Top 30 Quotes From H.R. Wells

H.R. Wells: I just forgot how handsome you were.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, I forgot. He's - you're still here.
H.R. Wells: Yeah. Still here.
Dr. Harry Wells: I guess we have your tactical and technical genius to thank for getting us out of that fix.
H.R. Wells: No, no, nah.
Dr. Harry Wells: Nah?
Cisco: Nah. You were completely right about him. He's a total fraud. He's not even a scientist. And I'm sure you couldn't even remember an ATM code if you tried.
H.R. Wells: All those - all those numbers.
Dr. Harry Wells: It's only four digits. Why is he still here?
Cisco: Because we couldn't do it without him.
H.R. Wells: I thank you, Francisco.
Dr. Harry Wells: Fran- Francisco?

Iris: We need to go to whatever world they're in.
H.R. Wells: How are we gonna do that?
Iris: Look, he said if we loved them enough that we could save them, wherever they are. Cisco, you can vibe us there.
Cisco: I don't think it works that way.
Iris: You sent me into the Speed Force. You sent Barry and Wally to the future. You can do this, too.
J'onn: What is she talking about?
Mon: What's a vibe?
Cisco: I'll explain later.

Barry: You can't give up. Your work on relatistic quantum mechanics and its application to inter-spatial theory to manipulate matter on a subatomic level, it's groundbreaking.
Tracy: I haven't shared that hypothesis with anyone, other than my therapist. Who are you?
H.R. Wells: We're therapists.

Julian: [Reviewing footage of Gypsy fighting] She's good.
H.R. Wells: She's great. I mean Gypsy is a legend on my earth.
Caitlin: So why exactly did you agree to fight her?
Cisco: I don't know.
Barry: You did what any of us would have done.
H.R. Wells: I might... Not have done it. Just being honest.
Cisco: Okay, alright. Lay it out for me. What are my chances here scale of 1 to 10?
H.R. Wells: She's gonna kill you.
Julian: It's a pretty solid 1 mate.

H.R. Wells: We reopen this laboratory and I become the face of the new S.T.A.R. Labs Museum.
Cisco: There's only one problem with that. It's your face. You're kind of a known murderer around these parts. You see, the evil Wells, not to be confused with the dick-ish but not evil Wells, he confessed to killing Barry's mother.
Caitlin: So basically, if you step foot outside this lab, you'll be arrested.
H.R. Wells: What - you're just telling me this now, you two rascals? What about the cryptograms? What about the message? Come to this Earth. Get a fresh start.
Cisco: Well, what about your résumé as a world-renowned genius scientist?
H.R. Wells: That's a good point. I guess we're even.

Cisco: We're talking about a genius super-ape here.
Dr. Harry Wells: And a master strategist who successfully fooled us on my Earth.
H.R. Wells: We Wellses, we don't fool easy, do we, hard hat?
Dr. Harry Wells: Don't call me "hard hat."

H.R. Wells: On my Earth, financial wagering was banned after an unfortunate incident with Vice President Al Capone.

Cisco: By the laws of Earth 19, I hereby challenge you for possession of H.R. Wells! If you want, we could solve this another way. There's a great spot for drinks...
Gypsy: You realize trial by combat is to the death?
Cisco: Yeah! For the loser.
[Gypsy laughs]
Cisco: Listen, you want him? You have to come and claim him.
Gypsy: Hmm.
Cisco: [turning around to Barry and H.R] That's Arwen!
Gypsy: I take it you also want the customary 24 hours to prepare?
Cisco: Do I want the customary...
H.R. Wells: Yes, you do.
Cisco: I would love to take advantage of the customary 24 hours, if you don't mind?

Cisco: You sure your buddy Randolf back home didn't just solve that cryptogram to get rid of you?
H.R. Wells: Well, perhaps he did.

H.R. Wells: Caroling in the rain. That sucks.

The: He wants to kill you before you build it. That's why he's sending Killer Frost after you.
Tracy: Killer Frost? Her name is... Killer Frost?
H.R. Wells: Yeah.
Joe: We know it's a lot to take in.
Tracy: Well, to be honest, you're basically calling me Sarah Connor in "Terminator."
Cisco: Well... Uh, more like... Miles Dyson.

Joe: You put my son's life in danger, again.
H.R. Wells: And he saved Barry's life. Joe, why... why do you think I help Wally? 'Cause I'm selfish, I get something? I don't get anything out of it. I help Wally 'cause the kid is special. He's extraordinary. His powers are extraordinary, and... look, I get it, I'm... I'm not his dad, and I don't have the same safety concerns as you, of course not. But Joe, one thing I do know, the longer you deny someone their potential, the more they're gonna look for it elsewhere.

H.R. Wells: Well you know what I always say, a feller that can't tell the difference between balls and lanterns is in trouble when the lights go out.

H.R. Wells: You go front to back. Toothbrushing. You go front to back? 'Cause I'm a small circles kind of guy. I wonder how the other Wells brushes his teeth.
Dr. Harry Wells: The murderer?
H.R. Wells: I'm fascinated by the subtle differences between us, you know?
Dr. Harry Wells: And the not-so-subtle ones.
H.R. Wells: Like what?
Dr. Harry Wells: Like the fact that I'm a genius and you're a moron.

Barry: How do you guys say "see ya later" over there?
H.R. Wells: Ah.
[poses dramatically]
H.R. Wells: Until next communion.

H.R. Wells: Tell us everything you see right now.
The: Mayhem. And the monster.
Iris: Okay, so what's the plan?
H.R. Wells: Great question, Miss West. So we fashioned just a carbon fiber rope, but correct me if I'm wrong, we never actually discussed how he was gonna use that rope, did we?
The: Guys.
Cisco: Barry, we're gonna do "Empire."
H.R. Wells: "Empire of the Sun", Barry.
Cisco: What? "Empire Strikes Back."
H.R. Wells: What? "Empire Strikes Back", Barry.
Cisco: Just take it down like it's an AT-AT.
H.R. Wells: Just like an AT-AT.
Caitlin: "Bigger they are, the harder they fall." Even I've seen "Empire."
H.R. Wells,63773: I like that.
The: All right, here we go. I've always wanted to be a Jedi.

H.R. Wells: [last words] Tell Cisco... This took strength, and he gave it to me.

H.R. Wells: All right, fellows, let's take a quick ten. We're all still the "Four Amigos" here, right?
Cisco: What?
H.R. Wells: You don't have that movie on this Earth?

Gypsy: You can vibe? Oh, I like it.
Cisco: Slow down there. Let's just talk about this, like two adults, over coffee, or maybe dinner, if you prefer that. There's a great Thai place up the road, if you like Thai. I'm Cisco, by the way. You must be Gypsy. It's nice to meet you.
Caitlin: Are you asking her out on a date?
H.R. Wells: Are you kidding me?
Cisco: I am negotiating.

Joe: What's the deal with you?
H.R. Wells: Hmm?
Joe: You have some psychotic need to make other people like you, no matter what?
H.R. Wells: I wouldn't call it psychotic.

H.R. Wells: Do you guys have a Big Belly Burger?
Caitlin: Some things never change.
H.R. Wells: Famished.

Tracy: How did you know I was here?
H.R. Wells: Um, I might have done a bit of holographic stalking. I stalked you holographically.
Tracy: You mean, in the future, I'm still obsessed with a 500-year-old Italian polymath?
H.R. Wells: Yes, it would appear so.

Savitar: Still here, pretender? Still trying to find your place?
H.R. Wells: I found my place. It's standing here with these people, against you.
Savitar: You know, the sad thing is that you live. You survived my wrath. The coward. Irony.
Barry: Where are you? You said that I trapped you in the future, where?
Savitar: The only place that you could think of. The only place that could hold me.
Barry: How long have you been in prison?
Savitar: Long enough to lose my mind several times over. It's only my will that keeps me on this side of sanity.
Cisco: You know, it's funny, when I think of sanity, I don't necessarily think of Savitar.
Savitar: Well, that's because you're small, Cisco. You've always been small. Reverb told you that you could have been a god. But instead, you'd rather work as... tech support.
Barry: You want to tell me why we're enemies?
Savitar: Because we had to be. Only one of us could live. You thought that Thawne and Zoom were your biggest foes, but... But it's me. It's always been me, Barry.

H.R. Wells: [a breach is open in S.T.A.R. Labs] B.A., someone's coming through.
Cisco: Could be Gypsy.
H.R. Wells: Could be, or it could be...
[the breach closes, revealing J'onn and Mon-El, who has an unconscious Supergirl in his arms]
H.R. Wells: ...Supergirl?
Barry: Kara. What happened to her?
J'onn: We don't know, but whoever did it has come to this world.

Barry: Holy winter wonderland. Took the words right out of my mouth.
Iris: Well, I guess Earth-19's Christmas is just like ours.
H.R. Wells: Some traditions are multi-versal.

Barry: Technically, I'm not even the only one here who can sing.
H.R. Wells: Thank you, B.A.
Barry: What? I was talking about Kara.
H.R. Wells: Sh... oh. You, too?

H.R. Wells: What you doing up there?
Jesse: Just, uh... hanging out.
H.R. Wells: What are... what are you thinking about?
Jesse: Wally. He wants me to stay here with him.
H.R. Wells: Ah. Yeah, he does. Guy is no dummy. Congratulations. Oh, that's great. Love... nothing like young love.
Jesse: Yeah, I just... I don't... I don't know if it's the right thing.
H.R. Wells: Why?
Jesse: He's on his own journey. Besides, my dad just got captured by gorillas. And if... if he does come back, how could I ever tell him I'm leaving?
H.R. Wells: Well, 'cause you're human. That's... that's how. That's what we do. Look, my point is this. When it comes to love, you gotta go for it. You know? Everything else be damned. 'Cause if you don't, you're gonna end up being the kind of person that lives the rest of their life with regret. I mean, I know that telling your dad that, you know, you're... you're switching Earths, that's gonna be a difficult conversation to have, but one that you've got to go for if you want to be happy.

Barry: Um, well, I was just wondering if you've ever written about time travel. But more specifically traveling to the future.
H.R. Wells: Oh, no, my best seller... oh, hey, 'The Future Ain't What It Used to Be'... that was...
[sighing and murmuring]
H.R. Wells: it was all about... it was all about this guy who's actively trying to prevent his own murder. Won the Nebula Award. It's well-received.
Barry: Wow.
H.R. Wells: Yeah.
Barry: Um, so this character... your character... uh, was he able to change his future? More specifically, if he allowed certain events to occur naturally, was he only cementing the very timeline that resulted in a horrible event later?
H.R. Wells: There were two schools of thought. One faction... one group of fans... they believed, you know, the future's ever-changing. You know, it's not fixed, and so you could make of the future anything you wish.
Barry: Right.
H.R. Wells: Another group of fans vehemently disagreed with it. They said, "No, no, no. "The future is fixed, and you can't change it no matter how hard you try."
Barry: Mm-hmm. Where do you come down? On a fixed or ever-changing future?
H.R. Wells: Well, I think that a man often meets his destiny on the very road he takes to avoid it.
Barry: Meaning?
H.R. Wells: Meaning... the future is fixed.
Barry: Yeah.

H.R. Wells: Wallace... I understand what you've been through. Stuck in the Speed Force, things you saw... I get it. I also know that sometimes the old adage is true. You get bucked from the horse, best thing you can do is get right back on the damn thing and ride, Wallace.

Barry: You have the same powers Gypsy does, right? She's not doing anything you can't do.
H.R. Wells: Much better though... I mean she's doing it just much better