100 Best Oliver Queen Quotes

Oliver: There is a difference, Barry, between having powers and having precision.
Barry: Okay, when I came here thinking 'bout going out and helping people, you said I could be an inspiration.
Oliver: Living this life... well, it takes more than a mask. It takes discipline. And since you are probably as stubborn as I am...
[Oliver brings out his bow and arrow]
Barry: W'ya... What is THAT for?
Oliver: You're gonna run over there, you're gonna come back at me, and you're gonna get hit with an arrow.
Barry: [laughs] No, I'm not.
Oliver: [laughs] Yes, you are.
Barry: Okay. Fine. I will humor you.
[Barry runs up the field]
Barry: Ready?
Oliver: Ready.
[Oliver fires an arrow at Barry, he runs towards Oliver and catches it]
Barry: Nice try.
[Hidden arrows behind Barry strike him in his back]
Barry: Gah! Ah! What, you shot me?
Oliver: I heard you heal fast.
[Oliver pulls the arrows out of Barry's back]
Barry: Ahh! Oh, God!

Barry: Uh, well, since you guys are here, why don't we team up? I'll help you find your boomerang man, you can help me find my super rage-a-holic.
Felicity: We'd love to.
Oliver: No, we'll handle our business and head home.
Felicity: The fastest way to find out everything we need to know about the boomerang is to sic S.T.A.R. Labs on it.
Oliver: Enough people know my secret identity.
Felicity: Fine. I'll go. They already know who I am. You can drop me off and I will meet up with you later.
Barry: How 'bout I give you a lift?
Felicity: Whoo!
[takes Felicity and speeds off]
John: Man, that's not freaking you out?

Elseworlds: [with Barry in a headlock] Make him close it or I snap his neck!
Oliver: No!
Elseworlds: Then your friend dies.
Oliver: [drawing a kryptonite arrow] Not if I kill you first.
Barry: Oliver, don't! Not to save me. Okay, you don't have to do this. You don't have to channel your darkness. You can overcome it. You can be different. You can be better. Maybe that's it. Maybe that's the Monitor's test.

Oliver: I have a prison like this. Mine's on a nearly inhospitable island in the north China Sea, but this works too.

Cisco: I can't believe that you guys escaped an alien spaceship. Key words: "alien spaceship". I have questions.
Oliver: They can wait. Thanks for helping me get my sister home.
Nate: Yeah, man.
Oliver: What's our status?
Barry: Nothing, since the Dominators paid their little visit to mess with our heads.
Nate: Why would they do that?
Ray: What if they were trying to pit us against each other, in order to gain intel about metahumans?
Felicity: Man, I wish they would just send us an IM with a questionnaire.

Barry: Don't tell me you came to say sorry.
Oliver: I try to avoid saying that word.
Barry: Look, man, I get it. You were just trying to help in your own Oliver way, trying to get a rise out of me so I'd fight like you.
Oliver: Well, yeah, but it's more than that, Barry. I've been doing this for a very long time. And nearly every time that I learn a lesson, it comes with a painful memory. I've watched friends die, I've had to kill to survive. When I'm the Green Arrow, I channel those painful memories. I draw on a darkness every time I draw back my bow. So to see you with all of my abilities, just laughing and joking around, it pisses me off! More than I would care to admit.
Barry: Whenever I run, whatever I'm feeling inside, grief, guilt, I've gotta just let it go and focus on whatever I'm running toward: Iris, my friends, all the joy in my life. When I'm happy, I run faster, just like when you phased earlier. You were having a good time.
Oliver: You couldn't dislocate your thumb until you got angry. If you're gonna be the Green Arrow and I'm gonna be the Flash...
Barry: ...Maybe we need to start acting more like each other.
Kara: [opens the door, appearing] Yes, finally!
[Barry and Oliver both scoff, looking offended]
Kara: Super hearing. Sorry. But I've been sitting in there, waiting for you guys to figure this out, because I have a lot of thoughts, okay?
Oliver: I should smile more.
Kara: Yeah, maybe you should. It might help. You guys have to act the parts. Come on, try it.
Barry: What?
Kara: You know, like...
[deepens her voice and growls]
Kara: "I'm the Green Arrow."
Barry: [does the same] "Wear a mask."

Oliver: The attack's starting. Ramsey's fed his cells into the breach. Soon, they are going to infect your world and all of the worlds yet to be born.
Barry: I have to stop him. You have to get me out of here.
Oliver: It's not that simple.
Barry: You have the power of a god. You can bring me back from the dead.
Oliver: No, I can't... not while there is a part of you that doesn't want to go back.
Barry: That's not true.
Oliver: You've always been a terrible liar.

Kara: Either of you have saved the world before?
Barry: Mm-hmm.
Oliver: Last year.
Barry: It sure beats screwing up the world.
Kara: Hey, you are too hard on yourself.
Oliver: That's what people usually tell me.
Kara: And for good reason, I'm sure. But, back on my Earth, it's just me and my cousin. Between the two of us, we're more powerful than...
Barry: Yeah, everybody in this room combined.
Kara: No, no. That's the point. That's what you've all proven her. Meta-humans or not, superpowers or not, you are Earth's mightiest heroes.

Oliver: Dampener's down. Now what?
Barry: You're gonna have to phase us out of here.
Oliver: I have to what?
Barry: Phasing. That's when I vibrate at the frequency of air, causing all the cells in my body to get so excited I can pass through solid objects.
Oliver: Right, phasing.
Barry: [Oliver preps himself] Want any advice?
Oliver: One second here, Barry, please.
Barry: I'm just saying, it's not an easy move, and if you screw this up, then you're gonna come out of the phase halfway through the glass.
[Oliver laughs]
Barry: What? Why are you laughing?
Oliver: I didn't realize... your thumb looks ridiculous.
Barry: [seeing his still-dislocated thumb] Oh, my god!
Oliver: I didn't realize that's how mine looked.
Barry: [Oliver starts vibrating] Well, look at that. You did it. Great.
[grabbing Ollie's shoulder]
Barry: Don't leave me, man.
Oliver: [phasing out of the cell] Figured it out.

Carter: You're Priestess Chay-Ara, I'm Prince Khufu, and we're lovers, soul mates. We've been partners for 4,000 years. We're drawn to each other in each life, and after we die, we reincarnate to find each other again and again and again. And now that I've found you, we should really get out of here.
Cisco: Okay, Romeo, why don't you pump the brakes.
Carter: These people cannot protect you from Savage any longer.
Oliver: Do you know who Vandal Savage is?
Carter: In every lifetime, he hunts us down and kills us. He's done it 206 times, and I'm not planning to make it 207.
John: Why does he kill you?
Carter: His life force is tethered to ours. Every time he kills us, he becomes more powerful. You do the math.
Cisco: You're 0 for 206, and you still think you're her best bet, hmm?
Barry: Okay, so what we need to do is just find Savage and get rid of him.
Carter: Well, you can't get rid of him, my friend.
Barry: Oh, yeah? Watch us.
Malcolm: [appears out of the dark] It might be harder than you think.
Barry: Is that the only way this guy knows how to enter a room?
Malcolm: My associates tell me Savage left Star City a few hours ago.
John: For where?
Malcolm: We're not quite sure, but I assume after his run-in with you, he realized he needed something more powerful to complete his mission. We think he's trying to locate the Staff of Horus.
Thea: Sorry, what is that?
Carter: It's a relic from our past. An ancient and powerful weapon. If Savage gets his hands on it, it's going to be nearly impossible to stop him.
Cisco: Since when did our lives suddenly become an "Indiana Jones" movie?

Kara: That woman didn't seem surprised to see me.
Alex: How did she even know you were on this Earth?
Barry: And how was she as strong as you?
Oliver: That archer matched me, shot for shot.
[looking at the surveillance video of Prometheus-X in the Pipeline]
Oliver: I think it's time we got some answers.
Jefferson: Yeah, uh, he ain't exactly talking.
Oliver: So let's make him talk.

Oliver: We have to keep the Dominators at bay.
Dr. Martin Stein: This might help. I've mass-produced a small devide that, when placed on individual Dominators, will cause indescribable agony. Not the nicest invention, but this is war.
Barry: Nice going.
Dr. Martin Stein: The caveat, of course, is that if we activate the weapons before all the devices are placed on the Dominators, they'll know what we're up to.
Oliver: Well, we gotta do it fast.
Barry: Only way I know how.

Harbinger: There's a wave of antimatter sweeping across this universe... destroying everything in its path.
Oliver: I've seen the antimatter wave in action. It wiped all of Earth-2 right out of existence.
Harbinger: I've brought you all to Earth-38 because this is where the Monitor wants you to make your stand. This universe is the tipping point. If we don't stop the antimatter wave here, it will continue to the next universe, and the next and the next... until it has obliterated not only every Earth, but everything... across all reality.
Oliver: All right. So we are going to need a bigger team. Where's Barry? Where are the Legends?
Harbinger: Doing reconnaissance. I'm headed to check on them now.
[vanishes in a flash of light]
Batwoman: I... still don't like her.
Alex: Well, Brainy's algorithm will help forecast exactly how much time we have until the antimatter wave hits.
Supergirl: Thank you all for being here. I know we can beat this together.

Ramsey: The Flash and Green Arrow together again? I am honored.
Green: Don't be.
The: Wally, you don't have to do this.
Ramsey: Too late, Flash. Wallace worships a new faith now. He worships at the altar of Bloodwork.

Barry: Wait. If you're here, that means I'm really...
Oliver: You're dead. Otherwise, why would I let you hug me that long?
Barry: But if I'm dead, no one's there to stop them. Iris, the baby, the-- the whole world is in danger.
Oliver: I know. But it's not just your world in danger. When I took on the power of the Spectre, I thought I was simply creating Earth-Prime. But I was also making something else-- a new Multiverse to replace the one that had fallen.
Barry: But when we fought the Red Death, she thought she escaped her timeline into an alternate one.
Oliver: She is from Earth-4125.
Barry: You're numbering them?
Oliver: I've had a bit of time on my hands-- keeping an eye on threats to these new worlds, like your friend Ramsey Rosso. He wants to spread in infectious cells to every world out there.
Barry: No, I mean, Ramsey's powerful, but he's not capable of something like that.
Oliver: Right, but with Wally by his side... Wally thought that he was projecting his consciousness in the Speed Force to reach alternate timelines, when, in fact, he was reaching other Earths. So, if Ramsey's control over Wally becomes permanent...
Barry: He'll gain control over the Multiverse, too.

Khione: I understand. It was you. You're the presence that told me to go back to S.T.A.R. Labs so that I could save Diggle.
Oliver: Khione, you're connected to the natural world, so you were able to use your powers to expel the unnatural inside of John.
Khione: That's a lot to digest. I'm going to meditate.

Oliver: I can't believe you're really doing this.
Barry: Yeah, man. What can I say? I got the girl. And so did you. You ever think about making it official?
Oliver: Again? Yeah. Um... I think that with everything going on right now, it's just not the... it's not the right time.
Barry: You love her?
Oliver: I love her so much.
Barry: Put a ring on her. People like us are always gonna be getting into trouble, right? Having someone we love by our side just makes getting out of that trouble that much easier. We have something to fight for. If I can have my happy ending, so can you. I promise.
Oliver: I'm supposed to be the all-knowing mentor.
Barry: I have been known to catch up.
[Oliver grins and leaves]
Barry: What's wrong? You didn't react to my joke. Oh, that's fine. He got it.

Oliver: Oh, Barry, Barry, Barry... what have you done this time?

Oliver: I guess we're in Earth-X's Star City.
Ray: I have to say, that's one hell of a story. You're a speedster.
Barry: Yeah.
Ray: [to Jax and Martin] Okay, you two turn into the burning man.
Jefferson: Yup.
Ray: [to Oliver] And you're the good doppelganger of the Fuehrer.
Sara: "Good" might be an oversimplification.
Leo: You still haven't told us which Earth you're from. Clearly it's not from this one.
Barry: We're from Earth-1.
Leo: Earth-1? Well... golly.
Jefferson: Am I missing something here?
Ray: I'm from Earth-1 too.
Barry: If you're from Earth, then you know we got here, don't you?
Ray: Yeah, I have a pretty good idea.

Kara: Cisco?
Cisco: Hey, Supergirl, Barry. Oliver.
Barry: You believe us now?
Cisco: Yeah. We all do. Sorry we locked you up. But if you feel like forgiving us and coming back to Earth-1, we've got a little bit of a sitch back home, like a "please, for the love of God, there's a killer robot destroying the city" kind of sitch. We could use some help.
Oliver: Let's do it.
Kara: [to Clark] You wanna tag along?
Lois: If you don't, I will, Smallville.
Cisco: Cool. Who are you?
Clark: A friend.
[he rips open his shirt, revealing his superhero costume underneath]

Sara: You know, Oliver... I've seen playboy Oliver, vigilante Oliver, but I never thought I would see parent Oliver.
Oliver: It's weird, right?
Sara: So weird. But... it looks good on you.

Thea: Count me in.
Oliver: For what? I thought you retired.
Thea: Yeah, but it's... it's aliens.
Felicity: Aw, that is so cute. You guys are just gonna get together and go fight some aliens - have you lost your mind? There are aliens, and there's only four of you.
Barry: Not if we get Stein and, you know, all the others.
Oliver: They're calling themselves the Legends.
Thea: Egotistical, but catchy.

Oliver: Get the extrapolater and get out of here.
Iris: I can't let you do that, Barry.
Barry: Iris, please, I know how weird this is, but somewhere inside you, you know we're telling the truth, that it's me, Barry. Do you remember when I first moved in? Joe brought me to the house after my mom was killed. I looked at you and I said "My dad didn't do it." And then you said...
Iris: "I believe you."
Barry: You always did. And now I need you to believe me again. Iris, you're my lightning rod.
Iris: [handing the extrapolater back] Quick, before I change my mind.

Minister: Welcome to you all. I'm honored to be presiding over the wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West. Although I don't know them well, I know that this is a good match. How do I know that? Well, because of you. Because of all of you looking out at their friends and their family, and seeing the joy on all your faces, seeing how happy you are for them. Tells me everything I need to know. It tells me that these two people deserve to be together. They deserve to be happy and fulfilled, and they deserve a long life together. And now to the standard housekeeping. Does anyone have just cause why these two should not be married? Speak now or forever hold your peace.
[the minister is blasted by a laser beam, and Earth X-ers enter]
Overgirl: Peace is overrated.
Iris: Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
Oliver: Nazis?
Oliver: I hate Nazis.

Barry: These are the Dominators. We don't know much about them.
Supergirl: Except they're really strong. I... I heard a lot of stories about them when I was a kid. They... they came to my planet before I was born, they did experiments on a lot of people, killed a lot more.
Thea: Well, they're not the only ones with superhuman strength. I hear Barry says you're more powerful than a locomotive?
Oliver: We should use Kara as a stand-in for training.
Mick: Since when was Robin Hood calling the shots?

Oliver: Okay.
Barry: Okay, what?
Oliver: Okay, we'll help you catch your bad guy.
Barry: Great. Meta-human.
Oliver: I am not calling him that, Barry.

Mar: Self-sacrifice alone will not see you through this trial. Survival will only be found by knowing your true self. Or this world will be doomed, like all the others.
Oliver: Okay, that's enough.
Barry: [they find themselves back in the apartment building hallway] That was very glass-half-empty.

Oliver: My identity is a closely-guarded secret known only to a few and, if it were to get out, will endanger my family, my friends, and it would embolden my enemies to retaliate at me through them.
Felicity: What Oliver is trying to say is that he had a lovely time working with you and getting to know each of you, and he can't wait to do it again soon.
Oliver: Right.
Cisco: You know, it didn't sound like that's what he was saying.

Oliver: Why are we in your secret prison?
Barry: It's not a prison. It's a Tesla conductor tube that dampens meta-powers... Okay, it's a prison.

Supergirl: Okay. I think I have this. Oliver.
Oliver: Green Arrow.
Supergirl: Dig.
John: Spartan.
Supergirl: Thea.
Thea: Speedy.
Supergirl: Okay. And Sara.
Sara: White Canary.
Supergirl: Jax and Professor Stein.
Jefferson: Firestorm.
Supergirl: Ray.
Ray: Palmer. The Atom.
Supergirl: And Mick.
Mick: Hmm? Oh. Heat Wave.

Lois: Do you have any idea where the book is?
Barry: If I were him, I'd keep it somewhere secure enough to also hold a Kryptonian.
Oliver: Easy. S.T.A.R. Labs. That place is under lock and key. I did time there once.
Oliver: Hey, so do we.
Barry: We... we did.
Cisco: What'd you do? Did I say you could touch me?
[to Barry]
Cisco: Did I say he could touch me?
Barry: I don't know.
Cisco: I missed that part.
Superman: [simultaneously with Lois] I have to go.
Lois: You have to go.

Iris: You know what, I think you call Captain Singh and you ask for a dy off. Look, with all the superhero-ing you've been doing, I think you've earned it, honey.
Oliver: You think maybe I should go into S.T.A.R. Labs?
[Iris laughs]
Oliver: What? What?
Iris: Only my husband would think working on Speed Force equations would be called a day off. I love you, Barry Allen.
Oliver: [hesitantly] I love you... Iris West-Allen...

Barry: Wait, hang on. You're not going to... boop me again, are you? It kind of killed the Speed Force last time.
Oliver: No, no, I'm not gonna-- not gonna boop you.
[punches Barry]
Barry: [wakes up in the living world] Ow! That hurts.
Oliver: Living hurts. Add it to the list.
Barry: Wait. You came back, too.
Oliver: It's just temporary. I can only intervene when the Multiverse is in danger.
Barry: I think you missed me.
Oliver: [opens a case and grabs his bow] Not as much as I missed this. Let's go kick some ass.

Oliver: We should consider doing something along these lines.
Felicity: Along what lines? What do you mean?
Oliver: I mean the... the friends and family, and crab cakes and toasts, and... those lines.
Felicity: Oh, yeah? You want to have a rehearsal dinner? What exactly would we be rehearsing?
Oliver: The... we... the thing that we would do the next day.
Felicity: Did I have some of Cisco's 10,000 proof cocktail that he gives to Barry so that he can get drunk, or are you asking me to marry you?
Oliver: What if I was?
Felicity: Would...
Oliver: That was silly. I am... I am. I mean, I don't want to get down on a knee and make it overly formal because I'm a little bit sore from handling those ninjas...
Felicity: Right.
Oliver: But... Felicity Megan Smoak, will you marry me?
Felicity: No.
Oliver: No?
Felicity: Yes.
Oliver: Yes?
Felicity: No. No, no. No. "Yes" as in I meant "no". No, no. No.
Oliver: I'm not understanding what's going on here.

Barry: So, I feel like I should be thanking you for something. The Monitor. You talked to him, didn't you?
[Oliver nods]
Barry: You got him to change our destinies somehow.
Oliver: You and Kara changed your destinies, Barry, by being the heroes that you always have been.
[Barry takes a sip from his beer]
Oliver: Hey, I've been you. I lived it, I felt it. You're a good man.
Barry: So are you. Even if you don't want people to believe it.
Oliver: I'm not as good as you think I am. But because of you, I think I'll get there someday.
Barry: Should we hug it out?
Oliver: No! No. And I really mean it this time. Twice you've made me hug you. No.

Barry: Hey, thanks for showing up back there, but I had that.
Oliver: Uh-huh.
Barry: What? I was ready to make my move!
Oliver: What move? The one to the morgue?

Ramsey: What have you done to me? I'm human again.
Green: I've cleansed the entire Multiverse of your infectious cells.
The: Including the ones inside you.
Ramsey: And you killed me. Now my HLH will return.
Green: I took care of that, too - perks of being the Spectre.
Kid: So it looks like you'll be spending the rest of your human days as a regular criminal.
Spartan: Where you're going to rot until old age, just like everyone else.
Ramsey: No. I was going to cure death. I was supposed to save the world.
The: Don't worry. That's our job.

Oliver: Thanks for your help.
Leo: We're not done helping yet. Our enemies are still on your earth, Ollie.
Oliver: Don't call me that.
Leo: Give it time, I'll get through that crusty exterior.
Sara: No, you really won't.
Leo: I was talking to you.

Barry: [Stein plays the message he and Jax found on the Waverider] A war is coming, Captain Hunter, and at some point, you're gonna be called back to Central City to fight it, so you need to know that while you and your team have been in the Temporal Zone, I made a choice that affected the timeline. As you know, whenever you alter the past, those changes affect the present and get compounded in the future. When you return, you will be in the new timeline I created, where everyone's past and everyone's future has been affected, including yours. When you come back, don't trust anything or anyone, not even me.
Barry: [listening] Where did you get that from?
Jefferson: We found it in a secret room inside the Waverider. It was sent by you, forty years from now.
Oliver: Forty years from now? Barry, what the hell does this mean?
Barry: It means I screwed things up when I changed the past.
Dr. Martin Stein: What did you do?
Barry: I went back in time. I saved my mom. I created a timeline where she's alive; it's called Flashpoint, and I lived in it for a few months, and... until I realized that I made a big mistake, and I tried to reset the timeline and put things back to how they're supposed to be, but...
Jefferson: But it didn't work.
Barry: No.
Oliver: Wow. Barry, that's...
Dr. Martin Stein: So, what's changed since you did this?
Barry: Cisco's brother is dead, Caitlin has powers, Diggle has a son now instead of a daughter.
Oliver: What? John had a daughter?
Barry: I didn't just screw up my life, man, I screwed up everybody's lives. And apparently, everybody's lives in the future.

Oliver: This is a new problem.
Supergirl: I can handle it.
The: [appearing with Harbinger, Ray, and Sara] Wait. The tower isn't a threat.
Oliver: How do you know?
The: It's a quantum tower, apparently.
Harbinger: And it's the only thing that can save the people of this world.

Barry: We just need to convince everybody that WE'RE NOT CRAZY!
Oliver: How? How do you suggest that we do that, because everyone on Earth thinks we're each other.
Barry: That's it.
Oliver: Hmm?
Barry: Maybe it's just Earth-1 that's been affected. If we can get an extrapolater, breach to Earth-38 and find Kara, if she remembers us, then maybe she can help fix whatever's happened.
Oliver: You... you skipped the part where you explain how we escape.

Oliver: Last month you took on a man named Leonard Snart.
Barry: We call him Captain Cold.
Oliver: We can talk about you giving your enemies silly code names later.
Barry: You mean, like, over coffee with Deathstroke and the Huntress?
Oliver: Point taken.

Barry: [seeing bar patrons cower from them] Are they all afraid of us?
Oliver: Go with it.
Barry: This is a terrible idea.
Oliver: You keep saying that.
Barry: And yet here we are anyway.

Barry: So, who was that guy?
Oliver: That was Vigilante, and we nearly had him.
Barry: You "nearly" had him? Ollie, it looked like he was about to "Scarface" you guys. That's...
Oliver: Barry, is there something that I can do for you? Another evil speedster to help you with or...

Barry: This isn't up for debate. It's not even a close call. I mean... I turn my self over to the Dominators, they leave the rest of the world alone. Simple.
Felicity: No, it's not simple.
John: Barry, it doesn't matter what you've done. You can't do this.
Barry: It's been an honor to know all of you, to fight alongside of you. Now it's up to you to keep our home safe.
Oliver: Barry! I'm not letting you leave.
Barry: No offense, Oliver, but you and what army?
Supergirl: This one.
Mick: Listen, Red. I don't like you. But when you got a crew, you don't take a hit for the rest.
Barry: That was actually pretty inspiring. I mean, up until the point that Mick compared us to a bunch of criminals, but...
Amaya: According to the Dominators, we might as well be.
Nate: And maybe they're right. Maybe we do more harm than good, but this is our chance to find out.
Cisco: We're not letting you sacrifice yourself. There's no way. I don't care if that's what it means to be a hero. You're not a hero to me. You're my friend.

Barry: You know, I mean, I've been in love with Iris since I was ten. How am I supposed to fit all that love into one vow? I've already written thirty-eight pages. Single-spaced.
Oliver: You could always speed read it.
Barry: No. No one would understand me. I don't know what to do, man. I need help.
Oliver: Barry, when you're... when you're up there, and you look into her eyes...
Barry: [seeing Oliver in his tuxedo] Damn.
Oliver: ...the words will come. And if they don't, the look on your face will tell her everything that she needs to know.

The: Thanks, fellas.
Firestorm: No problem.
The: Nice haircut. And I see we've abandoned our traditional green.
Arrow: Trying something different. Look... I might need a favor from you.
The: Wherever, whenever.
[as Arrow and Firestorm leave, Flash walks up to the unconscious Reverse-Flash]
The: I got you.

Felicity: I love our life.
Oliver: Mm-hmm.
Felicity: I love what we have. I love William. I...
Oliver: Are... are you framing this for a "but"?
Felicity: Let's just talk about this some other time.
Oliver: This might come as some surprise, but I'm actually physically incapable of talking about anything else right now.
Felicity: We don't need a piece of paper to show each other that we love each other.
Oliver: I totally agree with that. This has nothing to do with any types of pieces of paper. This has to do with you and me taking the opportunity to get up in front of the people that we love, to have the people who love us present, and make a commitment to one another.
Felicity: Yeah, and the commitment part is great. I'm so down for the commitment part.
Oliver: Mm-hmm.
Felicity: Super on it with that, but not... the legal part.
Oliver: I'm still not understanding.
Felicity: Just forget about it.
Oliver: No, Felicity.
Felicity: [a little too loudly] Oliver, I don't want to marry you!

Oliver: [after Barry shoots a paint can with an arrow] Again.
Barry: Okay, come on, man. I mean, I've been shooting paint cans all afternoon.
Oliver: Unless-unless a paint can rewrote reality and made us swap lives...
Barry: I get it.
Oliver: You need actual combat training, Barry.
Barry: All right, fine. You know what, why don't you go over there, run at me, and I'll try to hit you with an arrow.
Oliver: Right. Okay. Where did you bury the remote control bows?
Barry: Dude. Come on, I'm not you.
Oliver: Yeah, well, okay.
[Oliver speeds off]
Oliver: HEY!
Barry: [under his breath] Here we go...
[shoots an arrow, which Oliver easily catches mid-air]
Oliver: Nice try.
[Barry smiles smugly while the hidden remote control bows go off and shoots Oliver in the back. He shouts out in pain. Barry laughs joyfully]
Barry: I've been waiting four years for that, man! Oh, it's priceless. Hold on. Need to get a photo.
Oliver: What?
Barry: Boom! I got it. Don't worry. One second.
[removes the arrows from Oliver's back. Oliver shouts out, and Barry laughs again]
Barry: That's great!

Elseworlds: Idiots. I'm bulletproof.
Oliver: I know.
[he shoots at a nearby crane; it teeters, ready to fall]
Barry: You want to be Earth's hero? Save the children or stop us.
Oliver: Your choice, "Superman".

Jefferson: I think we should be on the up and up with everybody. We got to tell 'em.
Oliver: We're going up against a bunch of aliens, and you want to tell people that their lives have been affected by time travel? One sci-fi problem at a time.

Barry: No. No, Ramsey's still messing with my head.
Oliver: Barry, you need to calm down.
Barry: You're not real. How did I get here? Wally, he was a blood brother. He attacked me. He killed me.
Oliver: Dying is the easy part. Remember?
Barry: It's really you.
[hugs Oliver]
Oliver: Yeah. Okay. Okay.
[Barry hugs him longer]
Oliver: Okay, let go. Barry, let go.

Sara: So this crap hole is Earth X?
Oliver: Wells was right.
Barry: He usually is.
Alex: I can't believe a place like this exists. On any earth.
Dr. Martin Stein: I wish I shared your sentiment, but in all my travels to distant times. One thing sadly remains constant is man's ability to feel hatred for other men.

Cisco: [having accidentally discovered Barry's message from the future] This is really you. Like, future you.
Barry: Come on, look...
Cisco: You told them, right?
Barry: I'm gonna tell them, yeah. When this is finished.
Cisco: When this is finished? Even though you're about to lead them through an alien war? Even after Flashpoint? After everything you've messed up, all the lives you've changed, you still don't think you should tell them?
Sara: Tells us what?
Barry: [Cisco gives him a non-verbal "go ahead" gesture] Uh... Jax and Professor Stein found a message from me in the future saying that right now, I can't be trusted.
Sara: And why would future you say that?
Barry: I think because I went back in time and changed the timeline, and now things here are different than before I left, including some of your lives.
Supergirl: Some of our lives? Like... like who?
Barry: Cisco. Caitlin. Wally. Dig.
John: Me? Why? What... what happened?
Oliver: [quietly] Hey. Apparently, you had a daughter.
John: I had a daughter, Barry?
Barry: Baby John was baby Sara.
John: So, wait, let me get this right. You just, uh... you just erased a daughter from my life?
Barry: Yeah.

Kara: Is that a... are you smiling?
Oliver: I kind of like you guys. Don't tell anyone.

Nate: How'd you go from the court of Louis XIII to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean?
Mick: You said you wanted to hear the full story.
Oliver: We do, just some of us have lives that we'd like to get back to.

Oliver: Thought I told you to go.
Sara: Grant Wilson has Connor. They're gonna kill him.
Oliver: He knew what he was signing up for and you know there's nothing I can do to help him.
Sara: That's not the Oliver Queen that I know.
Oliver: Maybe I'm not that person anymore. Look at me, Sara. I'm literally half the man I used to be.
Sara: Then that's the half this city needs. He's got too many men, Ollie. I can't do this by myself.
Oliver: What about your friends?
Sara: I'm on my own... unless I'm not.
Oliver: Come on, Sara.
Sara: I never got the chance to ask Connor why he wears the hood, but I know why. Its because this city will always need a Green Arrow.

Barry: Wow. Nice new digs. Also, I just noticed, no sleeves. Don't you get cold?
Oliver: I spent the better part of five years on an island in the North China Sea. I don't get cold, Barry.

Ray: Oliver?
Oliver: It's good to see you again, Ray. Kendra. Thanks for the assist.
Kendra: So who's that?
Oliver: His name is Grant Wilson. Once upon a time, his father, Slade, tried to ruin my life.
Connor: That's not a nice family.
Oliver: That's good shooting, John.
Connor: It's Connor.
Oliver: Either way, it's Green Arrow.

Oliver: I owe you an apology. Keeping you at arm's length was the wrong move, and... Well, the truth is that this Earth could probably use a Supergirl.
Kara: Well, that's... that's funny, 'cause I was just thinking my Earth could use an Oliver Queen.

Mia: Okay, please tell me you're planning on wearing this.
Oliver: I don't think that that one would fit me. There should always be at least one Green Arrow.
Mia: Dad, I can't.
Oliver: You know, Mia, the Monitor has taken a lot from me. But I will always be grateful for the time he has given me with you.
Mia: If you're not gonna wear this, then no one should.
Oliver: You earned it. Just try it on. I gotta find Barry.

Oliver: For a very long time, I have hated this place. I think about all the people that it took from me. It would just... It would just make me so angry.
Mia: But you're not now.
Oliver: I'm still a little bit angry. This island taught me to survive. It turned me into someone else. Somebody better than the person I was before. So, despite my feelings... there are no stories about the Green Arrow to tell if I don't make my way to Lian Yu. And I'm not also standing, at this moment looking at my daughter.
Mia: Thank you for letting me be part of your story. Even if it was only for a little while.
Oliver: Yeah, something tells me you're gonna create your own stories.

The: [the Arrow fires explosion arrows into the wall behind him] You missed!
Arrow: No.
[the arrows explode]

Oliver: All right, well, if your team's not gonna help us, then we have to keep moving.
Barry: They'll help us, okay? They'll help us. We just gotta get... we just gotta get Iris on board first.
Oliver: Good, fine. How are you going to convince her?
Barry: I'm not. You are.
Oliver: She's your wife.
Barry: I know, man. I know. I don't-I don't like this any more than you do. You just gotta tell her how much you care about her. Tell her she's your lightning rod.
Oliver: [laughs] I'm not-I'm not saying that.
Barry: [as Oliver walks away] Just say it. Trust me. It works every time!

Supergirl: How do we slow down time, Barry?
Barry: If Supergirl and I travel around the globe in opposite directions at just over mach seven, we should be able to create enough centrifugal force to slow the Earth's rotation.
Supergirl: And everything else.
Oliver: Rip the book out of Deegan's hands, and everything goes back to normal.
Supergirl: We can do this.
Superman: [they turn to leave] You both die.
[they turn back]
Superman: When I opened the book, I... I watched both of you die, doing exactly what you're talking about. If it's in the book...
Oliver: It's destiny. I believe Clark.
Supergirl: We have to try something.
[to Barry]
Supergirl: You ready?
Barry: Yeah.
Superman: [they speed away] Kara!

James: There are more like me, and one day they will free this world.
Dark: That day may come, but you won't be here to see it. That flag died a long time ago.
James: Well, it still means something.
Dark: Yeah. It's a bulls-eye.
[puts an arrow in him]

Barry: Man, what a total "Freaky Friday." No, wait, we didn't switch bodies. It's more of a "Quantum Leap." Where's a mirror?
Oliver: Focus, just a second and take this seriously because the world thinks that you're Oliver Queen and I'm Barry Allen, and I would really like to know why.

Oliver: Barry, I get that you're desperate to help and you want to be the hero and you want to save her yourself, but I think she has to have a part in it, too.
[Barry scoffs]
Oliver: What?
Barry: I-it's just the rules keep changing. It's one day I have to run through time, the next I'm fighting a telepathic gorilla, a-a-a-and now we're, what, we're-we're chasing down an immortal madman on a rampage against a reincarnated warrior priestess? I just never thought I had superpowers and feel more powerless than I have in my entire life.
Oliver: That part I understand.

Oliver: You're late. Barry, how can you have super speed and still not be on time?
Barry: Sorry, I guess the super tardiness kinda neutralizes it.

Oliver: I thought you were done with us.
Batwoman: Wishful thinking. I just came from Arkham. Tell me this deranged doctor of yours isn't gonna be a bigger problem.
Oliver: Deegan? Why?
Batwoman: Because I hear he's made a friend.

Supergirl: What's happening?
Oliver: Deegan must be rewriting reality again.
Superman: Or destroying it.
Barry: There might be a way to slow him down. We literally slow down time.
[seeing Oliver's look]
Barry: Come on, that's got to be, like, only the fourth most crazy thing you've heard in the past three hours.

Oliver: [Sliding check to Barry] Can you get this?
Barry: Are you kidding? You're a billionaire!
Oliver: [Patting his pockets to show he has no wallet] You can't take it with you.

Oliver: Life is a lot of things, Barry. Fair isn't on the list.

Kara: I know you said you don't unnverved.
Oliver: Well...
Kara: But if you did, I think hardship is what makes us stronger. That's probably why these people look to you as their rock.

The: We are past the time for discussion, Oliver.
Oliver: You and I had an agreement. I die. Barry and Kara live!
The: Yes. To keep the cosmic balance.
Oliver: So, why are you telling Barry that he's gonna die?
The: I spared your friends' lives so they could save their world last year. This... is a *very* different threat.
Oliver: You need to stop playing games with me. You tell me why the Anti-Monitor is doing this. And then tell me how I'm gonna prevent it.
The: Not knowing what you are fighting means you will prepare for every possibility. Because this threat brings with it the annihilation of all life in all realities. Do you now comprehend the scope of the danger we all now face?

Kara: Why did you guys think I wouldn't recognize you?
Barry: Well...
Oliver: Oh, um...
Kara: [demonstrating Barry's powers, he vibrates his hand] Oh. Well, that's new.
Barry: We could use your help.

Barry: I was excited about the two of you guys meeting each other. Oliver was the first person to train me.
Supergirl: Really?
Barry: Yeah.
Supergirl: Well, you did a really good job.
Oliver: That's 'cause he didn't hold back. I shot him. You can't hold back, either.
Barry: He did. Shoot me.
Supergirl: Ouch. Uh... 'kay. Um, are you sure about that? 'Cause I... I just met these people.
Oliver: These people need to understand this isn't going to be easy. Don't hold back. Especially against me.
Supergirl: Yes, sir.
[as Oliver leaves]
Supergirl: Wow. Does he not like me?
Barry: No, he... he's like that with everyone. It's... he'll warm up to you.

Cisco: Stop, stop. Stop! Jimmy, what are you thinking? What, are you gonna kill 'em here, now? Gary's still cleaning up from the last mess you made, Clockwork Orange. Do 'em out in the alley.
James: All right, come on, let's go.
Barry: Wait. Wait, wait, wait. I knew your brother Dante.
Cisco: Stop. Hold up. How'd you know Dante?
Barry: It's a long story. If he were here, he'd tell you to listen to our proposal.
[quietly to Oliver]
Barry: What's our proposal?
Oliver: How'd you like to get rid of Superman?

[referring to "The Flash" espresso]
Oliver: Since when is that a thing?
Barry: About eight months. Maybe if you save Star City, you might get one, too.

Barry: You gotta admit this is a little cool.
Oliver: I will find it a lot cooler when I wake up in my own bed tomorrow morning.
Barry: You woke up in bed with Iris?
Oliver: Mm-hmm.
Barry: We have to fix this right now!

Oliver: [after changing into Flash costume] Oh, Barry. What have you done this time?

John: I mean, do you think he can do everything really fast? I mean, like, how fast do you think he goes to the bathroom after he's eaten something?
Oliver: This is you watching my back?

Oliver: So why come to me? Something tells me you didn't just run 600 miles to say "hi" to a friend.
Barry: All my life, I've wanted to... just do more - be more - and now I am, and the first chance I get to help someone, I screw up. What if Wells is right? What if I'm not a hero. What if I'm some guy who was struck by lightning?
Oliver: I don't think that bolt of lighting struck you, Barry. I think it chose you.
Barry: I'm just not sure I'm like you, Oliver. I don't know if I can be some... vigilante.
Oliver: You can be better, because you can inspire people in a way that I never could, watching over your city like a guardian angel... making a difference... saving people... in a flash. Take your own advice: Wear a mask.
[rappels to the next building]
Barry: Cool.
Oliver: [sees Barry runs off in a flash] Cool.

Arrow: [fires a rope around the Flash] You need to calm down.
The: And you need to hold on.
[drags the Arrow across the street as he runs off]

Oliver: All right, listen, you could use your powers for so much more than breaking into bank vaults.
Cisco: Go back to the part about taking down Superdick. That's the part I wanna hear.
Oliver: We're gonna get to that.
Barry: For now, I could teach you how to use your powers to get to a whole different Earth.
Cisco: A whole different Earth. Tell me more.

Felicity: [striking Barry] How come you didn't tell me Zoom broke your back?
Barry: I...
Felicity: [hugging Barry] Oh, I'm so glad you're okay.
Barry: [to Oliver] So this is what it's like dating her?
Oliver: More bruises from her than from Deathstroke.

Oliver: What are you guys doing?
Caitlin: Following you into the hallway.
Ralph: Because something is definitely up.
Cisco: Do you need to talk about it?
Iris: Yeah, Barry. You haven't seemed like yourself all morning.
Oliver: I'm fine. I just think that maybe I should go and talk with someone who might better understand what I'm going through. I'm gonna go see Oliver Queen. I'll be back.
[speeds off]

Superman: Where are you going?
Oliver: I have an idea. Just... get the book.
Superman: And Barry and Kara?
Oliver: We need to hope destinies can be re-written.

Querl: Jonathan's pod has disappeared from our radar. It appears to have been sucked into a wormhole.
Superman: What are the coordinates?
Querl: Star City. Earth-16. Mmm, interesting. It must've been a temporal wormhole, because... well, the pod is in the year 2046.
Ray: We've been there before. Apparently, we didn't just travel to the future.
Sara: Yeah, we traveled to a parallel Earth in the future. That's great.
Superman: I'm going after him.
Oliver: Clark, you can't.
Superman: Those are two words I'm not used to hearing, and my son needs me.
Oliver: I'm a parent, and I get it. The entire universe needs you. When that tower gets attacked, you have to be here to protect it.
Lois: I'll go.
Superman: Lois...
Sara: I'll back you up. I know the terrain.
Querl: As will I. I happen to be excellent with children.
Lois: [moving to leave, she stops at Clark's side] Don't worry, I'll get him. I love you.

Cisco: All right, I've got ledgers to keep and miles to go before I sleep, so talk fast.
Oliver: Right. F-First, we need to know if you can vibe.
Cisco: [knocking items off his desk] Can I vibe?
Barry: Teleport, open a breach. You can still do that, right?
Cisco: Rhetorical question. How do you think I got into all those bank vaults? But you, you didn't know that. You came in here not knowing if I could do what you thought I could do. That's very risky.
Barry: We're kind of desperate.
Cisco: Please keep giving me more reasons to not do business with you.

Nate: Thank you for not having me arrested back there. Those security guards kind of overreacted. You know, one of them tried to mace me.
Oliver: Dr. Heywood, I only agreed to give you five minutes, which was three minutes ago, because Ray and Sara are friends of mine. But I don't know the first thing about any Legends.
Nate: Of course you do, because you're the Green Arrow.
Oliver: Excuse me?
Nate: Huh?
Oliver: We're done here.
Nate: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop a bomb on you like that. It's just... I've exhausted all my normal avenues, and you're the only person left who won't think I'm crazy.
Oliver: Are you sure about that?

Oliver: [to save Earth, Barry plans to give himself to the Dominators] Barry, I'm not letting you leave.
Barry: No offense, Oliver, but you and what army?
[turning around, he sees everybody standing united]
Supergirl: This one.
Mick: Listen, red, I don't like you. But when you got a crew, you don't take a hit for the rest.

Oliver: You think this is funny? Do you think my skills are a joke?
Barry: Come on, man. I was a much better sport when you shot me.
Oliver: I shot you to teach you how to case an environment. You shot me to get a laugh.
Barry: All right.
Oliver: You know what? Fine, fine. Come at me. Try to get - try to get one hit in.
Lois: Deck him, Barry!
[Kara and Clark looks at Lois]
Lois: What? He's a jerk.

Earth: I never thought I'd see you again.
Sara: One of the benefits of parallel Earths.
Earth: Parallel Earths? It would appear that your reality is a little... stranger than mine.
Sara: You really have no idea.
Earth: All my life... I just wanted to... to apologize for bringing you on that boat. But you aren't even you.
Sara: Ollie. If your me was anything like I was anything like I was, then getting on the Gambit with you was her choice. And in my world, that trip... it set off a whole series of events that neither you or I could've ever dreamed of. You become a hero, a husband, a father. And I'm flying through time happier than I've ever been. And none of that would never happened if I didn't get on that boat with you. It was destiny.
Querl: I'm... sorry to break up what I'm sure must be the strangest reunion in the history of the world, but, um, if we don't leave now, I'm afraid our extrapolator might not have enough power for us to return home.
Earth: Wait, what's an extrapolator?
Sara: It's another long story. You're a good man... on every Earth.

Felicity: Guys, it's Lyla. The president's been abducted by the Dominators. She needs us now.
Barry: Okay, you guys go, all right? I'm gonna sit this one out, obviously. You have Supergirl. She's just as fast as I am. Get the president. We can talk about this later.
[the team starts to head out]
Barry: You still trust me, right?
Supergirl: I'll always trust you, but it might take more to convince them.
Barry: If you need me, I'll be there.
Oliver: Guys, this is... Hey!
[everyone stops]
Oliver: This is crazy! Everyone is going, including Barry. I... I'm not going without him.
John: Then you'll be here, Oliver.

Oliver: We need to find Cisco.
Barry: Okay, well if us good guys are bad guys, stands to reason that our good guy friend is now a bad guy.
Oliver: Sure. You're CCPD. Where do criminals hang out in this city?

Barry: I'm not doing this. This isn't how I train.
Oliver: Oh, you train? Really? I thought your powers just dropped out of the sky.
Barry: If you're trying to get a rise out of me, it's not gonna work.
Oliver: Need a peanut gallery? Can you not do anything without your wife in your ear?
Barry: Are you serious, man? Felicity invented quarterbacking.
Oliver: I don't think that you can go more than nine hours without some sappy motivational speech.
Barry: I'm not doing this.
Oliver: Your team betrayed you. You needed them, and they weren't there.
Barry: I'm not doing this.
[Oliver runs at Barry and he falls]
Barry: You know, if you really knew how to use my speed, I never could have laid a finger on you.

Barry: [arriving in the Fortress of Solitude] Oh, thank god we're here.
Oliver: Yeah. Only took seventeen tries.

Oliver: The fastest man alive shows up late to the crisis we've been expecting for years. It's not the... it's not the best look, Barry.

Oliver: I spent the past seven months in a maximum security prison, and no matter how bad things got - and they got bad - every cell had a toilet.
Barry: [kicking a wall panel] You sure you can't hold it?
[Oliver stares at him]
Barry: Oh, you wanna back up the pipes.
Oliver: And fry the dampener, yes.
Barry: That's a great idea.
[taking a panel off the toilet]
Barry: One problem. I'm not gonna be able to reach the valve with these on.
Oliver: You're gonna have to dislocate your thumb.
Barry: Are you crazy? I'm...
Oliver: I'm not crazy. You need to dislocate your thumb. Just apply pressure to the joint.
Barry: [hesitant] No, I'm gonna break my hand.
Oliver: You're not gonna break your hand, because in this reality, your ligaments have been stretched and conditioned in the art of escape by Anatoly Knyazev. Now man up, apply pressure to the joint, and dislocate your thumb!