The Best Grace and Frankie, Season 2, Episode 12 Quotes

Babe: Inhale peace, exhale joy.

Babe: They also make fudge that'll knock your b*** up your a**.

Grace: I don't know why she has to blow everything out of proportion. Ya know, I might have said some terrible things to her but I was drunk. I didn't mean it.
Babe: Oh. Really? Did you know in North Korea they use vodka as truth serum.
Grace: No they don't.
Babe: Then Dennis Rodman's a fucking liar.

Mallory: Madison, honey, when you were with Grandpa and Grandpa earlier, did you say the "F" word?
Madison: What's the "F" word?
Mallory: Uh, it's a bad word. It starts with "F " You know, "fu" F-Fu...
Madison: Fallopian tube?

Babe: You're the kindest person I know. And in all my many travels, my most dearest treasured friend.
Frankie: Yeah, you say that to all the people you ask to kill you.

Frankie: [telling Babe her final joke] I'll never forget what my grandfather said to me just before he died.
Frankie: "Are you still holding the fucking ladder?"