The Best Green Arrow Quotes

Mia: Okay. When Lyla said an army, I thought she meant an... army.
Green: She did. It's just that... we've never faced one like this before.

Batwoman: I'll take that upgrade now.
The: Oh, uh, if I could have one of those without losing an appendage.
Batwoman: Mm-hmm.
The: [taking a batarang] Oh, so cool! Incredibly balanced. Carbon fiber?
Mia: Your friend talks a lot.
Green: Yeah, you get used to it. Hey, Ray, focus!

Damien: Oh, you brought arrows to a gun fight.
Green: What guns?
[turns on magnetic arrow taking the A.R.G.U.S. agents' guns]
Damien: Oh, that was actually pretty clever. Kill them.

Felicity: Hey, Oliver, we gotta talk. Earth to Oliver.
Green: [with each blow] I'm. A little. Busy. Right. Now.
Felicity: Well, it's not like you're dealing with Damien Darhk. I mean, these are just some ninjas.
Green: If you were here, you might have a little more respect for "just some ninjas".
Felicity: Okay, this is serious. Barry and Iris need to know if we're going to their wedding.
Green: Of course we're going.
Felicity: Yes! Okay, so I'll RSVP yes, then.
Green: Barring further ninjas.
Felicity: Perfect.

[first lines]
Green: Oh, wow! You really did it this time, Barry.
The: Seriously?
Green: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, seriously! You to come to Star City, ask for my help, and then, inevitably, immediately, we end up the creek!

[as they duck behind a church pew as Vandal Savage fires the Staff of Horus]
Green: Any ideas?
The: Oh, now you'll listen to me?
Green: It's your city.

Green: I know what happens to Barry and Kara.
Mar: Mm. And now you're here in the faint hope I can alter it.
Green: Well, you just said you were a god. Now, I don't think you're testing to see if we're strong enough. I think you're testing us to see if we're good enough. And I don't think, in any of the universes you've tested, that anyone has ever stood and confronted you like this.
Mar: Yes. You are the first in a multitude.
Green: I'm not who you need! You said I'd pass the test if I knew my true self. My true self is filled with darkness. But Barry and Kara are different. They inspire hope. They inspire people because they are the best of us. And if this test of yours is gonna kill our best chance at stopping this crisis, well, as gods go, you're not a very smart one.
Mar: The universe is a very complex piece of machinery, and balance must be maintained. One change requires another. How would you propose I keep the balance?

The: Oliver! It is time!
Green: Has the planet been evacuated yet?
The: Not entirely.
Green: Then it's not time.

Vandal: You tried those arrows once before, remember? They didn't quite finish the job, now, did they?
Green: I'm not gonna make that mistake again.
The: You're gonna leave Kendra alone.
Vandal: I can't do that. While my destiny is to live forever, Chay-Ara's is to die, as is yours now.

Green: Don't move!
Vandal: Then how will I kill you all?

Green: We need to expose his wings.
The: I'm open to suggestions.
Green: What, now you're listening to me?
The: It's your city, Oliver.

Mia: So, what is this? The proverbial calm before the storm?
Green: Something like that. Remember, Mia, whatever happens... find your mother. Tell her how much I love her.