The Best Ozark, Season 2, Episode 7 Quotes

- "A false witness will not go unpunished, and a liar will be destroyed."
- Mason, I don't have anything to gain from taking your son!
- But I can get him back.
- But I have to be alive.
- We can turn this around.
- But the second I die, it's over.
- Let me help you get your son.

- A little bit ago,
- I saw Wendy drive a hearse up to one of the cabins at the Blue Cat.
- And at the time, I thought,
- "That doesn't make any sense."
- But now, when...
- I'm thinking that must have been where they were keeping the money.
- I must have caught them moving it to the funeral home.

- No, I'm-I'm unarmed.
- I'm-I'm alone, just like you said.
- I'm just getting your kid.
- But I'm not giving him to you until I know that Wendy's okay.
- -Wendy!
- -Wendy?
Wendy: Marty, is that you?
- -[Wendy] Marty, I'm here.
- -Wendy.

- You want some tea?
- My grandmama believed there was nothing that couldn't be made better... by a cup of tea.

Mason: Anyone who truly believes can't just turn their back on their faith, not even for survival. You leave a church, fine; you leave a pastor, fine, but you find a new one. Because anyone who believes knows that faith isn't a choice, it's the essence of life.

- Do you wanna move? Wipe the slate clean?
- Point to a map, anywhere on a map.
- I can get you an apartment.
- I can even put down a security deposit.
- By the time Zeke is back in your arms, your new life can be ready, waiting for you to walk into it.
- But first, I really need to pee.

- he could take it apart, and he could put it back together again.
- And the 15-year-old, she doesn't apply herself as much, but nothing gets by her, believe me. No!
- No. [panting]
- -[Wendy shouts]
- -[trunk slams]
- -Hi, this is Wendy. Leave me a message.
- -[beeps]

- I need my hands to...
- Thank you.
- Really think I'm gonna try and squeeze through the window?

- If you got something specific in mind, spit it out.
- All right. I'll give you ten grand if you can get me a FLIR Thermal Imaging
- System in the next 48.
- Well, that's like finding a pearl in pig shit.
- Sure. But if the pearl is so easy to find, it wouldn't even be worth the shit it was in, now would it? [laughing]

- As long as Wendy's okay, why do you care how it ends?
- Because I do.
- It's gotta be done bloodless, and there's just one way to do that.
- And this is gonna sound a little bit crazy... Yeah? Crazier than everything else that's happening here?
[sighs] I need you to get me this baby from Social Services today.
- -Crazy. Yeah.
- -Yeah. Well...
- That's flat fucking insane.

Wendy: They tell you Adam and Eve knew that they could eat from every single tree in that garden, except one. But the truth is, evil comes when the righteous path is so hidden it just looks like there's only one way out. The truth is Adam and Eve probably grabbed that apple because they were fucking starving, and it was the first tree they saw.

- My sin was pride.
[sniffles] You came to us... and I knew you weren't believers.
- I knew that you were lying.
- And I still thought I could change you.
- I still thought I could turn you into something that you weren't.
- Maybe you still can.

- I'll make it so... you won't have to think about this.
- I promise I'll make you...
- I'll make you so, so proud!
- It's all right, Ruthie.
- There'll be other boats.
- All that matters is you're okay.

- Uh, let me see Wendy.
- Okay. Okay.
Mason: Happy? Bring him here.
- Uh, where's "here"?
Mason: Home. I'm at my home.
- Pull around to the side of the house.
- And you come alone, and you come unarmed, or Wendy dies.

[woman] They clearly thought you had something to hide, because they felt the need to come here in the middle of the night.
Wendy: Well, it was early morning, actually.
[woman] When they knew you'd least expect them.
- I'm curious how you explain that.
- Marty.

Wendy: No, please!
- Please, stop!
Mason: You know, I should really just thank you for making this easier on me.
- -Please, please, please, please--
- -Shut up!

- Hmm.
- Maybe you could come by around closing, and I could show you.
- Should I wait for you?

- He ain't gonna get caught.
- 'Cause he ain't going.
- There's no need for you to be taking a risk like this, Ruthie.
- Risk? What risk?
- You ain't been right since that night with the cartel.
- Just worry about yourself.
- I'm fucking fine.

- Try to find out.
- It doesn't matter unless you have Zeke.
- Call Wilkes. He'll help you.
- He knows people in almost every state agency.
- Wendy, hang on. This is crazy.
- I can't get that kid in a day.
- Wendy. Hello.

Wendy: Help!
- Help! Stop! Stop it!
- Stop! No, stop!
- -[Wendy screaming]
- -Shh.

- Jacob had other urgent business to attend to.
- Something to do with cleaning up the mess you and your treacherous wife made on our property.
- That fire in your fields is gonna be the least of your fucking problems unless you return my wife to me immediately--
- I can't return what I don't have.

- And we're concerned that... that, uh... that Mason might not be able to handle a loss like this.
- And so, you know,
- I'm asking for your help as a fellow man, a fellow Christian, to help steady this man's soul, uh... by placing his son, his only anchor, in a home that he knows, that he trusts.
- Right away.

- Oh, shit.
- Oh, God. [gasps]
- Oh, God.

- You just keep breathing.
- One, two, three, four.
- One, two, three, four.
- One, two, three, four.
- One, two, three, four.
- One, two...

- So you know I'm not a monster.
- I'd never think that, Mason.
- I think you're confused... and lost.
- But that's only natural when you've been lied to so many times.

- -Mason!
- -[Mason yells]
- God damn it. Shit.
- No, no. Let me help you.
- Let me help you. Shit!
[sobbing] Shit. No.
- Lay still. Lay still. Lay still.
- -Don't move. Just lay still. Lay still.
- -[gasping] No...

- We try and treat our neighbors with respect and teach our children to do the same.
- And we sacrifice for each other.
[chuckles] Sometimes a bit more than we bargained for, but we make our peace with those sacrifices because we love each other, very much.

- But I walked into that store
- 'cause I knew that God would protect me.
- When I was lost,
- I didn't walk away from him.
- I walked towards him.
- Oh, Mason... [scoffs]
- You didn't walk into that store to find God. You walked into that store to die.
- God was just something you happened to find along the way.

- Thank God.
- God, I wish we didn't have customers here right now.
- Why's that?
- Don't make me say it. I'll blush.
- Well, I'd, uh... I'd really love to hear you say it, Rachel, because, uh, you've piqued my interest, and I'm a curious guy.

- -The police said--
- -The police lied.
- We told them to.
- When I told everybody that I wasn't... crazy, that... that I knew Grace, that I knew that she wouldn't just leave--
- Yeah, you were right, Mason.
- Grace was murdered, and we helped cover it up.

- Gilroy's gonna wonder.
- Legitimate businessmen don't need babies at a moment's notice.
- But you know what?
- Let me be very clear, okay?
- I'm gonna get this done for you, for Wendy.
- But the second this little circus ends, our relationship ceases to exist.

[man] Hey!
- My shotgun just loves making new friends.
- -[Ruth] Fuck. Shit.
- -Come on.
- We gotta get in the water.
- -[man] Hey! Is someone down there?
- -[Cade] Shit.
- Fuck. Fuck.

- It'd be a real shame to squander all this time we could be spending on more remunerative opportunities.
- Opportunities with a pay-off we actually know exists.
- I can't steal Marty's money if I don't know where it is, Daddy.
- I'm trying.
- -Try harder.
- -I said I'm working on it, okay?