The Best Filip 'Chibs' Telford Quotes

Jackson: [to Marks, whose car just pulled up unannounced] You're a little early. Twelve inches a slave doesn't shoot until this afternoon.
August: [Unamused] Get in.
Jackson: So much for playful banter.
Filip: [Very dry] I think they're still sensitive about the whole slave thing.
Jackson: My bad.

Filip: [after the club killed the Irishman who wanted Connor Malone dead] I think the words you're lookin' for, Con, are thank you very much.

Jackson: [while digging up the pastor's very ripe body] You okay?
Filip: No. All this shit... it triggers my Catholic superstitions.
[Takes a swig of whiskey]
Jackson: Trust me. If this guy's got a ghost, it's lookin' for a bus full of dead school boys.
Filip: That's comforting.

Filip: [after Jax drives the SUV through a wall into the warehouse, crashing cases of Irish liquor and trapping Connor] Another fine Irishman brought down by the bottle.

Filip: I was raised a Catholic. Everything's a worry for me.

Filip: Thanks for yesterday.
Sheriff: For the sex or the heads up?
Filip: For the heads up. *You* should be thanking *me* for the sex.

Eli: I know explosives when I smell it.
Jackson: I can't tell you who, but I can tell you why. We're trying to end a relationship.
Eli: [Sarcastically] Oh. Then she's very pissed off.
Filip: [His voice dripping with old world and hard won wisdom] Aye. She sure is.

Filip: [Referring to Sheriff Jarry and Wayne] Any idea why Cagney and Lacey are here?

Filip: [to Juice, about the MC rule of no blacks allowed] Listen, the rules have been around since day one. Different time. I'm not sayin' I agree with them all. But, you know... if I start pickin' and choosin' which ones to follow then... the whole thing just falls apart.

Happy: [Shoots the already dead Miles 4 times] Lyin' bitch.
Filip: [With sarcasm] Did you get 'im?

Filip: [Jax tries to toss Greenblatt out the window to make it look like suicide. But, he only breaks the window and gets hung up on the window frame and falls on one of the shards of glass dieing instantly. Chibs gestures with his gun] *That*... was a very sloppy suicide.
Jackson: Yeah? It worked. He's dead.

Filip: Hey, Clay.
Clarence: Get to work, shithead.
Juan: [to Chibs] Pretty sure he was talkin' to you.

Filip: [after whispering with Bobby and Quinn, he moves back to where SAMCRO and the Grim Bastards are trying to get info from Flint's gang] Alright, let's just move this along, shall we... boys? We *get* it. You're not gonna tell us. We know you're lyin'. Things get heated. Then...
[He puts a gun to Flint's shoulder]
Filip: we get *here*!
[Everyone pulls a gun now. Bobby rides his bike to the street right across from the meeting and Quinn is pulling a length of chain off a swingset]
Filip: Right, fellas, over there. I suggest you put your guns down.
[They do not. He looks over at Tig and Cross and shoots one of the other gang members in the leg without looking]
Filip: Anyone else wanna roll around on the ground?
[the other gang members all drop their guns, and Chibs puts his back on Flint's shoulder]
Filip: Now, my little crippled friend. I'm gonna ask you one more time. Who was driving the Impala that took out our brothers?
Flint: Sorry, man. I can't understand a God damn word you're sayin'. You guys got any idea what Clan McDouchebag is talkin' about?
[Quinn attaches one end of the chain to Flint's wheelchair and Tig brings the other end and attaches it to Bobby's bike. Bobby pulls out and drags a screaming Flint down the street, running him into anything he can. Chibs moves to Cross]
Filip: Sorry 'bout that. Had to speed up the process. Jax just got out of the County.
T.O. Cross: Zoom zoom.

Filip: Talked to Belfast. They're up to speed. Now we'll just try to find some known IRA addresses here in North Cal.
Alex: We're off to Oswald's now.
Jackson: Yeah.

Connor: [Realizes he has nowhere else to go and must work with the club] Okay. I'll make this work.
Filip: *And*...
Connor: [sighs] Thank you.

Filip: [Handing the gavel to jax in the burned out remains of the clubhouse] We're gonna get through this, brother. Ya hear me?

Filip: [At the table with the club except for Jax. It's deadly quiet. He speaks quietly, his heart in his throat] We know what has to happen. It's what this charter needs to do. We can't allow... our hearts... to be louder than our reason. All those...
[Fighting tears]
Filip: All those in favor... All those in favor of Jackson Teller... meeting Mr. Mayhem.

Kid: Think you guys can double up and let me take one of your bikes?
Jackson: [Points towards Chibs] Not unless he grows tits.
Filip: Big tits. Huge tits.
[Jax slaps Chibs's hand with his his and they both smirk]