The Best Ashi Quotes

Aku: Is he dead?
Ashi: No. And he never will be.
Aku: How dare you talk back to your father!
Ashi: No, you're not my father!
Aku: Yes I am!
Ashi: No you're not!

High: [Ashi sees the moon turn into the High Priestess' face] Ashi, what are you doing? The Samurai sleeps. Kill him in his slumber before he wakes.
Ashi: No. I have questions, Mother. The Samurai, he saved my life. He...
High: [cutting her off] How dare you! You know he is deceitful. He will do everything in his power to defy the master! You were always the weak one: distracted, unfocused. May Aku punish you for your sins!
Ashi: I just want the truth.
High: You have failed us.

Aku: [appearing to Jack after 50 years] Samurai Jack!
Samurai: Aku!
Ashi: Aku?
Aku: It has been too long. Far, far too long, but you're probably saying to yourself...
Samurai: [Aku imitating Jack] "Why? Why now for our sudden reunion?"
Aku: [normal voice] Well, A little birdie told me...
Scaramouche: ...that Samurai Jack has lost the one thing in the entire universe that can destroy Aku!
[laughs manically along with Aku]
[Jack reveals he *does* have the sword]
Aku: Huh?
[glares at Scaramouche]
Scaramouche: Oh, but, Master, I...
[his head blows up]

Samurai: [Echoing his father from memory] You have chosen this path. Life works in strange ways. Your choices have clearly lead you here, as have mine. I will give you a new choice: Leave here now and live. Or stay and face your destiny.
Ashi: Our destiny is your death!
Samurai: So... I guess you're staying. Perhaps I was unclear.
Ashi: Enough words! Show yourself, samurai, so you can die!
Samurai: Very well. The decisions you make, and the actions that follow, are a reflection...
Ashi: [interrupting] SHUT UP!
Samurai: [continuing] Of who you really are.

[last lines]
[Ashi collapses at her wedding to Jack]
Ashi: Without Aku, I would never have existed.
Samurai: No.
[fades away]
Samurai: Ashi...

Ashi: [seeing the dead body of one of her sisters, killed by Jack in the previous episode] Death is failure.

Ashi: [while restrained by her kusarigama, Ashi makes several fruitless attempts to hit Jack while swinging back and forth] DIE! DIE! WHY WON'T YOU DIE? Scum, Aku will be triumphant! I will undo the evil that is you, samurai! I will kill you, as long as I have breath in my body, I will strike you down! Long live the glory of Aku!
Samurai: [short pause, calmly] You... are very troubled. And very confused. Aku is the evil one, not me. I have met machines that are programmed with such hate and lies, but never a human.
Samurai: Now you're just repeating yourself.

Samurai: Ashi, you have Aku's powers!
Ashi: [gasp] I do!
[Ashi and Jack open a time portal and go through]
Aku: Oh, no.