20 Best Savage Opress Quotes

Savage: Do we kill him now, brother?
Darth: No. Imprison him below, let him frown in his misery. Take him to his cell to rot.

Asajj: What a surprise! My former servant, still an animal. And you have a friend now.
Savage: My brother.
Asajj: A brother? Looks like he's half the man you are, Savage. How unfortunate, I was looking for a challenge. Not some castoffs from the Nightbrothers clan. What a disappointment.
Darth: Who is this, brother?
Savage: A Dathomir witch. She betrayed me.
Darth: She knows too much. Destroy her.

Savage: This is where you live? How long have you been here?
Darth: Years, and years, and years... my chains are broken, the chains... the chains are the easy part. It's what goes on in here that's hard...
[Maul starts sobs]
Savage: You have been lost, my brother. Do you remember who you are? Where you came from?
Darth: Always remember I am fear, always remember I am hunter, always remember I am filth... always remember... I am nothing!
Savage: Your legs...
Darth: That scum, he took them from me! He took them!
Savage: Who? Who took them?
Darth: Jedi!... Jedi.
Savage: You remember?
Darth: [Muttering to himself] Mercy, master... mercy is a lie. A delusion of the weak to make themselves strong. I ask not for mercy.
Savage: What? What is it? Brother, what are you saying?
Darth: [Grabbing Savage and pushing him against the fall] ... To the filth, to the grief... Jedi!
[Showing signs of sanity]
Darth: ... Revenge. I must have revenge.

Count: You must strengthen your connection with the Force, my apprentice. Feel it's power within you.
[Levitates various pillars around them to demonstrate his power]
Count: Now, lift them. Concentrate.
Savage: [Savage struggles to list the pillars with the force, but loses hold] What you ask is the impossible!
Count: Impossible? The task is only impossible because you have deemed it so! You must connect with your hatred!
[Blasts Savage with force lightning]
Count: Focus on your power building. Do not think of anyone or anything else.
[Blasts him again]
Count: That's it! Your anger is your strength!
Savage: I hate you!
Count: Good.

Mother: You have come home to us.
Savage: I was betrayed by Ventress. The Jedi are after me! I'm not strong enough to defeat them all!
Mother: Calm yourself. You will be.
Savage: I... don't understand. Who will teach me?
Mother: You have a brother.
Savage: A brother? But all of my kin were killed.
Mother: Not all of them. He lives in the Outer Rim, in exile. You will find him. He will teach you everything you need to learn to become even more powerful.
Savage: My brother. How? How will I find him?
Mother: This talisman has been imbued with the power of our clan. It will be your compass. You have an important destiny to fulfill, Savage Opress. You... and your brother. Go. You will know where to find him.
Savage: I will return, Mother.

Savage: [Savage contacts Dooku via hologram] My Lord.
Count: Is it finished?
Savage: Yes. The temple has been taken.
Count: And the Jedi?
Savage: Dead.
Count: Very impressive, Savage. Return to Serenno immediately.
Savage: Very well, my Lord.

Feral: There are only two of us left, brother. But only one will survive.
Savage: No, not if I can help it.
[Watches Asajj prepare]
Savage: Stick together, we must work as a team.

Almec: Satine's accomplishes have escaped, including the renegade Death Watch soldiers, but we will find them. The Duchess appears to have contacted the Jedi just as anticipated.
Darth: Good. You have done well.
Almec: What of the people?
Darth: You are the legitimate Prime Minister, Mandalore is a sovereign planet, you will maintain it's neutrality.
Almec: And what of the Jedi?
Savage: [Growls]
Darth: Because of Mandalore's neutrality, the Jedi have no jurisdiction here. If Kenombi comes to rescue his "friend", he will have to come alone.

Count: You ignorant beast! I told you, I wanted him alive!
[Blasts Savage with force lightning]
Savage: Forgive me, my master!
Count: That is not the way of the dark side!

Savage: You are the brother I've been searching for!
Darth: [Snarling] No! No! No! No!... No!
Savage: Yes, we are! We are brothers!
Darth: NO!
[laughs insanely]
Darth: You... You don't know. You don't know ANYTHING! NEVER!

Count: [Training Savage in lightsaber dueling] You have no technique. Sloppy! But with the proper training, you could be a powerful warrior. You have a natural ability, but we must hone it. Are you up for the challenge of putting your hate to better use.
Savage: Yes, master.

Count: I foresee we will do great things together. I shall teach you the ways of the dark side. Soon, your powers will rival that of the great Sith Lord Darth Maul. We will be even more powerful than Lord Sidious. We shall rule the galaxy together, my apprentice.
Savage: I am your servant, master.

Savage: How does one defend against such power?
Count: A wise master does not reveal all his secrets at once. In due time, my apprentice.

Asajj: That's no way to treat your apprentice. I should know.
Count: Savage, you can make amends for your mistake by destroying this witch!
Asajj: [laughs] I don't think that will be happening. Will it, Savage? Remember where your true loyalties lie.
Savage: With you, mistress.

Asajj: Bring in the prisoner! Now for the final test.
[the Nightsisters haul in Feral, dropping him in front of the transformed Savage Opress]
Feral: Savage?
Asajj: Kill him.
Feral: Savage, you know me. I am your kin! Do not do this!
Asajj: [slaps Savage across the face] I said, kill him!
[Savage grabs Feral around the neck, lifting him up into the air]
Feral: No! Brother! Brother, please!
Savage: You... beg? Weakling!
Feral: Savage!
[Savage snaps Feral's neck, killing him]
Asajj: Good. Very good. You will learn to draw your strength from your emotions. Hate will feed you. Never sympathize with the enemy, not even for a moment.
Savage: Yes, sister.

Savage: [Dying] Brother, I am an unworthy apprentice. I'm not like you, brother. I never was...

Mother: You found him? I knew you would.
Savage: Yes. He is... damaged. He doesn't remember much of his old life.
Mother: Hmm, but he does remember something?
Savage: Something or someone, named "Kenobi". It's an obsession.

Asajj: [to Savage] Get up! We must defeat him! Get up! Kill him! Kill him, you fool!
Savage: I can't... He's too powerful.
Asajj: Your weakness will not be my downfall!
Count: A failed apprentice makes for a foolish master.

Savage: Brother, what are we doing here? The Jedi won't be out this far in the galaxy.
Darth: In a galaxy at war, Savage, there is only one way to get the attention of the Jedi. Slaughter of the innocent. Mercilessly and without compromise.

Brother: Welcome, sister.
Savage: I have come for the selection.
Brother: Yes, yes, of course.
[claps hands]
Brother: Line up! Heads of each tribe! Line up for the sister!
Savage: Feral, try not to draw attention to yourself.
Feral: That won't be a problem for me, Savage.