The Best Peaky Blinders, Season 2, Episode 1 Quotes

- While you're in there, do a bit of digging for gold.
- Pay for the petrol.

- -[Sighs]
- I told you.
- Let me do it.
- It's all right.
- I'll have some men watch her house till the danger passes.
Polly: "Till the danger passes"?
- That'll be the bloody day.

- Oh, I've got a typewriter like that.
- I got it out of a catalogue.
- I'm doing a correspondence course.
- I'm learning to do it with my eyes shut.
- It's a test you have to do.
- Will you come back before you go?

- So when he's served his purpose, he will be consigned to history in exactly the same way as his predecessor.
- You mean at the end of a rope?
- Well, the end of the rope has been this man's destiny since the night he was born.

- Finn! Get in here.
- Finn! Hold the phone. Come here.
- Take the odds.
- Yeah, sure.

- Everyone's allowed to speak.
- On your feet, Esme, let's hear what you have to say.
- I speak for our household.
- So...
- John, this company is a modern enterprise and believes in equal rights for women.
- On your feet, Esme.

- I was at the races.
- Sabini.
- Don't say my name.
- Jesus!
- Franco, take my name out of his mouth.

- This is all over the place.
- Confetti.
- You can go.
- Right.
- Who?
- Who did this to us?

- And in this fucking washhouse, did they tell you why I went there?
- You tell a soul in this family, and I swear I will cut you.
- I don't need a knife to stop me telling secrets given in confidence.
- It is a matter of honour.

- Ada, are you coming for a drink?
- No, the woman upstairs is looking after Karl.
- She goes mad if I'm late!

Arthur: All right, Tommy's here.
John: Hang on!
- John!
- I'm coming!

- My maiden name is Shelby.
- Perhaps you could do me first.
[Screaming] No!
[Whimpering] No...

- Put some ice on 'em!
- Get out.
- Yeah?
- Yeah?
- Are you going to use that?
- Didn't think so.

- Come on.
- Sit down, Finn.

- Right. You know she's against this, Tom.
- She's got opinions.
- Nothing wrong with opinions, John.
- Come on.
- Get in the fucking car!
- Shut up.
[Shouts] Right!
- The peaky blinders are going on fucking holiday!
- Sit down, you mad bastard.

Winston: And after mission accomplished, do we trust him to keep his mouth shut?
Major: Absolutely not, sir. So, when he serves his purpose, he will be consigned to history in exactly the same way as his predecessor.
Winston: You mean at the end of a rope.
Major: Well, the end of the rope has been this man's destiny since the night he was born.

Arthur: [Walking into the Eden Club] It's a fucking freak show!

- Ada Shelby?
- No.
- Your brother broke the rules.
- I don't have a fucking brother.
- Me and my friends here need a bit of female company.
- Let's go for a drive.
- No!
- Hold her steady, boys.
- Don't! Get off!

- That arrived an hour ago.
- There's no name on it but it comes from Camden town.
- I was going to burn it.
- I should have.
- Well done, Tommy, you've picked a side.
- Now you're at war with sabini.

- I wish, just once, you wouldn't pay me, as if we were ordinary people.
- Yeah.

- Where the bloody hell is Tommy?
- He's on his way.
- All right then, while we're waiting patiently...
- Whisky. [Strains]
- Left over from the explosion.
- It's good stuff, as well.

- He has irons on his legs, his name is Sean, he comes last in every race, poor boy.
- Poor boy if the race was important.
- Do you know what I mean,
- Irene O'Donnell?
- There are other ways of carrying out this mission.
- Please allow me to put a bullet in this scum tinker's head.

- Much obliged.
- It's a fucking freak show.

- Nobody saw anything.
- Our patrols were not in the area.
- Mr Shelby, have you got any idea who might've done it?
- I'd say it was something to do with the gas. [Clears throat]
- It's just been fitted.
- Er, madam, the structure's not yet declared safe.
- -[Debris crunch es]
- Madam!

- By an informed consensus.
- I have things to do.
- So perhaps you could tell the chosen one what he's been chosen for.
- From now on, mr Shelby, you shut your fucking gypsy mouth and listen to your instructions.

- Arthur, Tommy's called a family meeting.
- Arthur!
- He just beat the shit out of an apprentice.
- I had to take half the kid away in buckets.
- Arthur.
- 2,000.

Thomas: That's funny, don't you think? A war about peace.

- And in the next four minutes it is your duty to escort that man to the gates of hell.
- Is that clear?
- And if you should ever have the desire to discuss this matter with anyone else
- I know where you live.

- What the fuck is that racket?
- This is what they call music these days, brother.
- Music?

- Six questions since you walked through the door.
- Soon you're going to have to start being the man with the answers.
- Why?
- Seven.
- Because when London happens, you'll have to hold up your end or we'll find somebody else who can.

Thomas: Those of you who are last will soon be first. And those of you who are downtrodden will rise up.

- I'll be in London one week, at this address.
- Finish your business here and join me.
- Tommy: ”dear grace...
- ”Before the war, when I had an important decision to make,
- ”I used to flip a coin.
- ”Perhaps that is what
- I will do again. ”

- after they stole her from me.
- But if she does want to say goodbye,
- I thought this would be the place.
- You're wearing the black Madonna.
- You're gypsy?
- The part of me that dreams is gypsy.

- I thought it best if I deal with it on my own.
- Come on, we did a thousand of these in France.
- John, grab his head.
- So, we're not really going to London?
- Once we Bury him, then the holiday begins.

- Any of you who want no part in the future of this company, walk out the door...
- Right now.
- Go raise your chickens.
- For those of you with ambition the expansion process begins tomorrow.

- And give him peace. Amen.
- All: Amen.

- I need someone who can look the other way sometimes.
- And you can stop the other work too, Lizzie.
- All of it this time.
- No exceptions.
- Eight o'clock, Monday morning, the upstairs office.
- Don't be late.

- How's business otherwise, mr Shelby?
- You know something?
- In these times of hunger and hardship, business is surprisingly good.
- Which one of you is the peaky blinder devil?
- Gentlemen.

- He researches his enemies, that's why he's been chosen.
- I am chosen?
- I'm chosen.
- Can the chosen one smoke?

- They say this is provocation.
- Right, well, you tell them we're on holiday.
- You're breaking the rules.
- They say you are the peaky blinders...
[Man shouts] Peaky scum!
- -[Men grunting]

- But when it comes to it, you don't listen to a word we say.
- Maybe you don't trust us.
- She was one woman, Thomas.
- Well, maybe it's time you forgot about her.
- Forgot about who?

- My face is the last thing you'll ever see on earth.
- Your mistake.
- You remember that when you get to hell.
- Finish him off.
- -[Whistles blow]
- You! Get back here!
- -[Metal banging]