50 Best Hank Henshaw Quotes

Hank: Agent Danvers, what are you doing?
Alex: I'm helping Kara. To stop Reactron.
Hank: It's been increasingly difficult for you to follow orders since your sister flew onto the scene.
Alex: When you asked me to join the DEO, I didn't hesitate, because you told me that together, we were gonna save the world. Except saving the world means everybody; aliens, humans, I can't... I can't separate them anymore. Especially when my little sister's life is at stake.

Hank: That the fastest you can go?
Supergirl: Are these tests mandatory for everyone or just because I'm a...
Hank: It's not because you're a woman, Ms. Danvers. The DEO requires rigorous physical and psychological evaluation for all our prospective field operatives.
Supergirl: I was gonna say "alien".

Supergirl: You know, when I came out, embraced my powers, finally letting myself be who I was meant to be,
Supergirl: it turned out to be the best thing I ever did.
Hank: That's you.
[goes off, and Kara sighs]

Supergirl: You know, you guys could have told me. I can keep a secret.
Hank: No, you can't.

Supergirl: Reactron? That's kind of a stupid name. Who named him that?
Hank: Jimmy Olsen.
Supergirl: Oh.

Kara: So what are you saying? We just sit back and do nothing?
Hank: Reactron, whoever he is, is human. Which means this case falls out of the DEO's jurisdiction.
Kara: This man flies and shoots nuclear fireballs! How is that not extra-normal?
Alex: He's using advanced biomedical tech. Man-made tech.
Hank: I can't risk exposing this organization every time some human criminal shows up in National City.
Kara: And I can't just let the man run wild.
Hank: Call your cousin. Superman fights for truth, justice and the American way. Last time I checked, National City was in America.

Eliza: So, Mars... I have to ask, underneath it all, are you a little green man?
Hank: I'm a big green man, actually.
Eliza: Ha! And how are you able to change form? Is it an enzyme or some other chemical catalyst your body secretes that allows you to reorganize your DNA? And how do you adjust for the change in body density? How does your respiratory system process the increased oxygen and nitrogen present in our air that...
[he laughs]
Eliza: What? What is so funny?
Hank: Like mother, like daughter.

J'onn: [after putting Kryptonite restraints on Supergirl] I'm sorry. But I can't let you stop me.
Supergirl: J'onn. J'onn. J'onn. Listen to me. I lost everything - everyone. It makes a hole in your heart. But you can't fall into it. You have to fill it. You have to fight. Do not throw away who you are. If you do that thing wins. The last son of Mars dies even if you're still standing.

Supergirl: [landing after their flight] You could feel like that all the time you know. Free. Untethered. True to who you' really are.
Hank: The world needs Hank Henshaw more than it needs J'onn J'onzz.

Astra: You possess no weapon that could harm me.
Hank: You're so wrong.
[stabs Astra with Kryptonite blade, she flies off]
Hank: [to Kara] Any more family I should know about?

J'onn: [the two of them off on what could be fatal mission] You didn't say goodbye to your sister.
Supergirl: If I say goodbye, I'm never leaving.

Hank: I have been J'onn J'onzz on Earth. I have tried it. I was hunted for 50 years. People I've loved have tried to kill me once they discovered who I really was.
Alex: I'm sorry. But times have changed. Look at Supergirl, the world loves her...
Hank: Your sister looks like a pretty blonde cheerleader. J'onn J'onzz looks like a monster. I will never be tolerated here on Earth. The more time I spend as Hank Henshaw, the less I have to face what I've lost. But when I change my state, shapeshift into someone new, call upon new powers, I get one step closer to becoming the Martian Manhunter forever. And he creates panic and hysteria. I know, I've seen it. It's not only that I'm better off as human. Everyone is.
Alex: Except Kara. She needs your help.

Hank: This is not one of ours.
Supergirl: Then whose is it?
Alex: [taking the piece from Hank] There's no markings. I've never seen tech like this before.
Hank: Alien origin? Could your aunt, Astra.
Alex: No, it's definitely from Earth, but it is incredibly advanced.
Supergirl: Yeah, no kidding. That thing was like trying to swat a fly in a tornado.
Hank: Someone's targeting one of my assets, I want to know who it is.

Hank: It's Agent Danvers and her sister from another planet.
Alex: She's here to help us fight Vartox.
Hank: I told you, I don't trust aliens.
Alex: There's no one I trust more.

Agent: Sir, we have a code gray. It's coming from the NCH. Looks like a multiple car collision. Highway Patrol officers and medical personnel are en route. No sign of alien activity. We're clear.
Hank: Run a thermal scan to be sure. And Ms. Danvers, next time you're thinking of talking to the press...
[turning around, he sees Supergirl is gone]
Alex: She's excited. It's her first pile-up.

Hank: Maxwell Lord has a god complex, but he's not an actual god.

Hank: I see you share your cousin's appetite for wanton destruction, Miss Danvers.
Supergirl: You know, I am starting to answer to Supergirl.

Hank: I am not Hank Henshaw. He died the same night as your father. The DEO had been pursuing an alien for months. Not one of Fort Rozz prisoners, but an innocent one that was stranded on this planet. With the help of your father, the DEO tracked the alien to a remote location in Peru. Henshaw led the squadron sent to terminate him.
Alex: My father would never have been part of that mission.
Hank: You're right. Jeremiah Danvers was a good man. He realized the alien we were hunting was no threat. He was a refugee, like your sister. Sole survivor of a lost world. Your father tried to stop the mission, but Henshaw was obsessed. He finally trapped the alien was hunting for so long. So, Jeremiah made the ultimate sacrifice. He gave his life to save that alien. Your father died a hero.
Alex: That alien... Is that you? But how are you him?
Hank: I am a shape shifter. When Hank Henshaw died, I assumed his identity to reform the DEO. But I also made your father a promise, that I would take care of his daughter. I recruited you so that I would honor that promise and protect you as if you were my own child.
Alex: If you're not Hank Henshaw, who are you?
[transforms into his martian shape]
J'onn: I am the sole survivor of my planet. The Last Son of Mars. My name is J'onn J'onzz.

Maxwell: What are you today? CIA? IRS? You wanna see my 1040s?
Alex: Shut up and listen. We need to talk. In private. Off the record. Lay everything on the table.
Maxwell: Sounds remarkably like a date. But what does your boss think?
Alex: My boss isn't always willing to take the necessary steps to get things done.
Maxwell: You're going rogue? How fun. How do I know I can trust you?
Alex: You don't.
Maxwell: See you tonight.
Alex: [hanging up] I'll have him out of Lord Tech until 10:00. But his employees and security are still going to be there.
Hank: I have it covered.
Alex: You or J'onn J'onzz?

Alex: Kara, we may have a way for you to stop Krull.
Hank: Krull's chest unit is powered by a demon core, a subcritical mass of plutonium.
Alex: If you can remove it from his suit, it should shut down his weaponry.
Hank: But the core will melt down the very moment it's freed from its containment matrix.
Supergirl: There has to be some way to stop him without nuking the city.
Alex: You need to encase the core in lead before you rip it free.

[Alex killed Astra, but Hank took the fall for it]
Alex: Why did you lie to Kara?
Hank: Because you're Supergirl's hero. And I don't want her to see you as anything but.

J'onn: You didn't say goodbye to your sister.
Supergirl: If I say goodbye, I'm never leaving.

Hank: You know, I wouldn't have minded you coming to work for the DEO full-time.
Kara: I can't leave this place. It's not just a secret identity to me. I almost did something today that I would have regretted the rest of my life.
Hank: What stopped you?
Kara: My friends. The DEO keeps you human. They do that for me.

Alex: You don't look so dangerous shoving Chocos in your face.
Hank: How did you know they were my favorite?
Alex: You eat them at 3 AM. Only a favorite will do at 3 AM.

Hank: Kara, I'm tired of being the last. Tired of having lived. You, of all people, know how heavy it is to survive.
Kara: I do. I ask myself every day why my mother didn't crawl into that pod with me. Now I know she felt guilty. She felt responsible for what happened on Krypton. Dying must have seemed... honourable. But dying is a lot easier than getting back up when the world's ended. You have to get up. You have to go on.
Hank: My road is done. I'll help Alex, and then join my people. Wherever they are.

Alex: She followed your orders. She won.
Hank: Yeah. This time.
Alex: Director Henshaw. I wasn't only recruited because of my sister... was I?
Hank: Yeah, she's why you got in. *You* are why you to get to stay.

Agent: Ma'am, there's a fire downtown. A fireman is trapped on the roof.
Hank: Punch it up.
[sees a fireman trapped under a steel beam]
Senator: Supergirl, can you get there in time?
[Supergirl is already gone]
Alex: Yeah, she can.

Hank: Have you lost your mind? What were you thinking giving interviews?
Kara: I wouldn't say it was an interview exactly. It was more of a private conversation that's being published.
Hank: What's next? A book deal? A reality show? Keeping Up with the Kryptonians?

Supergirl: [handing Hank a piece of a drone] Thought I'd return this to you. I thought we were... clicking.
Hank: Okay.
Supergirl: People who click don't spy on each other. I don't like being followed.
Hank: If I were following you, Ms. Danvers, you would never know about it.

Hank: I have to ask something of you.
[Kara turns around]
Hank: I should be the one to face this thing, but... if I reveal myself, it will mean the end of Hank Henshaw. And if Hank goes, General Lane gets the DEO, and you know what that means.
Supergirl: You've had my back a million times. I've got this one. I'll bring it in.

Hank: Supergirl, this is Hank Henshaw. There's only one thing alive on less than four legs that can hear this frequency. And that's you.
J'onn: [seeing her wince in pain] Are you okay?
Supergirl: It's Henshaw.
Dreamer: What?
Supergirl: He's speaking to me in some sort of high-pitched frequency.

Alex: I sent a team to scan the area. No signs of extraterrestrial activity, so we can probably rule out an alien shapeshifter. Unless there's something you're not telling us.
Hank: The skirt was surprisingly comfortable, but no.

Hank: If we're gonna get inside Lord Technologies, we cut the power in the rear of the lab and infiltrate the basement.
Alex: While the emergency generators kick in and his army pounces on us. This isn't the way in, Hank.
Hank: You have a better idea.
Alex: You are the greatest asset that we have and nobody knows about it. All these computers and these weapons, they're nothing compared to you.
Hank: I can't keep using my powers. It's too much of a risk.
Alex: It is our job to take risks. We run into the line of fire. We face enemies that no one on this planet has the courage to.
Hank: And the best way for me to fight them is as head of the DEO. I can't be head of the DEO if I'm an alien.
Alex: You saw what Max Lord did to James. You know he's after my sister.

Hank: There's been an incident. Your sister's been abducted.
Supergirl: [arriving at the DEO] I should have been there. If I was there... you trusted me! Instead of putting me through your tests, I could have stopped this.
Hank: Or maybe you'd be captured and dead, too.
Supergirl: I know to you she's just an agent, but to me, she's my family. Does that mean anything to you? Do you have a family?
Hank: I did. Look... we have every satellite and tactical drone up in the air, searching this whole city for her.
Supergirl: And now you have me, too.

General: You let that thing get away. I thought you were on our side.
Supergirl: I tried. It fought harder this time, harder. Faster. Like it's learned a thing or two from the last go.
Lucy: It's like it knew you'd choose to save those people. The tornado was just a diversion to get away. He used your humanity against you.
General: And now more innocent humans could be in danger. If anything else happens, you and the DEO will both be held accountable.
Hank: That's enough, General. My team analyzed Red Tornado's covering. It's made out of a biosyntheic polymer which contains traces of lead. To suppress X-ray vision, right? The android wasn't meant to fight insurgents. It was designed to kill Kryptonians.
General: You got Fort Rozz aliens locked up downstairs. Monsters. Abominations. Some of them have wings. Some have horns. And others spit acid. Do you know the difference between them and her? She's blonde.
Hank: She saved you and your daughter tonight. You don't owe her fear and contempt. You owe her a thank you.

Supergirl: [the huge alien is down] He was tough.
Director: She.
Supergirl: Oh. Respect. Any chance I could get the rest of the day off?

Supergirl: I just... we both know what I'm up against, and I will save the Earth, I promise you that. I just don't know if I'll make it out alive. I didn't say the things that needed to be said when I left Krypton, and I wanted to make sure I said them now - just in case.
J'onn: I was exactly where you are, Kara. And when I was, you told me to never give up.
Supergirl: I'm not giving up. But my mother didn't send me to Earth to fall in love with a human, have children, live in a house with a white picket fence. She sent me here to protect Kal-El. And now I will use my powers to protect the Earth. And if I die achieving that, I'm at peace with it. I'll join my mother. We'll be together in Rao's light.

Hank: I know you just started working here again, but to be clear, our job here at the DEO is to catch aliens, not let them escape.
Supergirl: How 'bout you just get off my back for once, Hank?
Alex: Supergirl.
Hank: I thought we were in a good place here.
Supergirl: We're in a good place, when I do what I'm told. When I don't, you come down on me. I am tired of it! You want to catch the K'hund, go try it yourself! You're just as strong as me, if you wanted to be.
Alex: You know how dangerous that is for him.
Supergirl: And it's not dangerous for me too? Every Kryptonian on this planet wants to kill me except my cousin. I have to live with that. And he could, too!

Jemm: Bow your head when you approach me! I am Jemm, master of the Faceless Hunters! Conqueror of...
Hank: Twelve worlds. Yeah, heard you the first 10 times. It's not getting any more impressive.

Hank: What the hell do you think you're doing, Alex?
Alex: I have no choice, Hank. He's had us under surveillance. He knows about the DEO, he knows about Kara.
Hank: I don't care if he's got the nuclear codes and his finger's on the button. That is not some anonymous alien you've brought in. That is Maxwell Lord, head of a multi-billion dollar organization. Time magazine's ranking person of the year. Everybody's gonna be looking for this guy.
Alex: They won't find him.
Hank: You're compromising the security of this entire operation.
Alex: And he is compromising the security of my family. Guess which one I care about more. We are all willing to do a lot of things to protect our secrets, Hank. I would think you'd understand that better than anyone.

Hank: Anonymous superhero can be a liability in the field. I need to know you're in full control of your powers. Stamina, strength, speed.
Alex: [Kara flies by overhead] My sister just broke the sound barrier, sir.

Hank: Your ship. We keep it here as a reminder of the day you crashed on Earth. You're the reason for all of this.
Kara: Me? But... My... But my cousin was here two dozen years before me.
Hank: And it was his arrival that triggered the need for this organization. We realized we weren't alone in the universe and we might soon would be getting more... immigrants. Sure enough, you came along. And with you, Fort Rozz.
Kara: Fort Rozz?
Hank: Krypton's maximum security prison. Banished to the Phantom Zone, same place your ship got stuck. But just like yours, it didn't stay there. We're not sure how your pod got loose. What we do know is this. You pulled Fort Rozz with you. When it crashed, the alien convicts, the worst criminals in the galaxy, they all escaped. And you brought them here. These beings, some of them have powers from your darkest nightmares. For over a decade, they've stayed hidden. But in the last year many have been emerging,
Kara: I can help you stop them.
Hank: How? You couldn't even stop us from capturing you.
Kara: I... I'm still learning.
Hank: Our job is keeping people in the dark about alien life on Earth, and nothing says "covert operation" like a flying woman in a red skirt.
Kara: They know about my cousin, they don't fear him.
Hank: Plenty of people do, just not popular to admit it. You wanna help? Go back to getting somebody's coffee.

Supergirl: People of this city will die because something I did. I started this. You have to let me stop it.
Hank: Make sure you win.

Supergirl: I'm not leaving you alone with that thing
Hank: You have to. I'm done.
Supergirl: Done? Done with what? It has Alex. We've got to stop it.
Hank: This started because it wanted me dead- with my race gone if I'm all that's left. Let it have me.
Supergirl: No! This murderer does not get to win. And you don't get to give up!
Hank: It will save Alex.
Supergirl: We don't get to choose. We fight!

Hank: I saw into Harper's mind. I saw him.
Alex: Who?
Hank: Jeremiah. I saw him at Project Cadmus. Alex, he's alive. Your dad's alive.

Alex: What's the news on the Hellgrammite?
Hank: We've confirmed six similar attacks on chemical plants across the country over the past year. He's been making his way to National City with enough chemical components to build a weapon of mass destruction.
Agent: [entering] I'm not so sure about that, sir. The tests we ran on his blood indicate his alien DNA isn't carbon-based like humans. It has a chlorine foundation.
Alex: Each of those facilities stored confiscated DDT, which is a chlorine pesticide.
Hank: Well, if he's not building a weapon, what does he need DDT for?
Alex: He's eating it.
Agent: Right. Given his home planet's atmospheric conditions, DDT would be the closest thing on Earth he could find to food.
Alex: Since DDT was banned, the government has been destroying remaining stockpiles. His food souce is shrinking.
Hank: Well, if this thing is hungry, let's buy him some dinner.

Alex: Director Henshaw, thank you for helping me set up that room.
Hank: It's the least I could do. It's for Supergirl.
Alex: I won't tell you her you called her that.
Hank: I'd appreciate it.

Supergirl: I ask myself everyday why my mother didn't crawl into that pod with me. Now I know she felt guilty. She felt responsible for what happened on Krypton. That dying must've seemed... honorable But dying is a lot easier than getting back up when the world has ended. You have to get up. You have to go on.
Hank: My road is done. I'll help Alex and then join my people wherever they are.

Kara: Thank you.
Hank: You're welcome. But, you know, I wouldn't have minded you coming to work for the DEO full time.
Kara: I can't leave this place. It's not just a secret identity to me.
Kara: I almost did something today that I would've regretted the rest of my life.
Hank: What stopped you?
Kara: My friends. The DEO keeps you human, they do that for me.

Hank: Got a shot of the bomber from the security cameras at Max's lab. Facial recognition came up with a match. His name is Ethan Knox. Worked at the first lab that was attacked. He was fired six months ago when his work became erratic. His family reported him missing two weeks ago.
Supergirl: How do we find him?
Alex: We? No, a fall from that height would have rattled your cousin. You are staying home.
Supergirl: There is a literal mad bomber out there. And I have to get back to work. Oh, my god! Ms. Grant's son. I have to get back to the office. I'm supposed to be babysitting.
Alex: Kara. Maybe you're spreading yourself too thin. Okay? You're trying to be Supergirl and Cat's assistant and a DEO agent on top of it all. At some point, even the Girl of Steel might break.