with the police. Bill, did you know Maudette Pickens?
Bill: I did not. They are staring at us because I am a vampire and you... are mortal.
Sookie: Well, who cares what they think?
Bill: Well, I want to make this town my home, so... I do.

Sookie: I don't know how you did things in the 1800's, but keeping a file on the woman you love, it's... creepy.
Bill: I have to know what you are, or else I can't protect you.
Sookie: But you have to trust *me*. And stop to thinking of me as a thing to be protected. I took care of Debbie by myself. I'm not afraid to spill a little blood anymore. Much as you want to be human, I think I'm meeting you halfway to vampire.

Sophie: Have you eaten?
Bill: Not tonight, but...
Sophie: I have several new members of court. A Latvian boy. Has to be tasted to be believed. Not polluted like most humans. Tastes exactly the way they used to taste just after I was turned. Before the Industrial Revolution f****d everything to hell. Should I summon him?
Bill: No, thank you.

Bill: [to Sookie as she helps Eric] What are you doing?
Sookie: [spitting out a bullet] I sucked silver out of Eric's chest to save his life, even though I really didn't want to.
Eric: ...She was superb.
Bill: Eric was in no danger.
Sookie: W-what?
Eric: A tiny falsehood.
Bill: He was already healing. The bullets would've pushed themselves out. This way he's... forced you to drink his blood.
Sookie: No! No! No!
[getting to her feet]
Bill: You're connected. He'll be able to sense your emotions.
Sookie: [to Eric] You big lying a-hole.
Eric: Bill, I think you're right. I think I can sense her emotions... sweet.
Sookie: [to Eric] I'll never do anything for you again! Monster!
Bill: [to Sookie] It's not your fault.
Eric: I think I'm gonna cry.

Sookie: You said you could glamour somebody into letting you bite them? What is that? Hypnosis?
Bill: Kinda. It's similar. All humans are susceptible to it.
Sookie: Have you done it to me?
Bill: [affronted] No. And I never will.
Sookie: Really? Try it.
Bill: No. I don't feel comfortable with that.
Sookie: You chicken?
Bill: [stops walking and stares intensely into her eyes] Sookie?
Sookie: [hypnotic] Yes?
Bill: Can you feel my influence?
Sookie: [laughs] No! Not a bit! Sorry.
Bill: [confused] Sookie, this is very strange.
Sookie: You don't like not being able to control people, do you? That's not a very attractive trait, Bill.
Bill: Humans are usually more squeamish about vampires than you are.
Sookie: Who am I to be squeamish about something out of the ordinary?

Sookie: [after chasing off the Rattrays] Oh, bless your heart. I am so sorry I didn't get here faster. You'll be okay in a minute, right?... Do you want me to leave?
Bill: No. They might come back and I can't fight yet.
Sookie: [a dog begins to bark and runs up to Sookie, licking her face] Oh! Hey, there, dog.
Bill: He's checkin' on you.
Sookie: That's just some old dog that hangs around the bar sometimes. He must live nearby.
Bill: [still staring at her] Oh, no doubt.
Sookie: [goes to remove the plastic tubing on his arm, and he quickly pulls his arm away] I reckon you're not too happy about being rescued by a woman.
Bill: Thank you.
Sookie: [trys to read him] I can't hear you.
Bill: [louder] Thank you.
Sookie: [kneels down and holds his head between her hands] No, no, no. I can hear you, but I can't... Oh, my stars.

Sookie: I'm a fairy? How fucking lame.
Bill: Fairy is but one of the names.
Sookie: What other names are there?
Bill: Finodrerr. Ellyllon. The Old People.
Bill: ... Aliens.
Sookie: God fucking damn it. I really am an alien.

Bill: This is where I spend my days.
[Shows Sookie where he sleeps]
Sookie: Does anyone ever get in there with you?
Bill: This is not a place for you.
Sookie: So, we can never sleep beside each other?
Bill: No one else knows where I rest.

Sookie: Your hand is cool.
Bill: Yes. Uh, I'm afraid I'm not as warm as the men that you must be accustomed to.
Sookie: What men?
Sookie: So, what can I get for you tonight?
Bill: What are you?
Sookie: I told you. I'm a waitress.
Bill: No. You're something more than that. You're something more than human.
Sookie: [giggles] I beg your pardon?
Bill: Sookie... that's an unusual name, Sookie. Is it short for something else?
Sookie: Nope. Just... just plain Sookie.

Bill: It doesn't matter if we ever meet again. You may be immortal, Lorena. But you are dead to me.
Lorena: [tearfully before leaving] I wish you hadn't said that.

Ludis: I can have the sex with you!
Bill: That will not be necessary.

Sookie: [to Eric] So if I agree to go to Dallas to help look for this missing vampire, you'll let Lafayette go?
Bill: No! You nearly died last night. You are not going to Dallas.
Bill: Bill, I can make up my own mind.
Eric: I will pay all of your expenses, of course. And yes, I will release your friend.
Sookie: And I want $5,000.
[to Bill]
Sookie: I've missed a lot of work and I need a new driveway.
Eric: [to Bill] Your human is getting cocky.

Bill: [entering the house] May I trouble you to use your phone?
Olivia: [pushing her tank back into the living room] I don't have one. I had to chose between my oxygen and my phone. And since no one calls me anyhow, I chose oxygen.

Olivia: [very dazed as she wakes up] Who are you?
Bill: That doesn't matter... what's your name?
Olivia: Olivia.
Bill: That's a lovely name. Now listen, Olivia. I was never here tonight. You will not remember what I've done to you.
Olivia: What did you do to me?
Bill: [smiling] Good girl. Now before I go, can you tell me where I am?
Olivia: In my house.
Bill: And what parish do you live in?
Olivia: I live in Copiah county.
Bill: [alarmed] Mississippi?
Olivia: Yes.
Bill: [handing her money] I want you to have this. It's from Stanley. He came to see you.
Olivia: He did?
Bill: He wanted you to have it to show you he appreciates everything you have ever done for him.
Olivia: He's such a good boy, my Stanley.
Bill: I have to go now. Good bye, Olivia.
[leaves quickly]

Uncle: [seeing Bill suddenly] I... I don't keep cash in the house.
Bill: Oh, I'm not here for money... I'm here for Sookie.

Sookie: I rescind your invitation!
Bill: [crushed] Sookie, don't. Please... Sookie. Please.

Malcolm: [girlishly] You never called me back. Now, if I remembered what feelings were, mine might be hurt.
Diane: [circling Bill] Join our nest, Bill. Forget these blood sacks.
Liam: Yeah. Mainstreaming's for pussies.
Diane: Let's party like we use to, huh? We used to have so much fun.
Bill: [never taking his eyes of Sookie] All right. Let's go.
Sookie: What the hell are you doing?
Bill: I should be with my own.
Sookie: But you're not like them. You're better than they'll ever be.
Bill: I am not human, Sookie. I am vampire.
[leaves with Malcolm and his gang]

Bill: Sookie, you cannot be frightened of everythin' you don't know in this world.
Sookie: Well my world's openin' up mighty fast! And what I got here may be boring, but it's safe! And after the past couple of nights, safe sounds pretty good about now.

Bill: Why this allegiance to Godric?
Eric: He is much beloved by his subjects.
Bill: Only kings and queens have subjects Eric. Not Sheriffs.
Eric: Godric could have been king of Texas had he wanted. He could have been king of any vampire territory anywhere. He is twice as old as I am and very powerful. There are none above him in the new world.
Bill: Well if he's so powerful, how could they abduct him?
Eric: Now that is what worries me. If one such as he can ben taken by humans, then none of us are safe.

Lorena: I'll let you play your little game of hard to get. You're gonna be that mh sweeter when you're mine again.
Bill: You know, Russell was right. You're not very smart. You played yourself into a corner, you tiresome cow.

Eric: [after Bill tells him what attacked Sookie] The head of a bull?
Bill: That's what she said. It was dark. It all happened in seconds.
Eric: You didn't see this... bull-man?
Bill: No.
Eric: And you gave her your blood?
Bill: I didn't work.
Eric: [thinking] Hmmm.
Bill: You ever heard of anything like this?
Eric: Surprisingly, no.

Bill: I wanted to thank you for trusting me with your life. It couldn't have been easy.
Sam: Sookie's safe. You got what you wanted.
Bill: You wanted it too.
Sam: Well, she's family, but they all are. If there was a way to save 'em, I'm not gonna say 'no'.
Bill: I am grateful you would reveal your gift for the sake of the town.
Sam: It took me this long to realize you suffer a lot longer hidin' something than if you face up to it.

Sookie: [to Bill about Jessica] You killed her?
Bill: Not entirely. No.
Sookie: Well you obviously did something to this... this...
[to Jessica]
Sookie: How old are you?
Jessica: Seventeen.
Sookie: Oh my god. Where your parents?
Jessica: [to Bill] Is she always like this?
Sookie: [to Bill] So what then? You bit her?
Bill: Yes.
Sookie: You drained her?
Bill: Yes.
Sookie: Did you have sex with her?
Bill: No!
Jessica: Eww! Gross!
Bill: Jessica was brought to me as a condition of my punishment. I had to create a vampire as reparation for the one I destroyed to save you.
Jessica: [to Sookie] So this is all your fault?

Bill: [to Jessica] Your bed-time will be at 4 a.m. and not a minute later. And whilst you're under my roof, hunting is completely forbidden.
Jessica: [snapping] Like I'd know where to find people in the bum-fucked town! Are we even in a town?

Jason: I need you to forgive me.
Bill: [confused] What?
Jason: You love my sister and there ain't no reason why you shouldn't be able to. All this time, I let my stupid ignorance stand in the way.
Bill: Thank you. But I am also in your debt for helpin' rescue Sookie.
Jason: After all I did to fuck everything up, it's the least I could do. I-I'm just sorry it took so long to wake up to it.
Bill: Well you did, just in time.

Bill: [to Hoyt] Are you gonna leave or am I gonna have to throw you out! Through a window that is closed!
Sookie: Bill, that is just rude!
Bill: Sookie, I've got this.

Bill: I need to know how to kill a maenad.
Sophie: A maenad, in Bon Temps? That's random.
Bill: Yes. She seems to have caused some sort of mass hypnosis. The whole town has devolved to a primitive state in a matter of days.
Sophie: Oh my. She's an old one. Well, they're all old. Relics.
Bill: Ancient Greece, correct?
Sophie: Before that even. Orgies, sacrifice?
Bill: Yes.
Sophie: Cannibalism?
Bill: We suspect.
Sophie: Oh, fun!
Bill: So, how do I kill it?
Sophie: You can't. She's convinced herself she's immortal and so she is.
[Bill looks confused]
Sophie: William surly you know everything that exists imagined itself into existence.
Bill: Umm... I'm not entirely familiar with that theory, no.
Sophie: [musing] Well, think about it. Imagine that you're a wild young girl who's married to some jerk who treats you like property and is also fucking some 14-year-old boy. And along comes this religion which encourages you to get hammered, run naked through the woods, have sex with who ever, what ever, and it's all part of getting closer to God?
Bill: I can see how that would have it's appeal, especially to humans with their tendencies towards puritanism.
Sophie: Exactly! So you're fucking everybody in the dirt, why not kill something and eat it raw? Hey, you're super pious. There's nothing you can't do and each time you do, it brings you one step closer to the divine.
Bill: Isn't that delusional?
Sophie: Never under-estimate the power of blind faith. It manifests in ways that bend the laws of physics or breaks them entirely.
Bill: I bit her and it poisoned me.
Sophie: Of course it did. We can only drink human blood, and she's no longer even remotely human.
Bill: But she started out as human?
Sophie: Hello. Evolution? We started out that way too.

Bill: [to Sookie] Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere.

Bill: You're only making matters worse for yourselves by holding me captive.
Russell: Oh, no one's holding anyone captive. We're uh, we're conducting business. You're a guest in my house.
Bill: Guests are invited. Guests can leave at their own accord.
Russell: Once you've heard my proposal, so can you if you chose.

Bill: If you wanna torture anyone, torture me!

Bill: [struggling] You're the one in charge, is that correct?
Cooter: I got vamper juice all over my good touring gloves.
Bill: If you have any kind of orders to keep me alive, you are about to fail. At the rate you're drainin' me, I will die!

Sookie: I never thought I would be having sex with you. At least, not so fast.
Bill: [flashes his fangs] Who said anything about sex?
[Sookie wakes up from her dream]

Lorena: [in 1935, shouting] I gave you everything! Everything and you've thrown it away, moaning over what you've lost. You disgust me.
Bill: Than let me go!
Lorena: No. I made you and you are mine!
Bill: You know I don't love you!
Lorena: You never tried.
Bill: [seething] I have spent decades tryin'! I despise myself for what I did for you! God help me. I killed innocent people to prove to that I loved you! But it was pure annilism... I do not, I cannot, I will never love you.
Lorena: Men have readily laid down their lives to spend just one night with me. What more can I give? What is it that you want from me?
Bill: Choice... Let me go.
Lorena: With out me, you would be alone forever.
Bill: You're the one who's afraid of that. You are the saddest, loneliest creature I have ever known.
Lorena: How dare you!
[throws him into the table]
Lorena: ... You hate me that much?
Bill: Let me go!
Lorena: [tearfully] I cannot live without you.
Bill: [putting the stake to his heart] You'll have to.
Lorena: No! Don't!... As your maker... I release you.

Lisa: [as they're eating ice cream] Bill, how come you can't have ice cream?
Bill: You might say that I'm lactose intolerant.
Coby: Just like my Aunt Fern. 'Cept she don't tolerate Mexicans.

Sookie: How long before sunrise?
Bill: Forty one minutes.
Sookie: Hold me for forty?

Lorena: I may not be able to make you feel for me. But I will make you feel.
Bill: You have always so enjoyed making others suffer.
Lorena: And there's nothing wrong with that. Especially after having been made to suffer as I have been.
Bill: You haven't suffered at the hands of others for a very long time.
Lorena: I am suffering now!
[She cuts open his chest]
Bill: Please. Do it quickly.
[She cuts her finger and places it on his wound mixing their blood together]
Lorena: Even as you face the true death I will be inside you. Not Sookie. Me.
Bill: I wish I had known you before you were made. Before you turned hard. I would like to have seen you smile with light in your eyes instead of darkness. That, would have been something
[She starts to cry]
Lorena: I have no choice. William

Bill: Aren't you afraid to be out here alone with a hungry vampire?
Sookie: No.
Bill: Vampires often turn on those who trust them, you know. We don't have human values like you.
Sookie: A lot of humans turn on those who trust them, too.
[wraps silver chain around her neck]
Sookie: I'm not a total fool.
Bill: Oh, but you have other very juicy arteries. There is one in the groin that's a particular favorite of mine.
Sookie: Hey, you just shut your nasty mouth, mister! You might be a vampire, but when you talk to me, you will talk to me like the lady that I am!

Bill: [seeing Jenella's bloody body] You know, y'all make me sick.
Diane: You used to be fun. This all on a count of that little breather?
Bill: If you insist on flaunting your ways in front of mortals, there will be consequences.

Eric: Since you like humans so much, I think you would want to protect them. The vampires here, they're like cowboys, if they don't get Godric back, they'll want justice. They'll start attacking people.
Bill: Open aggression against humans? That's insane.
Eric: Well, it's Texas.

Lorena: That was the best sex I've had in decades.
Bill: At least someone enjoyed it.

Sookie: I was diagnosed with ADD. They tried to put me on drugs, but my momma wouldn't let them. She knew that wasn't it. She tried to protect me even though I scared her.
Bill: [knowingly] When did you lose her?
Sookie: Just before I turned eight. Both my parents, flash flood.
Bill: I lost my wife and my children. Everyone I knew from my human life. Most of them are buried here in this cemetery.
Sookie: You really don't consider yourself human at all?
Bill: I'm not human.

Sookie: Jess, I feel like we got off to a bad start and it is totally my fault. I never got to hear your side of things, find out what you're like. None of that. Can you forgive me?
Jessica: [skeptical] You really wanna get to know me?
Sookie: Of course I do. You deserve that and frankly, I'm curious about you. I've just got one huge favor to ask. Give me tonight with my boyfriend and we'll have all night tomorrow to ourselves. Just us girls.
Jessica: Sure. I mean I guess I got nothing but time now, right?
Sookie: [as Jessica leaves] Good night.
Bill: Must say I'm impressed. It's almost like you glamoured her.
Sookie: Did you have anything to do with Uncle Bartlett's death?
Bill: ...He hurt you.
Sookie: [stunned] Oh my god. Is it that easy for you to kill? Does human life mean so little, you can just kill on command? Toss someone in the water? I can't have people dyin' every time I confide in you. I never felt more inhuman than when I had to kill Rene. It still haunts me and now you're made me feel like I killed another person. I feel sick... I always thought as different as we are, some how we can still be together. And now I don't know. I don't know anything...
[almost crying]
Sookie: Please says something, Bill.
[walking away]
Bill: [catching her at the door] Sookie... I cannot and I will not lose you. For all the ways I have dismayed, aggrieved or failed you, I swear I will atone. But I am not sorry. I refuse to apologize for what you have awakened in me. You, you are my miracle, Sookie. For the first time in a hundred and forty years, I felt something I thought had been lost to me forever... I love you.
Sookie: [crying] God damn it, Bill Compton. I love you.