Top 50 Quotes From Person of Interest, Season 3, Episode 19

Toke: Buddy! You haven't changed. It's like going back in a time machine.
John: And you look exactly the same as the day we met.

- You haven't changed.
- It's like going back in a time machine.
- And you look exactly the same as the day we met.
- Wanna get lit?
- Maybe after dinner.
- Shaw: Prosecutor's on the move.
- You should've stayed home.

Peter: You know, I've been studying you and your associates for some time. That's two ex-operatives, an NYPD detective.
Detective: Sorry, partner. I had to surrender. They were gonna kill the guard.
Harold: If you harm Detective Fusco...
Peter: Please. We both know you're not a man of violence. You help people, people who are about to be in a lot of trouble - Kruger, Sloan, Claypool, Wainwright. You knew something bad was about to happen to them before it even happened. Now, the fact that that's possible proves something I've speculated. That the government has a secret surveillance system that spies on us every hour of every day.
Harold: I'm not part of the government.
Peter: But you are protecting the system. And I think whatever was in that safe is gonna give me more information about the secret system. The documents, please.
Harold: Mr. Collier, you may find this hard to believe, but I sympathize with your cause. Just not your methods. If you jeopardize this system, you'll be placing all of us at risk.
Peter: At risk? We're already at war - a 24-hour surveillance state with drone assassinations, renditions, cyber-warfare. It's turnkey tyranny, and we're being kept in the dark, which is ironic, since the system is called Northern Lights.

Harold: I'll be traveling to DC.
John: And we're not invited?
Harold: It's important that we not let Mr. Reed out of our sight. We can't risk losing another number. Detective Fusco has offered to accompany me.
Sameen: This trip to Westchester, is this some kind of punishment?
Detective: [Entering the library] Got the car all packed. AC/DC or Dixie Chicks?
Harold: [to Shaw and Reese] I believe I'm the one being punished.

- Didn't wanna hitch a ride with Lionel?
- I'm afraid if vigilance is operating in DC, then so am I.

- Medallion number two, x-ray, zero, three.
- That number is registered to a Mr. Sanjeev verma.
- Doesn't look like a sanjeev to me.
- Man: Want me to shoot you?!
- Shaw, I'm gonna need your help now.
- Say the name.

- Looks like someone still believes
- Matthew killed Claire.
- "A night to remember" just turned into a night for revenge.

Detective: Hey, I just got to the crime scene, and I'm not the only one. Feds decided to drop by too.
John: I'm sure you'll charm them, Lionel.
Detective: I already tried. These suits aren't letting me within a mile of their investigation.
Root: [Root appears] Augusta King, Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Detective: Give me a break.
Root: Lionel, you don't want to be uncooperative with a federal agent.

- You're involved?
- I don't want nothing to do with this.
- Too late. One of Leona Wainwright's many responsibilities in the office of personnel management was security clearances.
- Security clearances? What for?
- She hasn't told me yet.
- Either way, you need to be careful.
- Yeah, no problem.
- I'm getting the hell outta here.

Jack: Betty Harris! I'm surprised I even recognized you.
Sameen: Me too.
[Looks at his name tag]
Sameen: Jack. Jack Tanner.
Jack: You probably don't recognize me in this uniform. They even gave me a gun. You wanna see?
[Gets a look]
Jack: Maybe later. Some people are gun-shy.

- I may be the one person here who thinks you're innocent.
- Everyone knows I killed Claire.
- What makes you so different?
- I've spent a lot of time with killers.
- I think you cared for Claire, but I also think you're hiding something.
- So why don't you just tell me the truth so I don't have to beat it out of you?

- which happens to be coded radio messages.
- What kind of sensitive information?
- In my defense, I knew you and the big lug could handle yourselves.
- You leaked our location to vigilance?
- I just intercepted another coded message.
- Harold's about to be in trouble.
- Gotta go.

Matthew: You look ten years younger than the rest of us. How do you handle stress?
Sameen: Well, every once in a while, I shoot someone.

- Deactivate the program.
- We're no longer operational.
- Shut it down.

Sameen: Got the scoop on why all these women are so fond of you, Frank. You gave the brunette a promise ring, then slept with her best friend, the redhead, before having a fling with the blonde.
John: Well that's not too bad.
Sameen: Whose mother you seduced.
John: Oh.

Sameen: Whose turn is it to save this one?
John: Let's flip for it.
[Takes out a coin]
John: Heads.
Sameen: Guess it's your turn.

Sameen: Is it just me, or is it getting harder to tell these tourists apart?
John: Don't appreciate visitors, Shaw?
Sameen: I don't appreciate their fanny packs.
John: Pretty handy for concealing a grenade.

Middle: Hey, room's occupied!
Sameen: This is an emergency evacuation.
Middle: What? Why?
Sameen: ...Bed bugs. You're now in room 304.
[a little while later there's a knock on Shaw's door]
Sameen: Get your own room.
John: No vacancy. Something about a bed bug scare.

- Gonna need to take a look at
- Leona Wainwright's office with my forensic photographer.
- Oh, are you with the other men?
- Detective.
- Nice to see you again.
- Yeah, we're gonna need to get a look at Leona's office.
- Help yourself.

- How you doing?
- Detective fusco, NYPD.
- Need to pick up some evidence from the Wainwright homicide.
- What's the case number?
- Nine-seven-seven-two-six.
- Give me a minute.

- The public is an ass hair away from learning their government is trolling through every inch of their private lives.
- Terminate the program.
- I would sooner have you terminated than leave this country unprotected.
- The country will be protected, just not by your machine.
- And right now, you should be asking who's going to protect you.

Senator: We have a problem.
Control: My goons and their black bags could've quashed this problem long before it went public.
Senator: I don't have time for finger-pointing. The public is an ass hair away from learning their government is trolling through every inch of their private lives. Terminate the program.
Control: I would sooner have *you* terminated than leave this country unprotected.
Senator: The country will be protected, just not by your machine.
Control: And right now, you should be asking who's going to protect you.

Alice: So there's drinks at the bowling alley tonight, and of course, the big shindig tomorrow. I hope you brought your dancing shoes. You do still swing dance, don't you?
John: I don't like to show off.

- They said you were fast.
- Who's "they"?
- Guess they were wrong.
- Dudes, you're both like scary ninjas.
- Drop the cleaver or I break his neck.
- How's that for fast?

- He was smaller?
- He played tiny Tim in the school play.
- Shaw: Reese?
- You spot a threat?
- Reese: Not sure, but it sounds like our friend Phil might be an impostor.
- Isn't anyone at this reunion who they say they are?

Matthew: Remind me never to make you angry.
Sameen: Likewise. Torturing Doug so he could confess, then making his death look like a suicide? That's plain artistry. But, uh, killing's not the answer.
Matthew: "Killing's not the answer"? That's the best you can do?
Sameen: I don't know. I've killed lots of people, but my friends keep telling me I'm wrong. But, look, just because I can live with myself afterwards doesn't mean you can.

John: Toke. You seen anyone acting weird?
Toke: Are you kidding? Everyone's exactly the same. Only fatter.

- but it sees everything.
- Violent crimes involving ordinary people.
- The government considers these people irrelevant.
- We don't.
- Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret.
- You'll never find us.
- But, victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we 7! Find you.

- We can't risk losing another number.
- Detective fusco has offered to accompany me.
- This trip to Westchester, is this some kind of punishment?
- Got the car all packed.
- Ac/dc or the Dixie chicks?
- I believe I'm the one being punished.

Sameen: [to "Phil"] Who sent you? Why are you here?
Toke: What happened to Phil?
Sameen: This was a domestic terrorist who ingested cyanide to avoid giving me information about his underground operation.
Toke: Phil became a terrorist?

- Well, Matthew's got at least one enemy.
- And frank's got two.

Toke: [watching Reese fight "Phil"] Dudes, you're both like scary ninjas.

Sameen: So Leona lives in DC.
Harold: She's in town to see a Broadway show.
Sameen: Is that why you had us dress up, Harold? An evening at the theater?
Harold: If you keep an open mind, Miss Shaw, you might actually enjoy yourself.
Sameen: What's the show?
Harold: [pause] Mamma Mia.

- I can't get a shot at all.
- I'm out of ammo.
- Gotta smoke 'em out.
- Mix these.
- Here, hold your breath.
- And try not to shake it.
- I got one left.
- Okay.
- Make it count.

- Yeah, he went straight home.
- One bed.
- Floor's better anyway.
- Ag Reed.
- Matthew next door?
- Was just about to have eyes on him.
- Thought I'd unpack first.
- Good idea.

- I can see the safe's internal mechanisms while I turn the dial.
- Wait, now you wanna crack the safe?
- Well, not just the safe, detective.
- First, we have to break into the FBI's evidence lockup.
- Then we crack the safe.
- Because nothing's ever easy with you, Finch.
- So... when do we get started?

John: Well, Matthew's got at least one enemy.
Sameen: [Another woman slaps Reese] And Frank's got two.

- Give me your gun.
- You're right, you know.
- I couldn't kill Doug.
- I couldn't pull the trigger.
- I'm not a killer.
- The gun, the gun.
- Well, lucky for you, I am.

- Shooting you and letting you rot for the next 20, I mean, that sounds like justice to me, Doug.
- Reese: I can't let you do that.
- As much as Doug here deserves it.
- I knew you weren't Betty.
- I'll stop playing Betty if you stop playing a killer.

- Phil became a terrorist?
- Shaw.
- Phil wasn't class of '94.
- He's vigilance.
- What does vigilance want with Matthew?
- Vigilance isn't here for Matthew.
- They're here for us.

Doug: It's organic mustard seed, imported from exotic places like - like Canada.

- Claire just reached out and touched Doug from the grave.
- I think we may have gotten this wrong.
- Matthew's not the one being terrorized. Doug is.
- How fast can you get to the chem lab?

- No, I don't dwell on the past, so...
- This is me.
- What a coincidence.
- I'm right next door.
- Oh, yeah. That is a coincidence.
- Yeah.
- Lucky one.
- All right, good night, Betty.
- Good night.

John: No sign of Matthew Reed.
Sameen: Just bulky sweaters and beer guts.
John: She looks friendly. Let's ask her. Excuse me. Have you seen Mat -
[Woman slaps him]
John: Was it something I said?

Matthew: [Being shot at] Who the hell are they?
Sameen: Domestic terrorists sent to assassinate me and Frank. Sorry to ruin your your diabolical high school grudge-fest, but chances are none of us are gonna make it out of here alive.

- It's turnkey tyranny, and we're being kept in the dark, which is ironic, since the system is called northern lights.
- What do you say you and I continue this ethical debate some place a little more private?
- I'm afraid I won't be joining you.
- And why is that?

- but Matthew told police they got into a fight after prom.
- She got upset, took his car, and Matthew claims he never saw her again after that.
- But Doug doesn't believe his story.
- Well, according to Matthew,
- Doug's not the only one.
- So who else is out for revenge?

Detective: Portable package X-ray? What are you, gonna inspect some pipe bombs?
Harold: Most modern safes come equipped with a lead shield. However, the government has been remiss in updating their equipment. By placing this device on the safe's door, I can see the safe's internal mechanisms while I turn the dial.
Detective: Wait, now you wanna crack the safe?
Harold: Well, not just the safe, Detective. First, we have to break into the FBI's evidence lockup. Then we crack the safe.
Detective: 'Cause nothing's ever easy with you, Finch.

- Where's your partner?
- He went to take a leak.
- Guy's got the bladder of a two-year-old.
- He'll be right back.
- I'm moving as fast as I can, detective.
- What's this?
- What the hell?

Sameen: Well, you actually kinda looked like Frank. Let's see how Harold did with me.
[Opens yearbook to a girl with crazy hair, glasses and braces]
John: Maybe Finch made a clerical error.
Sameen: [Slams book shut] Betty Harris? I actually look like this to you, Harold?
Harold: Well, not to me. I implemented a facial-symmetry algorithm to find the closest match for both you and Mr. Reese. If you take away the spectacles and the braces, tame the permanent wave a bit, I do believe that you and Betty Harris look a great deal...
John: [Sees Shaw fuming] Harold, stop, right now.