The Best Norma Jennings Quotes

Bobby: Norma, see you in my dreams.
Norma: Not if I see you first.

Hank: OK, then here's the deal: you give me my alibi and I give you your divorce.
Norma: I didn't come here to negotiate with you. This is it, it's over.
Hank: Fine. Go ahead. You're his whore, Norma.
Norma: I'd rather be his whore than your wife.

- I'm so clumsy lately.
- I can hardly believe it.
Norma: Shelly, get those band-aids, and I'll get a towel.
- Oh, Eddie.
- I am so happy
- I could just kiss you to death.

Hank: You're his whore, Norma.
Norma: I'd rather be his whore than your wife.

- How is Shelly?
Norma: I can't talk right now.
- Well, how did she like the flowers?

Bobby: Lucky.
- Lucky me.
Norma: Shelly, telephone.
- Agent Cooper's on the line.
- He needs to talk to you.
- Now, Shelly. He says it's important.

Shelly: I've got one man too many in my life and I'm married to him. Sound familiar?
Norma: Maybe you should have a little talk with Leo.
Shelly: Leo doesn't talk, he hits. He was so great at first, you know. This flashy guy in his hot car. Then we get married and I find out all he was looking for was a maid he didn't have to pay. I feel so stupid.
Norma: Look at us. Two men apiece and we don't know what to do with any of the four of them.

Bobby: Norma, I'll see you in my dreams.
Norma: Not if I see you first.

Bobby: Here's a little tune for ya, gals. Norma, I'll see you in my dreams.
Norma: Not if I see you first.

Bobby: Norma, see you in my dreams.
Norma: Not if I see you first.
Bobby: Here's a tune for you gals. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.