Top 50 Quotes From Elisabeth Shue

Ali: You remember Johnny Lawrence? Right.
Daniel: How can I forget?

Johnny: Your wife's paying the bills, huh?
Daniel: Says the guy who grew up eating free lunches here.
Ali: Okay, you guys really like fighting each other.
Daniel: He's instigating. I'm just defending myself, as usual.
Johnny: She knows firsthand that's bullshit.
Ali: [sighs] This is exactly the problem. You say one thing, and then *you* say the opposite. You both think there's only one side to the story.
Johnny: I know. There's two.
Ali: No, there's three. There's your side...
[looks at Johnny]
Ali: ... and your side...
[looks at Daniel]
Ali: ... and then there is the truth. And the truth is, you guys are more alike than you want to admit. And maybe you recognize parts of yourself in each other, and maybe you don't always like what you see.
Johnny: I guess it's possible some small part of all of this is my fault.
Daniel: Yeah. Me too.

Ben: Wow. You look extremely beautiful.
Sera: I do?

Julie: Hey, you the great thing about IUD's?
D.B. Russell: Besides the obvious?
Julie: [Undisturbed] They have serial numbers!

[last lines]
Sera: I think the thing is, we both realized that we didn't have that much time. And I accepted him for who he was, and I didn't expect him to change, and I think he felt that for me, too. I liked his drama, and he needed me. And I loved him. I really loved him.

Starlight: [after Starlight is presented with a revealing new costume] Look I appreciate the effort, I really do. But I prefer my old outfit.
Madelyn: We're not.
Starlight: Excuse me?
Madelyn: Starlight, like I said before, this is a partnership. And in a partnership we give and we take.
Starlight: It's my body. I have the right to choose how much of it I show.
Madelyn: That is true, you do. You just won't be doing it in The Seven, unless it is wrapped in that.

Julie: Cause of death: terminal stupidity.
D.B. Russell: Cause of death: karma. Guy steals house, house kills guy.

Ben: Don't you think you'll get a little bored, living with a drunk?
Sera: Well, that's what I want.
Ben: You haven't seen the worst of it. These last few days, I've been very controlled. But, I knock things over and throw up all the time. But, right now, I feel really good. You're like some sort of antidote that mixes with the liquor and keeps me in balance. But, that won't last forever.

Sera: I know this really cool place in the desert. We could go away for a couple of days.

Sera: [Ben has been on another binge] I want you to see a doctor.
Ben: Sera... I'm not gonna see a doctor. Perhaps now would be a good time for me to move back to a motel.
Sera: And do what? Rot away in a room? We're not gonna talk about that. Fuck you, we're not gonna talk about that!
[starts to cry]
Sera: You're staying here! You could do this for me. I've given you gallons of free will around here.
[throws her chopsticks on the table]
Sera: You could do this one thing for me!
Sera: I have to go to work now.

Morgan: So, how is the Blood Whisperer doing with the blood portrait?
Julie: Not so bloody well!

Ben: Are you working?
Sera: Working? What do you mean working? I'm walking.

Johnny: I want to apologize.
Ali: Johnny Lawrence, apologize?

Marty: Where are we? When are we?
Doc: We're descending toward Hill Valley, California, at 4:29 pm, on Wednesday, October 21st, 2015.
Marty: 2015? You mean we're in the future?
Jennifer: Future? Marty, what do you mean? How can we be in the future?
Marty: Uh, Jennifer, um, I don't know how to tell you this, but I... you're in a time machine.
Jennifer: And this is the year '2015'?
Doc: October 21st, 2015.

Julie: Doc, can you explain this text I got from Hodges? Okay: "Nobody knows what the nose knows until the nose knows it. See Doc"
Dr. Al Robbins: Our friend Hodges has the gene that allows him to smell the bitter almond odor of cyanide. It's a gift
Julie: He has so many gifts
Dr. Al Robbins: Oh, yeah.

Julie: Aren't vaguely Dickensian suburban kids Russell's department?

Sera: So, for 500 bucks, you can do pretty much whatever you want. You can fuck my ass.
Ben: Oh, my God.
Sera: You can cum on my face. Whatever you want to do. Just keep it out of my hair.
Ben: Okay.
Sera: I just washed it.

Sera: Don't you like me, Ben?
Ben: Sera... what you don't understand is - no, see, no. You can never, never ask me to stop drinking. Do you understand?
Sera: I do. I really do.

Annie: Every single word that I say up here, I'm reading from a script. I didn't write any of these words. I don't even know if I believe in them. I mean, I believe in God, I love God so much, but... honestly, it's... it's just how goddamn...
[crowd gasps]
Annie: ...certain everyone is around here. I mean, tickets start at, what, 170 bucks, so that these people can tell you how to get into heaven? How do they know? How does anybody know? When the bible was written, life expectancy was 30 years old. I mean, I'm not so sure you're supposed to take it literally. It also says that it's a sin to eat shrimp. What, if... if you're gay or if you're... Gandhi you're going to hell? I mean... And if you have sex before marriage, that's... that's not immoral. That's human. What's immoral is the guy who shoved his dick in my face.
[crowd gasps again]
The: [watching from the Seven's meeting room] Shit.
Madelyn: [watching from her office] Shit.
Annie: [Looks over at her mom and then back to the crowd] Here's the truth. Anyone who tells you they know the answers is lying. And I know, I know, I'm supposed to be this hero-idol-symbol-whatever, but... I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm just as scared and confused as the rest of you. I'm done pretending, and I'm done taking any more shit.
Annie: Thank you.

Daniel: Ali, is it really you?
Ali: I think so.

Sera: I think the tough times are finally behind me. There'll always be bad things, but... my life is good. It is as I want it to be. It's good. It's good being here with you.

Sera: So, Ben with an "N"... what brings you to Las Vegas? Business convention?
Ben: I came here to drink myself to death.

Sera: What's the story? Are you too drunk to cum?
Ben: I don't care about any of that. There's time left. You can have more money. You can drink all you want. Just stay. That's what I want. I want you to - talk or listen. Just stay.

Madelyn: Gods are pure and perfect. And above the law. And the need to stay that way.

Ben: Want some?
Sera: Isn't it illegal to drink and drive?
Ben: That's pretty funny. I wonder if you'll take $250 - to fuck me? That is, if you come to my room for one hour, I will give you $500.
Sera: You're pretty drunk.
Ben: Not really.

Sera: Why don't you stay at my place tonight? I mean, look, you're pretty drunk. I like you. I trust you.
Ben: Wow. Wow. Well, that's astonishing, Sera.
Sera: No. I just hate to think of you in that cheesy motel.
Ben: Well, look I'm going to move to a real smart hotel tomorrow if it will make you feel better. Let's talk about tomorrow. Do you want to do something?
Sera: Yeah, sure. But, we're going to talk about it tonight - at my place.
Ben: I'm not much good in the sack, Sera.
Sera: Ben, it's not about sex. I'm going to make you up a bed on the sofa. We're going to talk till late. We're going to sleep till late. As you know, I am my own boss. Do it, Ben.

Starlight: You fired Ashley?
Madelyn: It was actually a mutual decision. She wanted to explore different career paths and, um, we wished her well.
Madelyn: So, I would like you to take this in the constructive spirit that it is intended.
Starlight: [frowns] Okay.
Madelyn: You are a selfish, arrogant child.
Starlight: Wow.
Madelyn: Back in Iowa, I bet you watched a lot of Queen Maeve's movies, right?
Starlight: I did.
Madelyn: She was a rebel. Didn't take anyone's shit, didn't play by the rules. That's what you wanted to be. That's what American heroes are. But it's a myth. I should know, because I wrote it. The truth is, dozens of people in this company spent hundreds of hours to create the thing that is you.
Starlight: I never asked for that.
Madelyn: Then why don't you burn the sparkly outfit and become a cop? You want to be a superhero. You want to be famous. But nobody's famous alone. So why don't you cut the petulant diva shit, show a little fucking gratitude, and let us do our job?
Starlight: No.
Madelyn: I'm sorry?
Starlight: I mean, I don't mean to be ungrateful. But no red carpets, no reality TV, and no Noxzema commercials. And I want my old outfit back. I'm gonna save people.
Madelyn: Then I think we may need to reconsider your position in The Seven.
Starlight: And I think that firing an employee after she reported sexual assault on live TV might tank your stock price.
Madelyn: [taken aback] Well, I hope we can count on your discretion.
Starlight: I'm sorry, I don't do discretion anymore. If anyone asks me who did it, I'm going to answer honestly.
Madelyn: Well, it's great that you want to tell the truth. I just don't know to whom you're referring.
Starlight: Oh, I think you know. I think you've known for a long time.
Madelyn: [unsettled] Thank you so much for coming, Starlight. I have a lot to think about.

Female: I'm sorry; you can't just walk in here!
Julie: This badge says that I can!

Sera: So, Ben with an "N" - what brings you to Las Vegas? Business convention?
Ben: No. I came here to - drink myself to death. Cashed in all my money, paid my AmEx card, gonna sell the car tomorrow.
Sera: So, how long is it gonna take for you to - drink yourself to death?
Ben: I think about - four weeks.

Ben: You know I love you, yeah?
Sera: Yeah, I know... I love you. I love you.

[Jennifers from two different times confront one another]
Young: I'm old!
Old: I'm young!

Sera: You go back to your hotel and I'll go back to my glamorous life of being alone. The only thing I have to come home to is a bottle of mouthwash to get the taste of cum out of my mouth. I'm tired of being alone. That's what I'm tired of.

Julie: [Talking to a suspect] That is not even a good attempt at a lie!

Jennifer: [Marty floors his truck in reverse and turns the other way while Needles speeds off down the street] Did you do that on purpose?
Marty: Yeah, you think I'm stupid enough to race that asshole?
[they watch as a Rolls-Royce pulls out of a driveway, not yielding the right of way, and Needles screeches on his breaks and zips around it. Marty is shocked to realize something valuable about his fate]
Marty: [to himself] I would have hit that Rolls-Royce.

Julie: Look, I know you wanted to see me. So, let me guess: two week suspension, with pay, pending outcome of IE investigation
D.B. Russell: No, you're not gonna be suspended, Jules. A matter of fact, you probably gonna get a medal!

Sera: So... why are you killing yourself?
Ben: Interesting choice of words. I don't remember. I just know that I want to.

Sera: What's up?
Ben: I was looking for you tonight. I don't know if you have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend; but, if you have some free time, I thought maybe we could - get some dinner.
Sera: Are you serious?
Ben: Oh, I think you know I'm serious.

Jennifer: Dr. Brown, I brought this note back from the future and - now it's erased.
Doc: Of course it's erased!
Jennifer: But what does that mean?
Doc: It means your future hasn't been written yet. No one's has. Your future is whatever you make it. So make it a good one, both of you.
Marty: [Marty wraps his arm around Jennifer] We will, Doc.

Madelyn: Do you know what's interesting? The Deep told me, and only me, that there were scorch marks on the mayor's engine almost like two small high intensity beams roughly the with of human eyes.
Homelander: Say what you mean to say.
Madelyn: Your brand is hope, baseball, America, sunshine. You don't do vengeance.
Homelander: Madelyn, I heard him. Through the walls, he was blackmailing you.
Madelyn: I'm the last person you need to save.
Homelander: But I did it for you.
Madelyn: I know. but did the timing occur to you? I have half the senate's comity coming tonight.

Julie: We cannot trust the evidence anymore, DB!
D.B. Russell: You know how crazy that sounds?
Julie: Do you disagree?
D.B. Russell: Doesn't matter if I agree or not. If we don't trust the evidence, then how we're gonna stop this guy?

D.B. Russell: What do we know about him?
Julie: He won't return my calls, so he is either a very busy man or he may be hiding something

Jennifer: Did you do that on purpose?
- Yeah, you think I'm stupid enough to race that asshole?
- Jeez! I would have hit that Rolls-Royce.
- It erased.

Sera: Are you saying that your drinking is a way to kill yourself?
Ben: Or, killing myself is a way to drink?

Ali: Sometimes it's good to visit the past, to know where you are now. But you can't live in the past.
[to Johnny Lawrence]

Ben: Sarah, with an "H"?
Sera: With an "E". S-E-R-A. Sera.

Julie: Are you thinking what I am thinking?
D.B. Russell: I have no idea what I am thinking!

Sera: I walked into the room, and he was lying on the bed. He had his arms behind his head and there was just hair everywhere. He was really, really fat. And he had a large erection. I remember he was so proud of his - large erection. And I asked him where my money was, and he pointed to the dresser. And then I asked him what he wanted and he said, "Lie down, I'm on top." He started - pounding me really hard. I remember I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying. And he did that for awhile, and then I started to get up. And he pushed me back down, and he held my hair. He was pulling it, and he stuck his penis in my mouth. I tried to get up again, and he said, "Stay there, baby, I'm gonna come on your face." So he did. Then he rubbed his semen all over my face and in my hair. And then he kicked me off the bed and he told me to leave.

Sera: That's nice talk, Ben - keep drinking. Between the 101-proof breath and the occasional bits of drool, some interesting words come out.

Ben: Giving you money makes me want to come.
Sera: Then come.

Sera: How do you feel?
Ben: Like the kling klang king of the rim ram room.