The Best Person of Interest, Season 4, Episode 15 Quotes

- What's happened to you?
- The people behind the nautilus game were worse than anything I could've imagined.
- They used me.
- But with your help, maybe I can break free.
- They found me.
- Please help me.

- "5-fluorouracil."
- Jill's getting chemo.
- Anna is not the only one with a fight on her hands.

- Such a pleasure to meet the founder of an exciting venture like yours.
- What shame to see you've hit a rather...
- Tragic fork in the road.
- Shall we see if together, we can't choose the right way forward?

- The guys who took Anna must've hacked her sister's medical bracelet.
- I'll go after Anna.
- You access fetch and retrieve's servers.
- Whoa, whoa. Hey. Tech support's not exactly my forte, you know.
- Don't worry about it, Lionel.
- I know a guy who can help.

- You're more than just a Thorn in its side.
- You're a one-man revolution, Harold.
- How do you know my...?
- You know, I've played a lot of chess...
- But that's the first time
- I almost beat myself.
- One slip and it could've cost me the game.
- I'll take your phone and your laptop.

- For Melinda "Jay Jay" James!
- And from bay Ridge, Brooklyn...
- Give it up for Anna "the annihilator" Mueller.
- The annihilator?
- Ready? Ready?
- Fight.

- Right hook, left cross.
- Nice body shot.
- Cross could use some work.
- Stand him up, I'll go again.
- I think we're good. Thanks, Lionel.
- Seems unlikely that samaritan would set up shop in a place like this.

- I'll take it from here, Harold.
- Harold, Anna just got a text from someone named alek.
- Could be a boyfriend.
- Though from Anna's reaction, I'm guessing they're out of the honeymoon phase.
- Looks like she's been knocked around by someone.
- If Anna's in a relationship, it's anything but healthy.

- Maybe there's a future somewhere else.
- Maybe a city where you could 90 pro?
- They'd pay a lot more for each fight.
- But for now, there's a more important one right here.
- Thanks, Riley.
- Your sister's waiting.

- That is willing to kill as many people as it takes to keep its own existence secret...
- And its power intact, like your software engineer, Charles wynn.
- It seems that he was a contract employee of a company called decima...
- Shortly before they brought this leader online.
- I don't understand.
- And it's called samaritan.

- Just one more thing.
- Why risk your job for a stranger like Zimmerman?
- A few months back...
- Someone close to me, someone ill...
- Asked the same question Zimmerman did.
- If she asked val instead of me...

- Hey.
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Remember me? Come on.
- Security guard from work?
- I'm a cop.
- From the looks of it, you need my help.

- Val is the most accurate and most popular voice-activated search app in the country.
- Here comes Anna, Harold.
- So the transcribers create a record of each user's questions and check val's responses.
- Human intelligence...
- Backing up an artificial one.
- Mazer: Exactly.
- Now, let's find a spot where we can chat.
- Yes, by all means.

- Man 1: My nose.
- Man 2: Give me back my game.
- Look, I don't care who took whose copy of "full metal hellcat 4."
- You may be warriors online, but you can't go and hit each other in the real world.
- Now, you, clinic. You, incident report.
- Let's go.
- A text from Jill.

- And as for wynn's blood, aconitine only shows up if you're looking for it.
- With wynn's history of heart trouble...
- They weren't looking.
- Now, I am sorry that you lost your friend.
- But if you leave now, when you are dead wrong...
- You're gonna lose me too.

- But victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, we 7! Find you.
- Reese: Claire mahoney's not just another number.
- Chess grandmaster at the age of 16.
- Do you recognize this?
- A nautilus shell?
- Finch: And a symbol for a very dangerous competition.
- The creator of the game isn't a hacker.
- It's samaritan.

- For a good cause, my dear.
- All for a good cause.
- Sorry to interrupt, but you need to leave if you're going to make your meeting...
- With mergers and acquisitions.
- Oh, yes, an intriguing company.
- Making strides in the realm of simulating and manipulating emotion.
- And whose stock appears primed for a fall.

- Hey, Lionel. It looks like Anna's pal naresh just got paid off by his superiors.
- If they gave hush money, they may be the same people trying to silence Anna for good.
- Where's the ambulance?
- They should be here.
- Hold on.
- I gotta go. Anna's sister's in trouble.
- Jill?
- Detective, can you call the EMT...?

- Jill's medical alert bracelet.
- She must be crashing hard.
- Emts are on the way. I have to go.
- Okay, but I'm taking you myself.

- And amateur fights are plagued by gambling, organized crime and a lack of regulation.
- Any threat against Anna is probably coming from there.
- Be sure to take detective fusco if you need backup.
- Speaking of needing backup, you sure you got things covered with Claire?
- I'm afraid she needs my full attention.
- Reese: Finch, while Anna's at work,
- I'm gonna check out her and Jill's house.

Anna: Excuse me.
- Software's up-to-date.
- You're welcome.

- Which is?
- Join us.
- The world out there needs saving, Harold.
- Together with samaritan...
- We can start.
- And if I refuse?

- And I'm not gonna let you or Anna Mueller or anyone else...
- Destroy what I have worked so hard to build.
- Calvin, you can't just kill innocent people.
- You'd be amazed what a private security corporation will do for the right price.
- Luckily, I can pay.
- Reese: You will.

Lauren: Are you aware of our privacy policy?
- Yes, but this was...
- A lawsuit waiting to happen.
- Drop it.
- Or we're gonna have to have a serious conversation about your future here.
- Maybe you should get back to work.

- Oh, come on, Harold.
- I'm not authorized to shoot you.
- Assuming you go with me peacefully.
- Go where?
- Well, we've been talking so much about samaritan.
- I figure it's time you finally saw what it looks like.

- Nice to finally meet you, Claire.
- Give your boss a message for me: Unh.
- Come on, Harry, gotta let this one go.

- What possible business could you have here?
- This business. Paul Zimmerman.
- Whether you know it or not, you're neck-deep in an innocent man's death.
- Unless you help me out, your friend Anna's gonna be the next one laid out on a slab.
- What can I do?
- The right thing.
- Access fetch and retrieve's servers for me.

- It's a response algorithm for fetch and retrieve. Thanks, detective.
- I 7! Give it a look right away.
- Oh, no.
- A security guard is here.
- Blood on the keys.
- It's only a matter of time before he finds us back here. We have to do something.

- There's something embedded in the image on the poster.
- "You were right."
- Mr. Reese, I'm afraid you may have to handle Anna on your own at the moment.
- I think I know who created the puzzle.
- And if I'm correct, I need to hurry.
- Reese: Finch, Anna's leaving work.
- Let's see where she has to be at 9:00.

- I'm sorry, but this all seems a little hard to believe. Are you sure?
- Come on, naresh,
- I thought we understood each other.
- You keep quiet, everybody wins.
- Calvin, what the hell do you think you're doing?
- Cleaning up.
- Your weapon, please.

- "Samaritan."
- You disabled that, didn't you? How?
- I looped the camera system.
- I knew it.
- You're a hacker, like me.
- Which means you are the one who can help me do what needs to be done.
- Together with this source code, you and I can attack samaritan.

- Well, I truly admire what's been built here.
- And you may be right.
- If the world needs to be saved, then perhaps this is the most efficient way to do it.
- I still have one question.
- Samaritan was willing to shoot you to get me to believe what it wanted.
- How far will it go to get these children to believe?