The Best Dr. Vernon Mullins Quotes

Muriel: You see, if you open up to someone else, then it could help you see the problem from a whole new perspective.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: That's never been my way. And this old dog is way past learning new tricks.

Dr. Vernon Mullins: The pain of losing someone you love is overwhelming. The challenge is to keep that pain from crushing you.
Tara: That's how I feel.

Lizzie: The guy at the front desk was so lame. I forgot my driver's license, so he wasn't gonna let me in.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: How did you get through?
Lizzie: I started crying. I can cry on command, it's pretty useful.

Dr. Vernon Mullins: I have worked 30 years alone to build this practice, and up until now, anything that had to do with the work was strictly my business.
Melinda: Okay, so you feel like being on your own was better.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: It was easier. The only person I had to answer to was me.
Melinda: It's not about answering to me. It's just about having respect for a colleague.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: I do respect you, but it doesn't mean that I'm comfortable having you involved in every aspect of my life.
Melinda: I'm not talking about every aspect. I am just talking about the clinic.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: But this is what you gotta understand. The clinic, this clinic, this is my life!

Jack: I heard you're retiring.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: Yeah? Where'd you hear that?
Jack: Mel.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: Ah. I see. Well, for your information, that piece of news? That was given to her in confidence.
Jack: Don't blame Mel. She was hurt, and she wanted some advice.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: I don't care. My business is a private matter.

Dr. Vernon Mullins: You are the one who is sick. You don't owe Hope or anybody else a medical report. You cannot sap your energy worrying about what other people think.
Lilly: She's not "other people." She's my best friend.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: That's exactly why she'll understand. She loves you. She wants the best for you.

Melinda: I am perfectly capable of maintaining confidentiality.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: Well, then we shouldn't have any issues.
Melinda: Oh, don't worry. I'm sure we'll find something to disagree on.

Dr. Vernon Mullins: Hope told you to keep an eye on me?
Melinda: No, sh... Okay, fine. Yes, but I swore I wouldn't tell you. Please, don't rat me out.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: That woman is unbelievable. She's on the other side of the country and still trying to run my life.
Melinda: She loves you.
Dr. Vernon Mullins: Or she thinks I'm just not capable of living without her.
Melinda: Well, knowing Hope, it's probably both.