The Best High Priestess Quotes

High: [final words before her death] The Samurai is our mortal enemy. He must die at any cost.

High: Kill the samurai!

High: Your training is complete. Go kill!

High: [Ashi sees the moon turn into the High Priestess' face] Ashi, what are you doing? The Samurai sleeps. Kill him in his slumber before he wakes.
Ashi: No. I have questions, Mother. The Samurai, he saved my life. He...
High: [cutting her off] How dare you! You know he is deceitful. He will do everything in his power to defy the master! You were always the weak one: distracted, unfocused. May Aku punish you for your sins!
Ashi: I just want the truth.
High: You have failed us.