Top 20 Quotes From Maxwell Lord

Alex: You're staring.
Maxwell: Just wondering where you're hiding your gun under that dress.
Alex: Behave, and you won't have to find out.

Maxwell: The Kryptonians were using Myriad for mind control because the frequency penetrates neural tissue. Now they're increasing the frequency. Exponentially. We're talking terahertz jumps. That's like using an Uzi on a mosquito.
Alex: And we're the mosquito.
Maxwell: Once the wave reaches it's full potential, the electromagnetic energy will create enough pressure to...
[sighs wearily]
Supergirl: kill every human on the planet, like you said. I need to tell James and Winn.
[starts leaving]
Maxwell: [sneering at her] Let's not get our cape in a bunch.
Lucy: He's right. Telling them wouldn't do us any good right now.
Alex: How long do we have?
Maxwell: Four hours. I usually love a good countdown, but this is bad. This is really bad.
Lucy: Think you can find the source so we can shut it down?
Maxwell: You're lucky I work well under pressure.

Maxwell: When I realized Supergirl had been exposed I started tracking her to see what the Red Kryptonite would do to her. I saw her let the alien escape, I didn't know what to think. Then tonight she threw Cat Grant off her building!
Winn: She killed Miss Grant!
Maxwell: No. Cat has nine lives, she's fine.

Maxwell: Finding them will be the easy part... Defeating them with only *you* that's our problem.
Supergirl: And to think I thought you learned by now. I can handle anything
Maxwell: I'm not trying to be an ass. I know you can handle anything. But I'm actually worried, and if the others were thinking straight, they'd be worried too. You have no back up. Your sidekick J'onn J'onzz is injured. The DEO's resources have been depleted from the prison break. And even if even if they weren't, no human can go out there. Their heads would explode if they got too close to the source. If you go out there and fight, you might win. But chances are this is a suicide mission.
Supergirl: You know I'll never stop trying.
Maxwell: Believe me, no on is rooting for you more than I am. I just want you to know what you're facing. So that you're prepared.
Supergirl: I will stop Non and Indigo.
Maxwell: Good.
[Maxwell walks away]
Supergirl: Hey.
[Maxwell turns around and faces Supergirl]
Supergirl: Don't tell Alex my odds, okay?

Non: You are champion of this world.
Maxwell: I have my moments.
Non: You have had your last.

Maxwell: [sits strapped to chair as rescuer arrives] You look taller on TV.
Supergirl: [frees him, no time for talk] Where is he?
Maxwell: Forced me to repair his suit. I don't know where he is.

Maxwell: What can I get you? Or are you not allowed to drink and fly? I don't know the rules.
Supergirl: Caught your press conference. I was surprised you're usually a little more glib.
Maxwell: There's nothing to be glib about. A sick little girl lost her father.
Supergirl: That little girl is being treated by a doctor who has a lifetime grant from your company. You said, tonight, you always build in fail safes. Like the kill switches in those bombs. Something tells me that there was a fail-safe in Knox's bomb, too. One that you could've remotely activated if I didn't save you in time. You forced Knox to plant those bombs in exchange for saving his daughter's life.
Maxwell: I would never barter a child's life. I can't speak for Knox's motives. He clearly went insane.
Supergirl: Maybe you didn't expect Knox to vaporize himself, but I do know this was all a ruse. I just can't figure out why you did it.
Maxwell: Fascinating theory. Unprovable, but worth exploring. I suspect that whoever was responsible for these attacks, might be curious about you Supergirl. What is she made of? How does she do it?
Supergirl: You were testing me.
Maxwell: And what would these tests have shown us? The drone would measured your agility. The building explosion, your strength. The next bomb would have demonstrated your speed while also revealing you're not actually invincible. But the results of that last test are the most intriguing of all. You chose to save a hundred people on that train, instead of thousands at the airport. One might deduce that there was someone on that train that you cared about. And finding that person is the key to revealing who you really are... when you're not flying around wearing that "S".
Supergirl: For the record, I care about everyone. You may have fooled this city, but I know you were behind this. And I'm watching you. This isn't over.
Maxwell: Finally, something we can agree on.
[Supergirl flies out the window]
Maxwell: The fun is just beginning.

Maxwell: Mutually assured destruction. You're making me nostalgic for the Cold War, Alex.
Alex: [in Russian] Do svidanya.

Alex: Why are you so obsessed with her? Is it jealousy? Or are you secretly in love? Or... are you threatened because she's a woman?
Maxwell: Ah... only a woman would say that.
Alex: Mm.
[sips her drink]

Maxwell: Tell me, Agent Danvers, why are you wasting that brain kicking down doors for the government?
Alex: Why do you mistrust the government so much?
Maxwell: Hm. Answering with a question, keep the subject talking. Basic field agent procedure. And here I thought we had something special.
Alex: Okay, fine. I work for the government because I believe there's no higher calling than helping others.
Maxwell: I feel the same way. Only I do it without a gun. The world needs a new kind of hero.
Alex: I thought we just got one.
Maxwell: Supergirl's just a glorified fireman. She's not gonna solve the underlying problems that are actually destroying this planet.
Alex: You really don't trust anyone, do you?
Maxwell: Never met anyone worth trusting.
Alex: That is a very lonely way to live.
Maxwell: You have no idea.

Supergirl: There he is! There he is.
Cat: Who? Superman? Where?
[sees Superman suddenly drop down from the sky]
Supergirl: What? What? Oh, God. No!
Cat: What is it?
Supergirl: Myriad. It's affecting my cousin too.
Cat: Myriad? Wait a minute, if it's affecting Superman, then are any of us safe?
Maxwell: Well, I may not be Superman, but... I do have my moments. Do Kryptonians gloat? Because I'll bet wherever he is, ol' Uncle Non is feeling pretty good about himself.

Alex: [after attack] Max, we need to secure the area. This is an active crime scene.
Maxwell: [coming down stairs, imperious manner] No, this is my property.
Alex: This attack has been traumatic for all of us. They kidnapped my commanding officer.
Maxwell: I think the days of us partnering up are over, Agent Danvers.
Alex: At least tell me what the aliens were looking for. They could at least help us locate our man.
Maxwell: Why don't you ask your pet alien?
[Kara glowers at him]
Maxwell: As for me, I'll protect myself in the future.

Maxwell: I ordered you to kill Supergirl.
Bizarro: You say Supergirl bad. But Supergirl help people. Supergirl not bad.
Maxwell: I understand, you share her DNA, it's natural that you want to see the best in her. But who do you trust, Supergirl or me? Who do you love? Supergirl, or me? Just remember, the world is a very complicated place kiddo. Sometimes, things that seem to be good are really, very bad.

Cat: Why am I not surprised that your brain is intact, Max? What is it they say? Only cockroaches will survive the Apocalypse.
Maxwell: Happy to see you too, Cat. You look lovely, considering the end is nigh.

Maxwell: [finds them all together] Well, isn't this a Hallmark moment?
Alex: Don't you have someplace better to be? Like at Lord Tech? Helping your employees get through what just happened?
Maxwell: That's what corporate shrinks are on retainer for. Me, I'm more worried about what's still happening.
Supergirl: Still happening? Everyone's been protected.
[shakes her head]
Supergirl: No one's mind is being controlled.
Maxwell: True. But I went to see how much damage the Kryptonians had done to my LTE network and I found out that since we ended their mind control, the Myriad wave... has been amplified tenfold, and is rising exponentially.
Eliza: Amplified? To what end?
Maxwell: Emergency rooms all over the city have been filled by people complaining about headaches. They're from Myriad, which, by my calculations, will continue to amplify, until
[makes explosive gesture]
Maxwell: pop goes the cranium. The Kryptonians couldn't control us. So, instead, they're going to kill us. All of us.

Alex: I read your file. Your parents were doctors who developed vaccines against bioweapons. They worked for the government. But they didn't see it as the enemy.
Maxwell: No, they didn't. So when they raised concerns about the safety of their lab, they trusted the government's findings. "Acceptable risk levels." Two months later, an air system malfunctioned; a virus entered their pressure suits. Their internal organs melted. When it was all over, there was nothing left to bury.
Alex: I'm sorry.
Maxwell: That's the first apology the government's ever given me.
Alex: They covered it up.
Maxwell: You can't be surprised.
Alex: What happened to you was a tragedy. I'm trying to prevent another one. Rejecting our help is not rational. You are a man of logic, Max.
Maxwell: I'm also an orphan. We don't get over things easily. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a train to catch.

Maxwell: [Supergirl saves him from Reactron] Twice in two days. I should put you on the payroll as a bodyguard.
Supergirl: Get somewhere safe.
Maxwell: Good idea.

Maxwell: The Man of Steel brought to his knees all because he went to kindergarten and watched "Sesame Street".

Maxwell: Good. You changed your mind. I was starting to regret saving it in the first place. For the record, I seriously thought the two of us would be having a lot more fun during Armageddon.
Cat: Oh, Max, we're not here to talk about your bomb. Supergirl has a plan.
Maxwell: Which means Cat browbeat you.
Supergirl: 'Inspired' is closer to the truth.
Cat: I'm a muse, Max. To the world.
Maxwell: So, what's your plan?
Supergirl: Hope.
Maxwell: You know what? I'm gonna go with the plan that has the bomb to kill the bad guys.
Supergirl: No bomb. No one dies.
Maxwell: You think I wanna do this? It's the only way to win.
Supergirl: What? What are we winning? Causing more chaos? More destruction? More lives lost? You hated me for months, because you thought I'd use my power indiscriminately, kill people with no regard for their lives. That is exactly the choice you're making with this bomb.
Maxwell: [to Cat] Please tell me you've had enough analysis to know that she's right.
Supergirl: You were afraid of me. Now you're afraid of Non. I understand that fear. But we cannot let it drive our actions. Make another choice that honors your parents. And mine.

Maxwell: What are you today? CIA? IRS? You wanna see my 1040s?
Alex: Shut up and listen. We need to talk. In private. Off the record. Lay everything on the table.
Maxwell: Sounds remarkably like a date. But what does your boss think?
Alex: My boss isn't always willing to take the necessary steps to get things done.
Maxwell: You're going rogue? How fun. How do I know I can trust you?
Alex: You don't.
Maxwell: See you tonight.
Alex: [hanging up] I'll have him out of Lord Tech until 10:00. But his employees and security are still going to be there.
Hank: I have it covered.
Alex: You or J'onn J'onzz?