The Best Gabrielle Union Quotes

John: So man, have you ever taken anything from here?
Matt: No, I never really saw the point.
Keesha: I think I'd be too afraid I'd get caught.
John: Oh no, come on, everybody knows that if anybody gets caught, I'm the one they'll blame.

Alfred: ...I obtained a raise for you, 25 extra dollars a month on top of what you're already making. That's 300 for the whole year. Will that be sufficient?
Vivien: What job classification?
Alfred: Surgical Technician, I got you promoted.
Clara: [Politely sarcastic] Promoted, to what he already does.

Lucy: Hey, Keesha, why do you think somebody burned down your church?
Keesha: Because we're black, and they think that if they destroy our church, they can destroy our faith.
Mary: Yeah, but that doesn't make any sense.
Keesha: I know. I mean, a roof just keeps the rain off your head.

Taylor: Careful of what? OK, I could win this thing in flourescent lighting, on the first day of my period, cloaked in T.J. Maxx. Ok? My mother was prom queen in '71, my cousin - prom queen in '82, and my sister would have been prom queen in '94 if it wasn't for that scam on the Conway Bed tour bus, okay? I am a goddamn legacy, all right? And besides, not to be a bitch, but who's gonna beat Taylor Vaughan?
Katie: God, I hope that's not your acceptance speech.

Clara: You know... in 13 years, Doctor Blalock, I don't recall you ever stopping by our house.
Alfred: I don't recall ever being invited.

Lucy: It's not fair!
Keesha: Listen, life isn't fair, okay? Deal with it.
Lucy: I know, I'm sorry.
Keesha: You apologize more than anyone I know.
Lucy: I know. I'm sor... I mean, I know.
Keesha: If you're mad at someone, tell them. Don't just apologize for your anger.