The Best Nells Finney Quotes

Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: Captain, I checked Mallory and Finney for priors. There both clean
Capt. Barney Miller: Fine, Gentlemen, we have no reason to hold you. Want to hold each other ?
Frank: Huh ?
Capt. Barney Miller: Who is charging whom ?
Nells: Well, if it's alright with you, I just want to get out of here
Capt. Barney Miller: Good. Mr. Mallory ?
Frank: I just want to get to bed. I'm starting to hallucinate.
Capt. Barney Miller: Fine. Let them loose.
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: That's an interesting tactic, you used.
Capt. Barney Miller: What's that ?
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: Whenever we have assault cases. You always put the two combatants in the cell, give them the opportunity to reconcile
Capt. Barney Miller: Thank you
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: Or beat the hell out of each other again
Capt. Barney Miller: Well, I have faith in human nature. I figure, two intelligent adults -- give them the opportunity...
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: I better get them out of there

Nells: He had hit me from no reason
Frank: I had a right, he put me through hell
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: Can you stop yelling, it's an old building
Capt. Barney Miller: What do we got here ?
Det. Stan 'Wojo' Wojciehowicz: That's Frank Mallory and this Nells Finney. We found them rolling around the gutter in front of Finney's business.
Frank: I was just trying to get a refund.
Capt. Barney Miller: A refund ?
Det. Stan 'Wojo' Wojciehowicz: Yeah, uh, Finney here owns a travel agency
Nells: Jolly Jaunt Tours.
Frank: 13 hours on a plane, 5 hours in customs, and 2 hours in a dirty taxi.
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: Mr Mallory returned from a trip to Europe, this morning that Mr. Finney had arranged.
Frank: 28 days of horror
Nells: I told you it wasn't our deluxe package
Frank: Listen, my wife had been planning this trip for ten years. It was going to be the honeymoon we never had. We were gonna revitalize our relationship and now she wants a divorce. Did you know that?
Capt. Barney Miller: Just... just take it easy, take it easy, Mr. Mallory. Whose charging who ?
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: It's mutual
Capt. Barney Miller: I'm gonna slide Mr. Mallory around here to your desk
Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich: Come on, Mr. Mallory, here we go
Capt. Barney Miller: Wojo , you got Mr. Finney
Det. Stan 'Wojo' Wojciehowicz: Have a seat there, Mr. Finney

Det. Ron Harris: Oh, Barney, uh, I finished checking out the Colonel. He's got a Collector's License for the weapons.
Capt. Barney Miller: Oh, how about Brookburn Enterprises
Det. Ron Harris: Tacky, but it's legal
Col. Charles Dundee: Anything else you need, Captain ?
Capt. Barney Miller: Ah, not at the moment Colonel . Thank you for your cooperation
Col. Charles Dundee: My pleasure, ready Brauer ?
Phillip: Look, uh, Colonel there's, uh... there's been a change of plans . I can't go with you
Col. Charles Dundee: Oh.
Phillip: It's, uh, it's my wife, she's unstable. I can't leave her alone.
Col. Charles Dundee: Well, that's too bad. It would have been great fun.
Phillip: Yeah
Col. Charles Dundee: But... there will be other chances -- Middle East, Asia, Cleveland... Touch of humor
Phillip: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks
Col. Charles Dundee: Don't mention it
Harriet: Phil ?
Phillip: Yeah.
Harriet: Can we go ?
Phillip: Yeah, We can go .
Harriet: Oh. Oh. Thank you so much
Det. Ron Harris: Anytime
Harriet: Everyone
Capt. Barney Miller: Mrs. Brauer
Harriet: Oh, Captain, thank you, everyone
Capt. Barney Miller: Good luck, Mr. Brauer.
Phillip: Be seeing you. Yeah, I'll bet you anything . I'll be seeing you
Col. Charles Dundee: Captain , see you around
Capt. Barney Miller: Probably, we're going to keep an little eye on your collection
Col. Charles Dundee: No problem. Oh, uh... you know, a man of your experience, you'd be a major, easy
Capt. Barney Miller: Captain's plenty
Col. Charles Dundee: Anybody else ?
Frank: No... No
Col. Charles Dundee: Stand easy, men ?

Nells: What's going to happen now ?
Capt. Barney Miller: Sergeant Wojciehowicz is going to book you
Nells: It's very ironic, isn't it ?
Capt. Barney Miller: How so?
Nells: The way different professions use the same terminology ?
Capt. Barney Miller: If you say so ?
Nells: I book people in my business , you book people in your business. It's very ironic
Capt. Barney Miller: Of course, around here you don't need a reservation.
[Miller directs Wojo]
Capt. Barney Miller: Book 'em.

Frank: How'd you let me miss that ?
Nells: What ?
Frank: The Congo
Nells: I'd just about had it with your sarcasm. You should be grateful, you even got to go Europe
Frank: Big deal, Everybody's been to Europe
Nells: I haven't
Frank: Your kidding
Nells: I haven't been anyplace
Frank: I thought you people went on these special junkets.
Nells: Sure, just take off, huh? Whose going to watch the store ?
Frank: Oh, yeah. I know what you mean?
Nells: You people, taking off to London, Rome, Rio de Janeiro. I stuck in a cold filthy, city. In a box of an office.
Frank: I didn't realize
Nells: I know, you didn't realize it. Staring all day at travel posters of juvenile girls in native costumes. Day after day, staring at the that damn poster of Greece
Frank: Aren't they beautiful ?
Nells: Rhodes, Corfu, Lesbos -- warm blue waters, music, ouzo
Frank: Take it easy Finney
Nells: Oh, God ! I want to go someplace!