The Best Person of Interest, Season 4, Episode 19 Quotes

- Hey, John.
- Need a ride?

Root: I liked you better as a blond.
- I need to know what this thing is.
- It destroyed my life.
- Yours is not the first life it's ruined.
- Where's Khan?
- It seems my answers were unsatisfactory.
- They're coming.
- I'm gonna kill her!

- How are you?
- Man: Are you sure the item's intact?
- Please, it's custom-made with a built-in GPS tracker. I've got a guy.
- Could drop this from an airplane, not even a dent.
- Another mimosa, miss?
- You may wanna sit down.

- Samaritan will see through your cover instantly...
- Endangering you and everyone you're close to.
- Cop 1: N.Y.P.D. Put your hands behind your back.
- Up against the wall.
- Cop2: He's clean.
- Reese: We just lost the number, Finch.

- Finch: Samaritan is surely coming for you.
- Stick to the shadow map.
- This Van's a little big for that and half the guards in rikers are after us.
- I know you. You were at the bar tonight.
- You were following me.
- It sent you to get me.
- Hang on.

- Damn it, root.
- That was the work of an artificial intelligence.
- What does it do? Who built it?
- Can it see the future?
- How does it function?
- Tell me. You have the answers.
- Riley.

- You sure?
- Hmm. Seems like a waste.
- But that's why you're the boss.

- Cool, man.
- You've been granted early release.

- Could drop it from an airplane.
- Not even a dent.

- Set a small amount of data back to an off-site ip address.
- I was able to determine its location.
- What's there?
- Woods.
- The trees form a canopy blocking any overhead images.
- Any idea what else is out there?
- Road trip.

- Finch: Middle of nowhere.
- What were those cameras installed to protect?
- We're in the right place.
- Khan: What's that?
- Not sure.
- But we're standing on it.

- Khan: Guys...
- And take his ID badge.
- Come on. Hey, this is... get off of me.
- You get away.
- This is not over.
- If Khan's truly unstable, there's no telling how he'll react.
- Finch, this takeoverjust got hostile.

- I knew it.
- Is that it?
- Greer: This is merely the mountaintop.
- Does that answer all your questions?
- I wanna see it.
- I wanna look in its eyes.
- Very well.

- We're here.
- Are you sure this is the place?
- I was expecting something more.
- Any idea what your company would be doing out here?
- It's not my company anymore.

- Samaritan's cut the security feeds form the entire cell block.
- It doesn't want anyone to see what's about to happen.
- Where are you, Mr. Reese?

- Is this registered?
- That would've taken more time and defeated the purpose.
- I'm guessing.
- Thank you.
- Anytime, boss.
- The tracker says the case is on this floor.

- Someone greased the skids on this guy.
- Where did they find a judge this time to deny him bail?
- I'll take it from here then.
- What the hell was that?
- Plan b.
- I gotta go back to work.
- Man: Let me out of here!

- Scattershot.
- Whatever they could hit.
- This attack on Khan is surgical.
- Someone wanted to ruin this guy's life, not harm the company.
- I can name a few board members who benefit from Khan being ousted.
- Whoever's behind this, it's personal.

- Agent: Internal revenue service.
- We need to talk to sulaiman Khan.
- What do we do?
- Buy me some time.
- I gotta get to this meeting.
- I gotta fix this.

- Reese: Shady part of town, no cameras.
- Khan must have picked this place for a reason.
- Finch: Khan may have lured his old friend there to take revenge.
- Reese: You think Mark's behind the attack?
- He's capable, with plenty to gain by bringing Khan down.

- A means and an access already in place.
- It's a brilliant stratagem, really.
- This program running in the background of your computer, checking every file.
- But instead of viruses, samaritan was using it to search for the machine.
- Did it find the machine's location?
- It's only a matter of time.

- We need to leave. Now.
- Is there another exit?
- No. One way in, one way out.
- Finch, take it.
- Then you stay close.
- Khan: What is that?
- Hey.

- Think of it as a machine.
- You like machines, right, Finch?
- Or maybe a handgun is more your style.
- I won't be around forever.
- I just need to know you can protect yourself once I'm gone.
- When the time comes for me to pick up a firearm, all will truly be lost.

- 110 volts should fry it.
- Man 1: I've just lost the signal.
- Man 2: It's got to be in here.
- Man 1: Where's the damn case?
- Come on. Let's go.
- Shh.

- About this advanced persistent threat, see how he was doxxed.
- Can't you get root on this?
- Sorry.
- Miss groves and I are not on the best of terms.
- Better kiss and make up, Finch.
- We could use her on this one.

- Finch, Khan lured Mark here to steal his employee ID badge.
- I've gotta stop him.
- If this is samaritan, he's got a target.
- You can't afford to get caught in the crosshairs again.
- Yeah, well, he's gonna get himself killed.
- There's no way to keep the victim safe if the perpetrator is samaritan.

- Maybe we should just read him in.
- No, he already knows too much.
- He's not Simon Lee or Claire mahoney, and there's no convincing him otherwise.
- The longer he stays around, the more questions he'll have.
- Wanna really blow his mind?
- Tell him there are two of these things.

- Finch: Mr. Khan, just wait here and let us handle this.
- Please stay inside as instructed.
- I am not gonna wait for lightning to strike twice.
- I need to know why it chose me...
- Because whatever is out there, it ruined my life.
- Shotgun.

- Custom-made.
- Some kind of carbon fiber kevlar weave.
- What's inside it?
- She hasn't told me yet.
- Well, get some rest.
- I need you ready for battle.

John: Can't you get Root on this?
Harold: Sorry. Ms. Groves and I are not on the best of terms.
John: Better kiss and make up, Finch. We could use her on this one.

- Who are you people?
- The only ones keeping you alive.
- You almost killed us.
- Just a little Fender bender.
- Answer our questions and you will be released.
- All right.

- Guard: Open the gate.
- Man: Here, check this out.