The Best Roddy Gerber Quotes

[on the phone]
Patrick: Agent Rigsby, CBI. I'm on my way to your location. I have a couple of questions I wanted to ask you first. Discreetly.
Roddy: Yeah?
Patrick: I've heard from a couple of reliable sources that you and Kirby Hines were having an affair. Some kind of sexual relationship.
Roddy: That's a damn lie!
Patrick: Are you sure, Roddy? Lying to a CBI agent is a very serious offense.
Roddy: I was in the Marine Corps!
Patrick: Oh really? Well, that says it all. I'm ex-Army. Marine Corps suck eggs! But hey, no point in arguing over the phone. We'll sort this out when I get to your location. Semper Fi, sissy-britches!

Patrick: Bad luck to kill large birds. Unless you eat them. You didn't eat them, did you?
Roddy: Hell, no.
Axel: Ha! But you admit you shot them though.
Roddy: They're vultures, man! Think I'm gonna give up a million bucks over a couple ugly bastards who eat dead people?