The Best Jefferson Pierce Quotes

Supergirl: Thanks for saving us, Oliver. The world has hope again. I have hope again. We'll never forget you.
Barry: Thanks for believing in me even when I didn't. You had this way of bringing out the very best in all of us. I'm gonna miss you, man.
Sara: I've lost a lot of people that I love. But I never imagined my life without you in it. You were always there for me. And now... Ollie, you changed my fate for the better. Thank you.
Jefferson: I never met Oliver, but he must have been a good dude.

Jefferson: Injustice? Damn. Look, Barry, those protocols are a one-way trip. A bad one.
Barry: [a little irritable] I know that.
Jefferson: All right, all right. Just take a deep breath. Tell me what happened.
Barry: In the last 24 hours, I've lost my job, my home base. I've started having blackouts. I destroyed my apartment at superspeed. I attacked my team, my family. Jefferson, I attacked innocent people, dozens of them, and I don't remember doing it. I'm out of control!
Jefferson: Easy. In my experience, there's almost nothing that can't be undone, but I'm gonna need you to calm down for me.
Barry: Calm down? I'm losing my mind! Look, you know the contingency plan. The Injustice protocols were put into place for a reason, to protect the world when one of us goes rogue. It's happening, Jefferson. You have to take away my powers.

Jefferson: [about Oliver, to Barry] He wasn't a quitter. So don't you dare quit on yourself.

Barry: Damn it, I... I can't get this last conduit.
Jefferson: You know what? Um, you know, sometimes I like to work with a little music on.
Barry: Yeah.
Jefferson: [he turns on Theolonius Monk's "Blue Monk"] Monk? Okay, trying to impress me.
Barry: I kind of grew up on this stuff. Joe always had something spinning on the turntable. Miles Davis, Johnny Hartman, Ella Fitzgerald. It's his favorite. Was his favorite.
Jefferson: Yeah, I lost someone too a while back. Bill Henderson. Actually, he was a cop like your old man. Well, we had our ups and downs, but, uh, through it all, he was my best friend. My brother. Bill died saving my life... so I could get home to Atlanta and the girls. Yeah, he made that sacrifice. Just like you sacrificing a big part of yourself here today. You know, if Joe was here, I think he'd be real proud of the hero you've been all along.
[seeing his physical reaction as Barry remembers something Despero said]
Jefferson: Are you okay?
Barry: Yeah. That was the last conduit. Now, when your suit materializes, you'll be able to generate enough voltage to disrupt my Speed Force connection.
Jefferson: Giving Gambi a run for his money, huh? All right, let's go blow this fuse.
[a few moments later, he's suited up]
Barry: I'm ready.
Jefferson: This is gonna hurt.
Barry: Mm-hmm.

Jefferson: [Barry unveils the round table in the Hall of Justice] You should have led with that, bro.
Superman: Yeah. Not bad.
Supergirl: I love it.
Sara: It's perfect.

Jefferson: Look, we need to call in the others.
Barry: We don't have time.
Jefferson: No, no. Kara, J'onn, Sara, we all designed this plan together after Faust.
Barry: And we all made the same promise. If anyone ever lost control, a designated teammate would step in. For me, that's you.
Jefferson: And I don't carry that weight lightly. What if this is all temporary? What if your mind starts healing?
Barry: It's... it's not gonna heal. It's only gonna get worse.
Jefferson: But how can you say that for sure?
Barry: I forgot Joe died. The man who raised me... he passed away six months ago, and I can't remember it at all. Look, I know you have questions, but I'm losing myself. You took an oath, if I ever said the word "injustice," you'd listen. Please. We have to do this now.
Jefferson: My father had a saying, one that I even teach my students today. "Where's the future? Right here. Whose life is this? Mine. What are you gonna do with it? Live it by any means necessary." So don't worry. I will honor my promise. I will do whatever is necessary to keep folks alive. But remember... when we take away your powers, they are gone, permanently.

Jefferson: Why'd you choose a condemned building?
Barry: What? No. This is not a condemned building. No, listen. This is an old STAR Labs research facility that nobody uses. And what's even better no knows it exists.
Kate: Good for you.
Barry: No. Good for us. I figure we can all use this to gather if
[audibly exhales]
Barry: anything ever happens again.
Clark: That's a great idea, Barry.
Barry: Superman.
J'onn: It's a better option than you all dropping by the DEO.
Jefferson: Why do we even need it? I mean how often does the world almost come to an end?
[Jefferson chuckles slightly. Awkward silence]
Jefferson: Oh, it's like that.
Kate: Don't worry. I was the new kid last year.

Jefferson: Where's the future?
Barry: Right here.
Jefferson: Whose life is this?
Barry: Mine.
Jefferson: What are you gonna do with it?
Barry: Live it... by any means necessary.

Jefferson: You look like death warmed over.
Barry: I need your help.
Jefferson: Barry, what the hell is going on?
Barry: Injustice.