The Best Lois Stoner Quotes

[last lines]
[stopping a drink from being poured]
Barney: No more.
Lois: I don't want to go back.
Barney: Mrs. Stoner?
Lois: Please, help me.
Barney: I will.

Lois: I'm anesthe, um, anesthe... the pain of the world doesn't get me, right?

Lisa: What's the matter, boys? You look like you got caught with your fingers in the till.

Lois: I'm not drunk. but somebody keeps moving the floor.

Dekker: Do we have to listen to this?
Lisa: Why don't you want to listen to it? It's because you're a killer. I knew it when I saw you. You're a killer.

Lisa: Come on, boys! You've already stolen everything there is to steal. Let's have a drink.