Top 100 Quotes From Jack Sheridan

Jack: The doctor said this was normal?
Charmaine: Yeah. Morning sickness doesn't just happen in the mornings, Jack.

Melinda: You know, I don't think I'd still be here if it wasn't for you.
Jack: Well, I don't think that's true.
Melinda: I do.

Melinda: I'm talking about today. When I couldn't find you, I thought something happened to you. I felt like I couldn't breathe.
Jack: That's how I felt about you when you left for L.A. The worse part was when you were gone I realized I didn't want to live my life without you.
Melinda: Jack..
Jack: Mel it's okay. You don't owe me anything.
Melinda: Wait.
Jack: Mel you don't have to do this.
Melinda: Yes I do. I need you to know how I feel.
Melinda: I love you. I love you.
Melinda: I love that you can make me laugh, even when I don't want too! I love that you listen more than you talk. I love that you were just willing to be be my friend. I love that you built me a home. I'm so sorry I pushed you away. I thought by protecting my heart I couldn't get hurt but the thought of not having you in my life is so painful.

Jack: I'm taking Mel out to lunch by the river.
Hope: Pray that it works, because I need you to counteract the calamity Doc's created between the two of them.
Jack: Firing her didn't help things.
Hope: I'm working on mending that fence. You focus on showing her what Virgin River has to offer.
Jack: Gourmet peanut butter and jelly?
Hope: Heaven help us. Out of the kitchen. Leave the food to me. Leave the lunch to me. You can't make important decisions while eating peanut butter.

Doc: You look like you could use some rest.
Jack: Meaning?
Doc: If I'm gonna be blunt, you look like hell.

Dan: I think me being successful on my own is killing you.
Jack: What, so your definition of success is working for a drug dealer?
Dan: Admit it. You hate the fact that I'm making more money than you.
Jack: What you're doing isn't work. It's a felony.

Charmaine: Are you and Mel dating?
Jack: No.
Charmaine: Are you sleeping with her?
Jack: I think it's better for everyone that we don't discuss Mel.
Charmaine: Did it happen while we were still together?
Jack: I'll pretend you didn't ask me that.

Hope: I can't stand that woman.
Jack: Really? You hide it so well.

Jack: Anyone else need a beer?
- No, I'm good.
- I'm good.
- All right.

Melinda: I can understand not wanting to burden your family and friends.
Jack: Well, I don't see helping someone you love as an obligation. I mean, to me it's an opportunity to show gratitude, right?
Melinda: Well, yeah, but you know, if you're the one that needs the help, sometimes it can make you feel weak.
Jack: True, but... well, that's why family and friends should be there to help you get strong again.
Melinda: Yeah. I guess I never looked at it like that before.

Charmaine: Hey, stranger. Where have you been off to all night?
Jack: Just been mingling.

Ricky: What's the rush?
Jack: We need Mel to stay.
Ricky: We?
Jack: Virgin River needs her. Doc isn't getting any younger.
Ricky: Yeah, she's the hottest doctor I think I have ever seen.
Jack: Hey, hey. She's a nurse practitioner, and you just be respectful.

Melinda: She's gonna be the mother of your child. You have the chance to have a real family, and I just - I can't be the person to stand in the way of that.
Jack: Well, here's the problem: I'm not in love with her.

Melinda: Umm, this is amazing. What is this?
Jack: Squirrel.
Melinda: Um!
Jack: Hah, that was too easy !
Melinda: Thats not funny!
Jack: You know, I've actually had squirrel. And if its done right, its pretty tasty!
Melinda: Yeah well I'm going to take your word on that.

Melinda: You're being very cute right now.
Jack: Really? I thought I was cute all the time.

Jack: You still think I don't understand?
Melinda: Understand what?
Jack: That there's no timeline for getting over the loss of someone you love.

- Mel?
- You all right?
[brightly] Uh-huh.
Jack: You sure?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Um, I'll be out in a second.

Melinda: You've been through a lot.
Jack: So have you.
Melinda: Yeah, and you let me cry, and yell... and then cry some more.

Jack: Hey.
- Um, do you want some orange juice?
- Sure.

Melinda: I really had no idea what this job was gonna be like.
Jack: Well, sometimes those turn out to be the best jobs.
Melinda: You think?

Jack: Your sister sure seems to be having a good time.
Melinda: Yeah she's gifted when it comes to having fun.
Jack: Not you ?
Melinda: Well, I always had to work really hard to get what I wanted. And with Joey it just kind of came easily. Its hard to compete with her.
Jack: Come on. I don't see any competition.
Melinda: Yeah that's because I've gotten good at hiding my flaws.
Jack: Too bad you don't see yourself the way the rest of the world does.

Jack: Look, I've been making excuses for you and bailing you out since Iraq. Now, as long as I keep fixing everything, you never will. You need to grow up and get your life together.
Dan: What happened to blood brothers huh?

Melinda: You're a good man.
Jack: And you're a good woman.
Melinda: I don't think my sister would agree with you. We didn't have the best phone call.
Jack: Don't beat yourself up. You've been under a lot of stress. Look, I've got four sisters. I know how they can be.
Melinda: Well, she practically raised me, so she's used to bossing me around. She's a force of nature.
Jack: Obviously runs in the family.

Jack: I'm here for a latte.
Paige: I never thought I'd see the day I'd steam milk for you.
Jack: No, not for me. For Mel.
Paige: Aah. Suddenly, everything seems right in the world again.
Jack: But you know what? Let's make it two.

Jack: I'm just as scared as you are okay? I've never felt this for anybody in my life. I didn't even know I could. And then you walk in and from that first moment I saw you I knew.
Melinda: Stop. Please Jack!
Jack: I cant stop how I feel okay? I'm falling in love with you.
Melinda: Don't say that.
Jack: I know what I'm asking is a lot. I cant change your past. But I want to be part of your future.
Melinda: I just need some time to think about this okay.
Jack: Take all the time you need. I'm not going anywhere.

- Mel, you're an amazing woman.
- Jack, you're not listening to what I want.
- I am listening.
- That's what I'm trying to say.
- I know what you want.
- I don't know if I can give it to you.
Jack: This is killing me… but I know I'm doing the right thing.

Charmaine: I don't understand you. Why would you wanna live with me if we're not together?
Jack: Well, I never said you and I were gonna live together. I'm buying the house for the twins.

Charmaine: Todd's not allergic. He's, um... he's just not a dog person. I thought I could change his mind, but obviously, I couldn't. So...
Jack: So he's just making you get rid of your dog, huh?
Charmaine: He's not making me. It's a sacrifice, Jack.
Jack: Pretty crappy sacrifice, if you ask me.
Charmaine: I wasn't asking you.

Jack: Well, you don't have any ice, but you are stocked on frozen vegetables. So I'm using peas.
Melinda: Yeah, I don't know how those ended up in there.
Jack: One day they just showed up. Well, Doc bought 'em for Hope after her heart attack. She was never gonna eat 'em, so she stashed 'em there so that he wouldn't find them in the trash.

Jack: So, Miss Mel Monroe from LA, what brings you to our tiny little hamlet?
Melinda: Work.
Jack: Yeah? Where you staying?
Melinda: Uh, the McCrea cabin.
Jack: Oof. What'd you do to deserve that?
Melinda: Yeah, I should have come up and vetted the place first.
Jack: Oh, come on. I think spontaneity's an admirable quality.

Jack: I wanna know what's going on in that beautiful head of yours.
Melinda: Yeah, well, right now, it's mostly filled with regret.

Melinda: I'm so sorry.
Jack: For what?
Melinda: For this. I shouldn't have let things get this far.
Jack: Its okay. You weren't ready
Melinda: I wasn't.
Jack: I'll wait.
Melinda: You know once the baby's born, your life is going to change more than you can ever imagine.
Jack: I'm never going to change the way I feel about you
Melinda: You don't know how you're going to feel when you become parents. Raising a baby together can create a bond that's completely unexpected.
Jack: No matter what happens, I'm never going to stop wanting you. I'm in love with you.

Jack: Listen, I wanted to apologize for Charmaine's behavior. She hasn't been herself lately.
Melinda: It's fine.
Jack: No, it isn't.
Melinda: You're right, it's not fine.
Jack: Well, at least we agree on something.

Dan: Look, I, uh... I just came by to see how you're doing.
Jack: I'm doing fine, thanks. You can go now.

Jack: You're awfully quiet.
Melinda: I was just thinking.
Jack: About?
Melinda: You know this morning, when we were talking about being real with each other? How would you feel about me having a baby?

Charmaine: Let's go dancing
Jack: Why don't we get a drink first?

Melinda: Credence?
Jack: Well I figured it was better than ACDC!
Melinda: Oh Really? 'Cause Ride on always put me right to sleep !
Jack: Who are you ?
Melinda: I'm a nurse who knows her metal !

Jack: You don't have to check up on me.
Melinda: I'm just getting some lunch.
Jack: Oh, really? It's not even noon.
Melinda: I know, and I'm already starving. You know that it's a known fact that stress triggers hormones related to appetite. That's why they call it stress eating.

Jack: I heard you're retiring.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: Yeah? Where'd you hear that?
Jack: Mel.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: Ah. I see. Well, for your information, that piece of news? That was given to her in confidence.
Jack: Don't blame Mel. She was hurt, and she wanted some advice.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: I don't care. My business is a private matter.

- You know, if I didn't know any better,
- I'd say you were following me.
- -Really?
- -Mm.
- Hmm. Because, actually,
- I think I got here first.
- -Touché.
- -Mm-hmm.
- Thank you.
Jack: Drive safe.

Jack: And what about you? You never get stressed?
John: No, I meet with a group of vets over in Grace Valley from time to time. It helps on the days I need support.
Jack: Well, I'm not so sure sitting around talking about my feelings with a bunch of dudes is gonna help anything.
John: Well, you'd be surprised.

Dan: I came to make things right between us.
Jack: You made your choice that night.
Dan: Well, I got another job offer, but I'm willing to turn it down if I can manage the bar.
Jack: Well, Brady, in what world would I make you a manager?

Jack: Anyway, while we're being honest, I can't take credit for lunch. This is all Hope.
Melinda: Aah! God, she is everywhere, isn't she?
Jack: Yep. You know, she told me about Lilly.
Melinda: She shouldn't have done that.
Jack: Ah, she's... worried.
Melinda: No, Doc should not have told Hope. Hope should not have told you. It's a violation of patient confidentiality.
Jack: Well, she wasn't gossiping. She's just trying to help.
Melinda: No, I know, but it doesn't matter why. She's still crossing a line doing that.

Melinda: There are teams, Jack. Teams!
Jack: For the egg relay?
Melinda: Oh No. For us! There is a team Charmaine and a Team Mel. Yeah, apparently, everybody thinks that we slept together!
Jack: We did sleep together !
Melinda: But you and I are the only ones who know that right?
Melinda: Jack? Oh Jack!

Jack: Hey, listen to me. You walk away from here right now, you never come back here. You understand me?
Dan: So long, Jack.

Jack: I know how hard it can be to make a fresh start.

- but did we not come here to improvise, adapt, and...
[all] Overcome!
- So suck it up, suit up, and let's go, boys!
- Oorah!
[men] Oorah
Jack: Kick your asses up and down that river!

Jack: I know it's hard for you to stay out of everybody's business, but reading that letter crosses a line, even for you.
Hope: I was afraid Charmaine had written something hurtful to you.
Jack: And if she had?
Hope: I could've tossed the letter and spared you some heartache.
Jack: It wasn't your letter to toss.

Melinda: You know you're one of the reasons I'm still standing.
Jack: What do you mean?
Melinda: I wouldn't have lasted more than two days in Virgin River, if it wasn't for you. So thank you.

Jack: How was your run?
Melinda: It was great.
Jack: Explain to me how running can be great.
Melinda: Well, I used to run on a treadmill that projected pictures of the forest, and now I run through an actual forest.
Jack: Oh, no, no, no, no. The forest I get, but you're never gonna sell me on the running.

Hope: Tonight is Virgin River's annual Moonlight Mingle.
Melinda: Still lost.
Hope: The Moonlight mingle is the premier social event in the Virgin River calendar. Every year, the entire town gets together on one of our resident farms for dinner and dancing. When you least expect it, the DJ shouts mingle and all dancers have to switch partners.
Melinda: So it's kind of like a Square dance.
Hope: No! Its not like square dancing, this is a semi-formal event.
Jack: It's actually kind of elegant!
Melinda: Okay. Well thank you very much but I'm going to have to pass
Hope: You cant pass. That would be considered highly unsociable
Melinda: By who ?
Hope: Me ! And the entire town.
Melinda: I'm not much of a dancer
Joey: That's a lie !
Melinda: Joey !

Jack: So are we gonna have a real campout?
Melinda: What is a real campout?
Jack: Sleeping under the stars.

Melinda: I don't know what I'm more surprised at, that you built a batting cage for yourself in the middle of the woods, or that I'm holding a bat and wearing a helmet. Are we really doing this?
Jack: How do you usually burn off stress?
Melinda: I run.
Jack: One of those people, huh?
Melinda: What is that supposed to mean?
Jack: You know, 'those people'. People who constantly crave productivity. My theory is that runners are the same people who stress clean.

- I… I think I can do that.
- -Maybe?
- -Maybe.
Jack: Mm.
- Sorry, I gotta…
- That's okay.
- Hey, Mike, what's up?

Jack: [to Melinda] You are relentless when it comes to helping people.

Jack: Aah.
- Mm. Hey, thank you.
- -Uh... How much further?
- -We're almost there.

Melinda: What do you want from me?
Jack: I want you back.

Jack: You deserve to be with someone that can give you everything you want. I don't think that's me.
Melinda: Are you saying that you wanna end this?
Jack: It's not because I want to.

Brie: Look, Mel loves you because you don't pretend to be somebody that you're not. And out in the dating world, that is pretty hard to find. Trust me.
Jack: Well, let's hope it's enough.

- Hey, babe?
Melinda: Yeah.
- I got you a latte.
- Okay.
- I'll be right there.
Jack: So, Doc called.

Jack: Jesus, you're one of the most forgiving people I know. But not when it comes to Brady.
John: Well, he may have you fooled, but not me. Hell, he thinks any straight job is beneath him.
Jack: Well, he's here. He's trying.
John: You really think he's changed?

Jack: Do you know what's wrong?
- -[Brie cries quietly]
- -She had a miscarriage.
- You know what? I have some more tissues in the kitchen. I'll be right back. Okay?
- Oh, hey.
- -[cries]
- -[Jack] Hey, everything's gonna be okay.
- -Okay?
- -Yeah. [cries]

Jack: I'm constantly pleasantly surprised by you.
Melinda: I like to keep you on your toes.

Jack: Hey, Preach, listen,
- I got some business to take care of.
- So I need you to call the staff.
- Just let 'em know that the kitchen will be open today. Okay?
- I'll probably be in around lunch.
- All right. Thanks, man. Bye.

Hope: I'll come back before the dinner rush.
Jack: Well, I won't be here.

Jack: So, about last night..
Melinda: What. Anything happened I should be aware of?
Jack: Oh you're funny !
Jack: I would really like to take you out for dinner. Think of it as a meal between friends. Come on, we eat together all the time.
Melinda: Yeah but this would be different.
Jack: Okay. No pressure, no expectations.
Melinda: I just don't know if I'm ready.
Jack: You have about 10 hours, you'll be fine!
Melinda: Stop !
Jack: Ok so Yeah ?
Melinda: Okay! Yeah... okay!

Charmaine: Oh, next Friday... I was thinking, after dinner, I could spend the night at your place. Hm? It's our two-year anniversary.
Jack: See, um... I didn't think we were doing anniversaries.
Charmaine: Well... maybe it's time we started. I just thought it might be nice.
Jack: Well, things are nice the way they are.

[Brady] You know, I'm getting that.
- Can I buy you a drink?
Jack: That'd be a no.
- Hey, speak for yourself.
- You can leave.
- Give me a minute.

Todd: I love Charmaine, and I would do anything to make her happy.
Jack: I'm sincerely happy for the both of you.
Todd: That's good to hear. If I were you, I'd be relieved she found someone to take care of her, so you don't have to.
Jack: I'm perfectly capable of supporting her and the twins.

- You look dashing, Mr. Sheridan.
Jack: Why, thank you.
- That's very kind of you to say.
- -I'm ready to go if you're ready to go.
- -Yeah.
- You might wanna grab a sweater.
- Yeah, I have one.

Melinda: Look, I'm sorry that I upset you by bringing up Charmaine. It's just that I feel like she deserves to know where she stands.
Jack: She knows where she stands, because from the very beginning, I have been very clear with her. I told her that I didn't want a relationship, that I wasn't lookin' for anything permanent. And she understood. She said she didn't want that either. I'm not the bad guy here.
Melinda: I didn't say you were.
Jack: Kind of sounds like you are.

Jack: You made cookies for the dog?
Charmaine: Yeah, and I'd make you cookies. All you had to do is ask.

Jack: How you feeling?
Melinda: Happy and safe.
Jack: Exactly how I want you to feel.
Melinda: Mm Hmm again ?
Jack: Maybe this time we can make it to the bed!
Melinda: Can we eat first? Im staving.
Jack: Uh huh!
Melinda: What ?
Jack: You have like no food!
Melinda: I have frozen peas.
Jack: Okay tell you what, how about I fix us up some steaks at the bar?
Melinda: Yeah that sounds wonderful. Should I bring anything?
Jack: Just yourself !

Melinda: How are you guys doing?
Jack: Blood brothers sometimes spill a little blood.

Jack: You snore.
Melinda: I don't snore.
Jack: Um hm. Like a lumberjack!
Melinda: Stop. Dont exaggerate.
Jack: No, I'm talking Bose stereo surround sound. I mean for a minute there, I thought there were two of you !

Melinda: Can we try to be friends?
Jack: I'll do my best.
Melinda: Okay. Thank you.
Jack: Being that I'm just a friend, I should maybe put my pants on.

Jack: Oh now you're killing me !
Melinda: Ooh you're gonna be just fine !
Jack: Good night. Will I see you tomorrow ?
Melinda: Umm. I make great pancakes!
Jack: I bet you do !

- because you don't pretend to be somebody that you're not.
- And out in the dating world, that is pretty hard to find. Trust me.
Jack: Hm.
- Well, let's hope it's enough.
- You're overthinking things.
- You need to get out of your own way.

Jack: Did you sort everything out with Stacie?
Melinda: I wouldn't give her the ring, so she got upset and left last night.
Jack: Well, good for you. At least you don't have to see her for a while.

Jack: What do you want from me?
- -[grunting]
- -[distorted speech]
[Jack muffled] What are you doing here?

Jack: I didn't take you for someone who'd just walk away when things got tough.
Melinda: I guess you don't know me as well as you think you do.
Jack: Well, I know enough to know I'm right about us.

Hope: Are you buying the house for you or for someone else?
Jack: Right now, I'm focused on the twins, you know? I want them to... live somewhere comfortable and safe, and if that means they go back and forth between me and Charmaine, or we all live here, I don't know.
Hope: You're open to that? Living with Charmaine?
Jack: Well, best way to spend time with my kids, then I have to be.
Hope: Oh, I thought you didn't feel that way about her.
Jack: Well, I don't, but... you know, dads don't always get a fair shake when it comes to custody. I want to spend as much time with them as possible.

- Doc can stay behind to meet Social Services?
Jack: Sure. Come on.
[sighs] You can ride shotgun.
- Do-Well, shouldn't Mel stay behind?
- She's the one who called.
- Vernon, so help me, you are jangling my last nerve.
- For once, just do as you're asked.

Melinda: You know what I miss about L.A.?
Jack: Smog? Traffic? A little gun violence?

Melinda: Jack, she's never gonna be okay with us being together. And it's only gonna get more complicated once the baby comes.
Jack: Okay, what about what I want?

Melinda: You think you know yourself now, but when the twins come, you're gonna change. Ask anybody who's ever had a child.
Jack: I don't care what anybody else says.

Jack: Man, I feel like the deck is stacked against me, you know? I keep trying to do the right thing, and everywhere I turn, a roadblock.
Mike: Come on, man. That's not the Jack I know.

Jack: So, where's Chloe?
Melinda: Uh, Paige volunteered to watch her.
Jack: She eating any better?
Melinda: No. She hates the bottle, and she's barely eating enough to keep up her weight, which means she's hungry and cranky.
Jack: Well, how are you holdin' up? I mean, between Chloe and work, you must be exhausted.
Melinda: Yeah. Well, no work today, 'cause I got fired yesterday.

Melinda: When I couldn't find you, I thought something happened to you. It felt like I couldn't breathe.
Jack: That's how I felt about you when you left for L.A. And the worst part, was when you were gone, I realized I don't want to live my life without you.

Jack: Hope, I forgave you weeks ago.

Charmaine: Hey. What are you doing here?
Jack: Well, you wouldn't return my calls, so...
Charmaine: It's funny. All I have to do is ignore you for a little while and then here you are, chasing after me for a change.

John: So? The pretty lady make it home last night?
Jack: She had a ring on.
John: Yeah, I wasn't sure you noticed.
Jack: I did.

Jack: What's this?
Hope: It's from Charmaine. She asked me to give it to you.
Jack: Well, why would she write me a letter?
Hope: I think she's afraid if she talks to you in person she'll end up wanting you back.
Jack: Come on. She's the one that broke up with me.
Hope: She knows you aren't in love with her.
Jack: Well, I can't make myself feel something I don't.
Hope: Exactly. And you shouldn't. Which is something I want you to remember when you read her letter.

Jack: You truly are a beautiful person. You know that? I'm serious. Always thinking abouthow to make other people's lives better. Where's that come from?
Melinda: I don't know. My mom was like that.
Jack: I wish I'd gotten to meet her.
Melinda: You would've loved her.
Jack: Well, I certainly love her daughter.

Jack: You know, wherever we end up, I just want you to be happy.
Melinda: I am happy. I wanna be with you. And I want a family.
Jack: What about the twins? You know, if we got married, you'd be their stepmother.
Melinda: I know, and I would love them with all of my heart. But I know myself, and loving them is not gonna stop this feeling that I have to have a baby of my own.

Jack: You're late.
Dan: Wasn't sure I still had a job.
Jack: You know, I promised you a long time ago that I would always have your back.
Dan: This ain't Iraq.
Jack: Doesn't matter.
Dan: Won't happen again, I swear.
Jack: And that's a promise you actually plan to keep?
Dan: Yeah. I'm gonna try.
Jack: You know, Brady, you gotta do a little more than just try.

Melinda: I was just coming to see how you were doing.
Jack: Yeah. I'm good. Why you asking?
Melinda: Just curious.
Jack: Since we're being curious, where have you been the last few days?
Melinda: Doc gave me a few days off, so I could recover from the whole pot thing.
Jack: How you doin' with that?
Melinda: I'd kind of rather just forget it ever happened.

Jack: What are you asking me?
Charmaine: Am I in this alone?
Jack: I will support you and this baby. You know that.
Charmaine: Jack, that's not what I'm asking.

Melinda: Is it just me, or are people staring at me?
Jack: Well, can you blame them? Look at that dress. You're a knockout.

Jack: Well, I had a little help.
- Brie actually helped me with the tea lights.
- -That was her idea.
- -[quietly] Oh my gosh.
- She's so sweet.
- I am blown away.
- That's the reaction I was looking for.