The Best Neil Korchak Quotes

Neil: Marvin ,you reconciled...
Marvin: I don't like it in here.
Neil: I could have gotten you off.
Marvin: I am off.
Neil: So what, where is the commitment to principle where is the standing up for one's own rights where is the dignity.
Marvin: Am I paying you by the hour ?
Neil: Of course
Marvin: Then get off the clock.

Neil: Don't worry about it Marvin, they have no basis in law, they are trying to make a test case out of it.
Marvin: What does that mean?
Neil: It means they want it to go through the system, you know, arguments plea bargain, trail, appeal, maybe eventually the Supreme Court - This could be big?
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: You'll be famous Mr Lindsey.
Marvin: What?
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: Court decisions of this magnitude are usually named after the Defendant.
Marvin: Yeah.
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: You'll appear in legal reviews, magazines, textbooks. Rape will be known as committing a Marvin Lindsey.

Neil: It is about time a case like this was brought to the attention of the public to reaffirm some basic biological laws.
Leslie: So we are going to talk about biological laws, male prerogative macho crap... Oh, I love this...

Neil: I will be walking into the courtroom with an armload of precedents based on English Common Law.

Leslie: There may be a difference of opinion in that.
Neil: A man may be charged with rape if the woman is adjudged to have been incapable of consent due to unsoundness of mind or lunacy.
Marvin: That's one for you Catherine.
Leslie: Obviously, this is a case of a woman who resisted and has been overcome by force.
Catherine: That's mine.
Neil: Or rape may be charged if the woman was unconscious of the nature of the act. Mr. Lindsey was she unconscious of the nature of the act.
Marvin: Usually.
Capt. Barney Miller: Ms. Dornan, do you really think the District Attorney's Office want's to make this this is a test case.
Leslie: Captain are you questioning my authority.
Capt. Barney Miller: Certainly not, its just I like to understand it better.
Neil: Ms.Dornan, face it you have no case even if you could prove that something happened anyone in your off would settle for the lesser charge of simple assault.
Leslie: Mr. Korchak, when I am through there won't be a woman in this country who won't be grateful that we did not bend to the pressure of convenience