The Best Nostromos Quotes

Nostromos: Welcome, Brother Bruce!
Lisa: No, not Bruce!
Bruce: Lisa, you... don't understand.
Lisa: Oh, I understand, all right. You're like all the rest, suckered in by this money-grubbing, bogus creep!
Ethan: Lisa!
Lisa: You know what my inner voice tells me, Nostromos? You've ripped off your last victim!
Ethan: I'm soo sorry, I...
Nostromos: Do not apologize. She will believe. They will all believe... after the Great Fall.

Nostromos: The voices warned that the Brotherhood's fund is in jeopardy.
Ethan: What do you mean?
Nostromos: We must convert it into gold bullion at once. I've prepared the papers for your signature.
Ethan: But... but, Nostromos, I can't possibly sign until I've notified the Brothers.
Nostromos: There's no time!
Ethan: But they must be informed. It's our obligation.
Nostromos: Perhaps the stars can persuade you. I see a bad moon rising.
[one of the planets hanging from the ceiling revolves, revealing Lisa tied to it]
Ethan: Lisa!
Nostromos: Sign!
Ethan: Nostromos, w-what is this? I-I don't understand.
Nostromos: Sign! Or she pays!

Lucas: No one could've predicted Batman would spot me. Not even the great Nostromos. Besides, how do you know Wayne survived?
Nostromos: The news said he got off the elevator right before it fell, you pathetic amateur!
Lucas: Well, you didn't predict he would die, exactly...

Bruce: It wasn't until that moment, when I came so close to death, that I realized you really did have a divine connection. To think I ridiculed you. Can you ever forgive me?
Nostromos: Of course. I rejoice in your soaring consciousness.
Ethan: Nostromos... I was thinking, a man of Bruce's standing, his influence... should he not be considered for the Brotherhood?
Nostromos: Yes. It's preordained.

Nostromos: I have one last prediction for you, Ethan. The end will be swift. Brother Lucas has set enough explosives in this place to create a supernova. I suggest you make your peace quickly.

Nostromos: Peace to all. Brothers and sisters, the negative plane is aligned with the positive, bringing forth astral harmony.
Bruce: What?
Man: The vibrations are right for prophecy.
Bruce: Oh. Okay.
Nostromos: That which you seek and cannot find is the seeker. You are merely the eye trying to view itself.
Bruce: This is awfully deep.
Woman: Shh!
Nostromos: We are but radios for the cosmic transmitter, tune your receivers, hear the inner voice...
[Nostromo screams]
Nostromos: Brother Ethan, the inner voice speaks. Someone here is in grave danger. The messenger of death is searching... crying out for...
[Points at Bruce Wayne]
Nostromos: ... You!

Ethan: I got your message. I'd have been here sooner, but I've been trying to locate Lisa. She didn't come home last night.
Nostromos: The Inner Voice assures me she is fine.
Ethan: Do you know where she is?
Nostromos: Do not worry. I see you joining her soon.