The Best Mr. Robot, Season 3, Episode 1 Quotes

- We reestablish access that tunnels us right back in evil corp's internal network.

Elliot: If I can close the backdoor,
- I can stop it.
- Danene, please help me.
Darlene: I know a space that has access.
- But you're not going to get in there wearing that shirt.

- Go down cortlandt alley.
- What are you doing?
- This is them.
- It's them I want to see.

- Well... [Engine starts]
- What do you want me to do about the Swede?
- Uh-huh.
- And as far as the kid goes?
- Uh-huh.
- Ready when you are.

- Why, exacfly, are you doing all of this?
- Evil corp killed my mom.
- And my whole life...
- I've always wanted justice for her death.
- But how do you bring justice to a conglomerate as untouchable as evil corp?

- Elliot?
- It's me.
- Come closer.

Elliot: They did a full wipe-down.
- Where is Tyrell?
- And something else is off.
- That ever-looming presence that is Mr. Robot.
- I don't feel it.

Elliot: Did my revolution just bury our minds instead of freeing them? Encrypting Evil Corp's data was meant to empower us. Instead it left us powerless, scaring us into even more submission. I am not going to get rid of the invisible hand. Turned it into a fist that punched us in the dick. And like a botnet, the fear I created is spreading so fast, it's practically airborne. It's swallowed us whole, digested us, and now we're stuck in its asshole, waiting to be dumped out. And while we're here, they're having their way with us. They packaged a fight into product. Turned our dissent into intellectual property. Televising our revolution with commercial breaks. They backdoored into our minds and robbed our truth, refurbished the facts, then marked up the price. This is what they do. It's what they're good at. This is their greatest trick.
Frank: To try and bring the truth. They're trying to take that away. And now they're moving to the next step. Yeah, next step. You know what the next step is?
Elliot: Lobotomizing us into their virtual reality horror show.
Frank: Why? So they can take away your power, and I am not talking about you electricity.
Elliot: And this all started because I tried to hide from society. Remember? "Fuck society'. Yeah, well, I fucked society all right. I reset it to zero, and ig I don't do anything about it, it will continue to grow in this malignant way. And that's what I'm afraid of the most. This dark future that I set into motion. Who knows what could come from this? What if instead of fighting back, we caved, gave away our privacy for security, exchanged dignity for safety, and traded revolution for repression? What if we choose weakness over strength? They'll even have us build our own prison. This is what they wanted all along. For us to buy in on our worst selves. And I just made it easier for them. I didn't start a revolution. I just made us docile enough for the slaughtering. And I can stand here and blame Evil Corp and every other conglomerate out there for taking advantage of us, blame the FBI, NSA, CIA, for letting them get away with this, blame all the world's leaders for aiding and abetting them, blame Adam Smith for inventing modern-day capitalism in the first fucking place. Blame money for dividing us, blame us for letting it. But none of that's true. The truth is... I'm the one to blame. I'm the problem. This was my fault. All of it. I did this. Fuck me.

- You need to help me.
- There's dark army everywhere.
- I saw them. They have guns.
- Please.
[Door opens] Shit.

- Can you stay here tonight?
- It's been a rough couple of months.
- Just make me feel safe.
- Yeah.

- You know me better than anyone.
- Right now...
- You're the only person
- I can trust.

- They're in the middle of the final round of the qualifier for a ctf.
- It's them versus nine other countries, and from the scoreboard, the Koreans are ride or die.
- It's going to take forever before this is over.
- Or I could just win it for them.

- They're trying to blow up evil corp's recovery facility.
- Hold on. I have to stop them.
- How can you be so sure that that's what they're doing?
- You've been unconscious for the past six days.
- Maybe you're wrong.
- What if I'm not?

- I need to get dressed.
- And then we'll go.

Angela: Evil Corp killed my mom. And my whole life... I've always wanted justice for her death. But how do you bring justice to a conglomerate as untouchable as Evil Corp? I thought I would never win. Even after I found out about your crazy plan, I still didn't believe it was possible. Not until I met Whiterose. It wasn't until she opened my eyes that I could see how all of the damage that they've caused... Could finally be... undone. When we succeed... A whole new world will be born.

- Fuck me.
- Woman: Sir?
- We're closing up.
- I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

- I get it.
Elliot: I've known Angela since I was eight.
- This is what she does.
- She doesn't love the people who love her.
- She loves the people who don't.
- This is her power-saver mode.

- I need you to keep an eye on me.
- I need you to tell me if I'm ever him.
- If anyone can tell...
- It's you.
- Why do you think I can tell?

Hacker: Yeah, in middle school.
- If we don't make the top three, we're not going to Vegas.
- And he knows this shit better than you.
Hacker: Fuck it, I've been at this for four fucking hours.
- I gotta deuce it out anyway.
- This soylent ain't for the faint-hearted.

- I can shut down their access before the dark army notices.
Darlene: Elliot.
- I'm almost done.
- I shut the backdoor.
- I just have to uninstall...
- Stand up and walk with us.
- Do it.

- I agree. It's not good.
- Is he dead?
- Uh-huh. All right.
- Be there in 15 minutes.
- When we lose our principles, we invite chaos.

- "Glazed with rainwater beside the white chickens."
- You know, once you gave me this, you said to stop anyone who gets in the way of our plan.
- Sorry, kiddo.
[Static] I couldn't let anyone stop this.
- Including us.

- In case Elliot comes back.
- How can you tell?
- That it's me?
- How do you know that you're not talking to him right now?
- Your eyes.
- You're never trying to look away.

- Shut the fuck up.
- There are men outside.
- They might be listening.
- We have to go.
- I need to talk to you about something.
- It's not safe for you here.
- Cisco's dead.

- Angela, what you're talking about, that's not possible.
- What if I told you it is?
- How?
- Never mind.
- I'mjusttired.
- I think I should go to bed.

- Time presented us Mr. Alderson when we needed him.
- Therefore, his will must be our guide.
- And after Mr. Alderson completes the great work that we need from him, then he can die for us.
- Just like his father.

- We're behind schedule now, and we both know how she feels about punctuality.
- One more thing.
- I'm going to get him a job at evil corp.
- Doesn't hurt to have him on the inside, given our situation.
- Are you sure he's good to go?
- Yes.

- I see them. Stay calm.
- It's dark army.
- It's me they want, not you.
- You having an attack? It's okay.
- Don't stop, okay? I'll be fine.
[Screaming] Fuck!

- It wasn't until she opened my eyes that I could see how all of the damage that they've caused could finally be undone.
- When we succeed...
- A whole new world will be born.

- That's why I upgraded the facade, you know.
- It used to be this ugly red.
- Now it's this chrome.
- I think it's very inviting.
- What visitor?
- Whoever's in your apartment.
- Just tell him we're running a special.
- Utilities included. [Chuckles]

- Stage 2?
- The phone we hacked before you did your vanishing act.
- The hot mic picked it all up.
- Stage 2 is your plan, isn't it?
- Elliot?
- What is stage 2?

- two.
- Uh-huh. Yeah. Okay.
- I see the lights blinking.
- Thank you, guys.
- All right.
- Who wants barbecue?

- I'm the problem.
- This was my fault.
- All of it.
- I did this.

- It takes a lot to miss every vital organ.
- That's some pretty piss-poor marksmanship.
- What? I'm messing with you.
- Just trying to break the ice a little.
- Come on.
- Still have plenty of work to do.

- Where are you going?
- Oh, I want to go home.
- And they canceled the mets game, so I'll probably end up working on my book a little.
- So that's it? That's it.
- I want confirmation.

- Man 1: You got to be kidding me, man.
- Man 2: No, that's the cost.
- Man 1: Come on. Man 2: How are you going to pay?

- From her.
- You know that bullet we took out of you?
- We can easily put it right back in.
- You won. Go home.
- Before you end up losing again.

- for in venting modern-da y capitalism in the first fucking place.
- Blame money for dividing us, blame us for letting it.
- But none of that's true.
- The truth is...
- I'm the one to blame.

- I thought I would never win.
- Even after I found out about your crazy plan,
- I still didn't believe it was possible.