The Best Col. Charles Dundee Quotes

Det. Ron Harris: Barn... This is Charles Dundee
Col. Charles Dundee: Colonel Dundee
Capt. Barney Miller: Colonel, are you presently in the Army ?
Col. Charles Dundee: Several. I take it, you are the Commanding Officer
Capt. Barney Miller: I'm Captain Miller, yes.
Det. Ron Harris: He's the main honcho over at Brookburn Enterprises.
Col. Charles Dundee: I'm the President and Supervising Officer of Worldwide Operations.
Det. Ron Harris: Got a room above a pizza joint over on 44th street
Col. Charles Dundee: We like to keep a low profile
Col. Charles Dundee: You also like to keep a couple of firearms.
Col. Charles Dundee: I got a right to secure my place of business

Det. Ron Harris: Approximate date you purchased the weapon ?
Col. Charles Dundee: Your ever consider it ?
Det. Ron Harris: Consider what ?
Col. Charles Dundee: Merc work
Det. Ron Harris: Merc work
Col. Charles Dundee: Half dozen places in Africa. You could name in your own ticket -- Angola, Ethiopia, The Congo.
Det. Ron Harris: No thanks
Col. Charles Dundee: Why not ?
Det. Ron Harris: I can't wear Khaki .

Det. Ron Harris: Oh, Barney, uh, I finished checking out the Colonel. He's got a Collector's License for the weapons.
Capt. Barney Miller: Oh, how about Brookburn Enterprises
Det. Ron Harris: Tacky, but it's legal
Col. Charles Dundee: Anything else you need, Captain ?
Capt. Barney Miller: Ah, not at the moment Colonel . Thank you for your cooperation
Col. Charles Dundee: My pleasure, ready Brauer ?
Phillip: Look, uh, Colonel there's, uh... there's been a change of plans . I can't go with you
Col. Charles Dundee: Oh.
Phillip: It's, uh, it's my wife, she's unstable. I can't leave her alone.
Col. Charles Dundee: Well, that's too bad. It would have been great fun.
Phillip: Yeah
Col. Charles Dundee: But... there will be other chances -- Middle East, Asia, Cleveland... Touch of humor
Phillip: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks
Col. Charles Dundee: Don't mention it
Harriet: Phil ?
Phillip: Yeah.
Harriet: Can we go ?
Phillip: Yeah, We can go .
Harriet: Oh. Oh. Thank you so much
Det. Ron Harris: Anytime
Harriet: Everyone
Capt. Barney Miller: Mrs. Brauer
Harriet: Oh, Captain, thank you, everyone
Capt. Barney Miller: Good luck, Mr. Brauer.
Phillip: Be seeing you. Yeah, I'll bet you anything . I'll be seeing you
Col. Charles Dundee: Captain , see you around
Capt. Barney Miller: Probably, we're going to keep an little eye on your collection
Col. Charles Dundee: No problem. Oh, uh... you know, a man of your experience, you'd be a major, easy
Capt. Barney Miller: Captain's plenty
Col. Charles Dundee: Anybody else ?
Frank: No... No
Col. Charles Dundee: Stand easy, men ?

Capt. Barney Miller: Expecting trouble ?
Col. Charles Dundee: I keep it mostly for sentimental reasons
Capt. Barney Miller: According to your advertisement, you run some kind of recruitment agency
Col. Charles Dundee: We're looking for a few good men.
Capt. Barney Miller: Is, uh... that one of them
Col. Charles Dundee: Brauer is a good man.
Capt. Barney Miller: You would send a fifty year old appliance salesman off to fight in some guerilla war
Col. Charles Dundee: You say war, like it's there's something dirty about it.
Capt. Barney Miller: Must have slipped out
Capt. Barney Miller: Captain, war is the one thing we can depend on, in a crazy, mixed-up uncertain world.
Capt. Barney Miller: Why don't you have a seat over at Sergeant Harris's desk and he'll get some further information out of you.
Det. Ron Harris: Thank's Barn... Mr. Dundee
Col. Charles Dundee: Colonel