50 Best Nobody Quotes

Hutch: Give me the goddamn kitty cat bracelet, motherfucker!

David: You know... I tried the retirement thing. I enjoyed it. Sleep in late, breakfast, walk around the quad. Lunch, nap, swim. But God damn it Huutchie... if I didn't miss this shit.

Teddy: What are you still doing here, old man?
Hutch: I'm gonna fuck you up!

- yes gonna call my job they might lay me off can't go home with nightmares driving me crazy too many worries too many bills I gotta pay

- Come on, Davey.
- Please turn that shit down.

Yulian: Mr. Mansell.
Hutch: [cheerily] Hey.
Yulian: Enjoying the meal?
Hutch: Nah, I came for the show.

Hutch: [narrating] This girl is gonna get home safe tonight. I hope these assholes like hospital food.

Hutch: You seem so far away. I know that's... it's unfair to put it like that, but... I just... I-I miss you.
Hutch: [sighs] Remember who we used to be?
Becca: I do.

Doctor: [on Teddy] He's showing little brain activity
Pavel: [in Russian] In other words... he's fucked

- Get some work done.
- Maybe, uh, open a tiki bar in one of the lesser-known
- Caribbean islands, and live your life far from me and mine.
- Think it over.
- I'll be nearby.

- They came after my family.
- They came at dad. I know.
- Who the fuck you think helped pop clean this shit up?
- I've got a plan.
- You got a fucking plan.
- Listen, hutch.
- I'm not coming out of hiding to save your white ass...

Hutch: Deep down, I always knew it was a facade. It just lasted a lot longer than I thought.

Yulian: You murdered my brother!
Hutch: He was still alive with a pulse when I left him.

- You know? Yeah.
- What do you want with this place, anyway?
- Guess I just want something that's mine, you know?
- I do.
- Hey, hutch.
- I'm rooting for you.

- Your words may be correct, but they are no less unwise.
- What can you do?
- You don't choose family.
- No, you don't.
- How can I find this man?

- Enough about othello here, yulian.
- Your singing and dancing are a little inappropriate for a guy who's protecting a shit ton of our cash.
- It doesn't inspire confidence, you dig?

- Now I know why you didn't do what you didn't do.
- What'd they get? Not much.
- Just a couple bucks.
- I guess it could have been worse, man.
Hutch: Yeah.
Harry: Look, I know what you're thinking about, and I wish you wasn't.
- Don't do nothing stupid.
- You hear me?

Hutch: I can't believe I let this happen. My beautiful wife, beautiful kids, my home, broken into with a freaking...
Police: Mr. Mansell?
Hutch: Excuse me?
Police: So, that's how they got in, huh? Using a pizza box?
Hutch: Yeah.
Police: And the golf club? Did you even take a swing?
Hutch: She had a, uh...
Blake: Could've taken her, Dad.
Police: Look, you did the right thing, Mr. Mansell. You know, if that was my family...
Police: We're gonna get out of your hair. You just leave that garage door closed, okay?

- No, you got stupid, Mr. mansell!
- And your family will pay the price!
- What's he doing?
- The fuck you doing, man?
- Everybody dies...
- Some sooner than others.

- Just take what you want and go, please.
- Man: Just shut up!
Woman on Bus: Let's get out of here.
Woman on Bus: Baby, let's go!
- Man: You picked the wrong fucking house.
- Fuck. Shit. Let's go.

- Did you even take a swing?
- She had a...
- You could have taken her, dad.
- Look, you did the right thing, Mr.
- Mansell.
- You know, if that was my family...
- We're gonna get out of your hair.
- You just leave that garage door closed, okay?

- You passed it, motherfucker.
- All right, man, there he is!
- Hi.
- On the house, sir.

- That's okay. I know the life.
- Go ahead.
- Thanks.
- The pond. Hello, this is...
- The private pond. Yes.
- Yeah. It's for you.
- Hutch here.

[first lines]
Detective: [in interrogation room] Who the fuck are you?
Hutch: Me? I'm...

- Just a distributor of ours.
- Hey, I have an idea.
- How about I make that lasagna that you love tonight?
- You know, from scratch, like I used to.
- It's been a while. Lasagna!
- I'd really like that.

- First, we drop off the goods, then you can fix your scratches.
- Fuck off! Scratches?
- Oh, 'cause funky music sho nuff turns me on...
- Alright.
- That's right.

- Fun fact.
- Bone burns to ash at 1,500 degrees, and this basement is designed to double that, so they won't be finding you among the rubble.
- Deep down,
- I always knew it was a facade.
- It lasted a lot longer than I expected.

- Enjoying the meal?
- Nah...
- I came for the show.
- Cute.
- You have some nerve to be here like this.
- Yeah. Maybe.

Hutch: [to bus driver after beating down the thugs] Sorry about the mess.

- Luis, dinner!
- Luis!

- what it is.
- This is me.
- Becca, I love you, but I need you to trust me right now.
- Okay? Blind for the last time.
- I promise.

Hutch: [following a crash] I never met a Black Russian before.
Pavel: [pinned beneath a vehicle] Yeah. I get that a lot.

- A girl alone on a bus at night?
- Just fucking stupid.
- It's stupid, right?
- Hey. Guys, guys.
- What are you still doing here, old man?
- I'm gonna fuck you up.
- Hey, yo, I got it. I got it.

Hutch: Now on the one hand, there's a long dormant piece of me, now awake, that wants so very badly to play this out. The other, more reasonable piece of me, what's left of it, would like to end our little tete-a-tete right now. What's done is done. After all, we can both rebuild, right?
Yulian: Right. Mm, wait. Rebuild?
Hutch: I burned it... all of it.
Yulian: What all?
Hutch: Everything you have... had! Everything you had.
Yulian: My art?
Yulian: [after Hutch tosses his money on the table] Obshak!

- Hey, dad.
- You been eating? What?

- You can't find what?
- My kitty-cat bracelet.
- Where was it?
- In here.
- They couldn't have stolen that, would they?
Becca: Honey, I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere.

- That's hundreds of millions of dollars in cash perpetually on the move, and yulian is the current babysitter.
- That said, he's more than a bit weary of this life.
- I think, if he had his way, he'd probably walk away.
- Goddamn obshak.

- walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone you'll never walk alone

- When everything goes wrong, you see some bad but I'm just a soul whose intentions are good oh lord, please don't let me be misunderstood you know, sometimes baby, I'm so carefree and then you're bound to see my other side but I'm just a soul whose intentions are good...

- Dad?
- Yeah?
- We need a cat.
- Yeah? Yeah.
- Yeah.
- I was thinking the same thing.

- Thank you.
- Well, that don't sound too good.
- Yeah.
- Get out of here, all right?
- I got this.
- Yeah.
- Well, hutchie, you both got what you wanted.
- And I got shot.

- What is going on?
- Go! Get the door, son.
- Yep. Is this a game?
- Yes, is this a game, hutch?
- I ike games.
- Hutch, what is happening?
- What...
- Don't call 911.

Hutch: I hope these assholes like hospital food.

- I don't know what the fuck you're...
- Give me the goddamn kitty-cat bracelet, motherfucker!
- I don't know. I swear to god!
- I don't know.
- The goddamn bracelet.
- I'll help you find it!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Please, man!
- I don't know where it is!
- I swear to god, I don't know!

- Thug: What the fuck are you saying?
- Nose is broken!
- My fucking teeth.
- Is it bad? It's bad.
- Fuck!
- Man, are you...

- Remember who we used to be?
- I do.

Hutch: They say God doesn't close one door without opening another. Please God, open that door.

- I'm sorry for your loss.
- There's nothing there to mourn, man.
- It's pretty slick, though, huh?
- The '72 challenger,
- 49 liter v-8.
- Zero to 60 in...
- I'm about to find the fuck out.

- people, and express yourself
David: Hello?
Hutch: Hey, pops.
- That thing I had fo go do, it escalated.
- Heads up, okay?
- Oh...

- We haven't had sex in months.
- We haven't made love in years.
- You seem so far away.
- I know it's unfair to put it like that,
- I just...
- I... I miss you.