The Best Lisa Douglas Quotes

Lisa: How's the new job?
Phil: I'm still thankful to be back at the FBI. I mean, even if it is behind a desk. What about you? I haven't seen you since you moved over to the E.R. How's it going?
Lisa: Hmm, leaving the rehab wing was tough, but I love the new challenge.
Phil: That's great. And now we turn to the great communicator, Luke Alvez. What's up with the BAU, Luke?
Luke: Everything's good.
Phil: Well, that's actually more than I expected.

Luke: Hey, it's me.
Lisa: Is everything okay?
Luke: Yeah. What, a guy can't call his woman in the middle of the day just to say "how's it going"?
Lisa: Aw. Luke Alvez, you listened.
Luke: Technically, no. I-I called. I didn't text.
Lisa: And your one-upsmanship will be justly rewarded upon your triumphant return home, which hopefully is soon.
Luke: I hope so. How about I pick up a bottle of your favorite wine on the way back and you order Thai from that late-night place down the street and we get under the covers and watch the new season of our favorite show 'till sunrise?
Lisa: How about we do something else until sunrise?
Luke: Yeah, I got to call to check in more often.
Lisa: Unfortunately, it can't always be Thai food and sex.

Luke: I'm glad you came over, man. It's been a while.
Phil: Well, you should have called earlier. I would have helped you out with the move.
Luke: Oh, most of Lisa's stuff was here already. It was just a last couple things.
Phil: Hmm. Classic Luke Alvez. Willing to go at it alone.
Lisa: Oh, you should have seen him wrestle the bed frame at my apartment. He kept saying "Don't worry, Lisa. Just stand back."
Phil: "I got this."
Luke: You two are the worst. Okay, that's exactly why I didn't invite you to help.

Luke: I got an Army Ranger buddy of mine coming to pick up you and Roxy. Okay? John and his wife Carla. They live off the grid. You'll be secure with them. I'll call you when it's safe.
Lisa: You'll call? You're not coming with us?
Luke: No.
Lisa: [realizing] Because you're going after him.
[stopping him as he moves to leave]
Lisa: Look at me, okay? Just look at me. Your best friend was murdered, and I know you're hurting, but don't do this. Please, don't do this.
Luke: I have to.

Lisa: So, Garcia's wall hanging...
Luke: Yeah, I, um... I know.
Lisa: Where do you want to hang it? There's a nice big space over the record player. It should go there.
Luke: Wait, you like it?
Lisa: I love it.

Lisa: Listen, I wanted to thank you again for dinner, but I don't think it's gonna work out between us.
Luke: Okay. Um, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. I mean, I-I thought we hit it off. But, uh, I guess I was wrong. Am I wrong?
Lisa: No. But... for any relationship to work, I believe it needs to be truthful, and at dinner, you weren't honest with me.
Luke: What are you talking about?
Lisa: You told me you don't have kids.
Luke: I don't.
Lisa: Your co-worker, Garcia, before you two left, she said you'd need a sitter for your sweet little girl.
Luke: [connecting the dots] Roxy.
Lisa: That's her name?
Luke: Yeah, but she's not my daughter. She's my dog.
Lisa: A dog?
Luke: Yeah. A very sweet Belgian Malinois.
Lisa: Oh, boy. Do I feel like a jerk.

Lisa: Matt told me what happened before he left. I'm so sorry, Luke.
Luke: Go pack a bag.
Lisa: Pack a bag? Wait. You need to tell me what's going on here.
Luke: The guy that killed Phil, I knew him. I worked with him. And the two cops outside the door aren't gonna be able to stop him.

[last lines]
Lisa: [returning Luke's key to him] Give me a reason not to leave.
Luke: The threat's over. It's safe.
Lisa: That's not what I mean.
Luke: [intending to leave, she picks up her purse] I met Phil Brooks on August 10, 2007, after an attack on Mosul. Body count was high. The highest that I'd ever seen. And this little girl... this little girl died in my arms. Phil was there. It sounds stupid, but, uh... he was the first guy that I ever cried in front of. And we both got into the FBI, and, uh... when we thought he lost his legs, we... we cried again.
[breaking down]
Luke: Sometimes it's hard, you know, this job. It's hard to find someone that you feel safe with.
Lisa: [holding him as he cries] You're safe with me.

Lisa: [to Alvez about Garcia] There's a very colorful girl who's trying to get your attention.

Phil: What's new with Penelope? Is she seeing anybody? What's up?
Luke: Come on, bro. How many times do I have to tell you, you are no match for Penelope Garcia.
Phil: I'm smart. I'm considerate, and stable.
Lisa: Mm-hmm. Don't forget employed.
Phil: Ah, employed. Man, I'm like the total package, man. Come on.
Luke: I don't know, okay? I'm not even sure she's looking. I've been busy at work.
Phil: Oh. Anything interesting?
[Luke avoids answering]
Phil: Come on, man. I'm getting frostbite out here.
Lisa: He does the same thing to me when I ask about the cases. I can't even get a middle of the day "how's it going?" text from the guy.
Luke: [amused] The two of you.