The Best Lupita Quotes

Andy: They want to send me to Iraq, Lupita.
Lupita: Bye.

Lupita: [to Nancy] Your butta don't look right.
Nancy: It's sage.
Lupita: Don't smell like sage.
Nancy: Obviously your menopause has affected your sense of smell.
Lupita: I don't a smell with my couchie.

Lupita: I'm sorry about your car.
Celia: Do you know who hit me? Is she one of your maid friends? What's her name?
Lupita: I don't know, we just call each other "maid friend."

Andy: Hey Lupita, settle an argument for us. What do you call the thing between the dick and the asshole?
Lupita: The coffee table.

Nancy: Obviously menopause has effected your sense of smell.
Lupita: I don't smell with my coochie.

Andy: Hey, Lupita, settle an argument for us, what do you call the thing between the dick and the asshole?
Lupita: The coffee table.