The Best Peter Harper Quotes

Peter: Why did you stop? Come on, I want feedback.
Mark: I'll have notes next week, Peter.
Peter: Oh, come on, Mark. Now is not the time to be shy.
Mark: I'd rather not.
Peter: What is it you'd like to say? Speak and be heard. So, please continue.
Mark: Is something wrong?
Peter: You plagiarized my work. That's what's wrong. For three months I confided in you. I told you everything.
Mark: Listen to me.
Peter: You told me that if I wrote about my fantasies, they would go away. Instead, you just took them from me.
Mark: I said that it would help suppress...
Peter: No. No. All you really wanted was to take what was in my head for yourself.
Mark: Excuse me? Let's get one thing straight. You are weak. What I did, you could never do yourself.
Peter: Was she going to be next?
Mark: Who?
Peter: Tammy. Was she next? Answer me. I can't let you have her. That one's special. She was gonna meet with me, you know.
Mark: Peter...
Peter: She makes me feel normal. We have a real connection. And now you want to take her away from me?
Mark: You should be honored that I chose your stories. I did everything that you described, down to the smallest detail.
Peter: I see. And that's where you're wrong.
Mark: What are you talking about?
Peter: There's one detail you got wrong. I never cared about the tongue. That was you.

Jennifer: Peter, I know he betrayed your trust. Just put the knife down and we can talk about this.
Peter: You don't know what it's like... the thoughts and the images that won't go away. This is my only option.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Peter, that's not true. Listen, I know exactly what it's like. Right now is the part where I'm supposed to lie to you, tell you that everything's gonna be okay and that we can somehow help you, but the fact of the matter is, Peter, I don't know if we can. There might not be any form of therapy that ever takes these urges away.
Jennifer: Spence, what are you doing?
Dr. Spencer Reid: But that doesn't mean you stop trying. Peter, no matter what happens, you have to keep trying. I know it's not what you want to hear, but at least it's the truth.
Peter: I appreciate your honesty.
[cuts his throat]

Tammy: Who are you? What am I doing here?
Peter: God, you're even more beautiful up close.
Tammy: Don't touch me. Who are you?
Peter: It's me, Peter.
Tammy: Oh, my God. Why are you doing this?
Peter: I need your help with something I've been struggling with for a while now.
Tammy: What is it?
Peter: I need you to convince me not to kill you.

Peter: Patricia, Nicole, Laurel, those are my girls. These are my stories. My stories.