Top 50 Quotes From Starfire

Starfire: I cannot awaken Beast Boy. I have tried the tickling, all matter of bodily noises, and the word "underpants". I fear this time Beast Boy's brain is truly gone.
Raven: Beast Boy had a brain?
[Beast Boy wakes, cracking up]
Beast: Ha. Ha. Ha. Good one... hey! That's not funny. I *totally* have a brain... I just don't use it very much.

Starfire: But what if they find us? What if our friends are doomed? What if I'm stuck looking like this forever?
Raven: We'll fix it! I don't know how but we will rescue the boys and we will get our bodies back... What's wrong with the way I look?
Starfire: Nothing!

[Robin offers Starfire some cotton candy]
Starfire: The last time I ate a ball of cotton, it was white. And it did not taste very good.
Robin: This is different.
[both eat some]
Starfire: Mmm... It vanished!
Robin: Yeah. It'll do that.

Killer: My demands are simple: The city will declare me ruler. The Teen Titans will surrender. And Robin...
Killer: will take this lovely young lady to her junior high prom.
Kitten: Hi, Robbie-Poo!
[record scratch sound]
Robin: [pauses] Um... what was that last part again?
Starfire: Robin, who is this girl, and why does she call you "poo"?

Robin: [to Starfire] You're getting married?
Starfire: Indeed, and I cannot wait to Tamaran. I have been having a bit of the sick-home feeling lately, and am eager to introduce my home planet to you, my friends.
Robin: You're getting married?
Raven: Yeah, anyone we know?
Starfire: I have never met him. My betrothed has been chosen for me by the Grand Ruler of Tamaran.
Robin: You're getting MARRIED? And to SOMEONE YOU'VE NEVER MET?

Robin: Raven!
Starfire: Robin!
Cyborg: Starfire!
Beast: Dudes!

Cyborg: All right, y'all, four eyes is history, his ghoulies are gone, and we just saved the whole dang universe! Who wants French toast?
Starfire: Oh, me, please. I shall consume them with gravy and the butter of peanuts.

Spike: Now don't be a sore loser. Atlas is just better than you. Better than all of us.
Starfire: Your Atlas is nothing but a...
Beast: Yeah, what she said!

[Starfire, Cyborg and Robin are sitting at a picnic table]
Starfire: This tangy yellow beverage is truly delightful.
Cyborg: Uh, Starfire?
Robin: That's mustard.
Starfire: Is there more?
[Robin and Cyborg stare at her weirdly]

Starfire: Friends! Awaken! Alarm!
Starfire: [in one breath] The Mother Mae-Eye is not truly our mother, but an evil witch who has tricked us all and invaded our home and forbidden our missions and stolen our boogers and keeps us all under her spell with frequent and plentiful helpings of enchanted pie!
[stops and gasps for breath]
Raven: So... what now?
Cyborg: I think she's saying she wants more pie.

Starfire: I suggest a large pizza with pickles, bananas, and mint frosting.
Robin: Uh, Starfire? Not everything on the menu is a pizza topping.

[Starfire is teaching Raven how to fly, because they have switched bodies, and requires a happy thought]
Starfire: Very, very good. What was your joyful thought?
Raven: You don't want to know...
Starfire: Oh, but I do... please tell me... what did you imagine?
Raven: You not talking.
Starfire: Oh... well, I am glad I was able to help...

Robin: You guys seen Raven?
Starfire: I hope she's not suffering the atrocities so abundant on this planet.
[Elsewhere, Raven groans and we hear cracking. She relaxes and it's revealed that the little creatures are giving her a massage]
Raven: A little to the left.
Tiny: Left! Shallah!

Starfire: Is this punishment? I did something wrong?
Beast: Star, it was... You weren't supposed to... I didn't... Heh, just remember to change that oil every 3,000 miles. Heh heh.
Starfire: On my planet we have a name for those who do such horrible things, you are a... A CLORBAG VARBLERNELK!
Beast: I'm a what-bag?
Cyborg: You heard the lady.
Raven: You are such a clorbag.

Robin: You can't hold us here forever!
Spike: Now, don't be a sore loser. Atlas is just better than you, better than all of us!
Starfire: Your Atlas is nothing but a Zolworg Tubeck Plixing Zarbmarker!
Beast: Yeah! What she said!
Spike: You watch your tone! Atlas is the greatest. He deserves your respect.
Raven: Sooo, do we get bathroom breaks?

Starfire: [to Robin, who is on a self-deprecating rant] No more Robin yelling at Robin!

Robin: [to Starfire] I'm sorry Val Yor treated you like that. If I'd known I never would've let it happen.
Cyborg: None of us would.
Starfire: There is nothing you could have done. There will always be people who say mean words because you are different. Sometimes their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people you do not judge others based on how they look or where they are from. Those are the people whose words truly matter.

Beast: Come on, Star. You can't stay mad forever. What? Do I have to do the face?
Beast: You know you can't resist the face.
[He turns into a small kitten with wide eyes and meows]
Starfire: Hmph!
[Walks on]
Beast: [Beast Boy turns back into his normal form] She resisted the face!

Raven: So, does anyone actually *have* a plan?
Starfire: Yes, we kick the butt!
Cyborg: Just like old times.
Beast: Except better!
Robin: Let's finish this!

Starfire: Who will shout the "Boo-yah!" when we are victorious in battle?

[last lines]
Robin: Where have you guys been?
Cyborg: Just getting to know each other.
[Raven smiles and blushes]
Starfire: Come, friends. We shall prepare a new breakfast feast.
Beast: It's a little late for breakfast, Star. Maybe just some herbal tea.
Raven: Actually, breakfast sounds... nice.
Beast: Breakfast for dinner? Coming up!
[he runs off]
Cyborg: [runs after him] Oh, no! I'm cooking this time! We're having real eggs!

Starfire: [after Raven restores the city and defeats Trigon] Raven, that was...
Cyborg: Unbelievable.
Raven: No. It wasn't.
[hugs Robin]
Raven: Somebody believed.
Robin: Welcome back.
Beast: Okay, you're freaking me out here! The white robe and smile are weird enough, but hugs? Are you still... you?
Raven: Blue is still my favorite color. And don't get used to the smile...
[smile disappears]
Raven: ... 'cause you're still not funny.
Beast: Raven!
[hugs her tightly]
Raven: Quit it.

Starfire: Robin... you are my best friend. I cannot be in a world where we must fight. If you are truly evil, then go ahead - do what you must.

Cyborg: [to Starfire and Beast Boy] I can't believe you two would go into Robin's room while he's gone and wear his uniform and pretend to be Robin.
Starfire,15512: Well...
Cyborg: Without me!

Beast: You guys... missed me?
Cyborg: Sure! Who else is going to help me wax the T-Car?
Robin: And spar with me in the gym?
Starfire: And wolf down nauseating amounts of tofu while Raven and I watch?
Raven: Uh... how about we just go out for pizza?

Robin: [calling out to her] Raven?
Raven: [from offscreen] Robin!
Starfire: The Mumbo has made you invisible?
Raven: [calling to them from a cage] Up here
Beast: [sees that she's been changed into a rabbit] Uh, why does that rabbit sound like Raven?
Raven: Because I am Raven!
Starfire: [giggles with glee] Oh, you look so cute!
[Raven growls angrily at her]

Guy: Hey, Hot Alien Babe, you digging the scene?
Starfire: Oh I didn't know we were suppose to bring shovels...

[the Titans are preparing to watch Fourth of July fireworks. Robin has explained to Starfire that the Fourth of July is America's birthday]
Starfire: Oh! Should we then bake the America a cake?
Beast: [starts a patriotic, yet misinformed speech] . No cake and no tea! See, It all started back in 1492 with this tea party in Boston. King George - or maybe it was King Norm - anyway, the British were trying to make the colonists drink all this tea. But they were like, "Dude! No way! We're sick of nasty old tea and your crummy English muffins!" So they decided: "Revolution!"
Raven: Where'd you learn history, a cereal box?
Beast: What's your point?

Starfire: But... there will be music, and the iced cream, and the strange game involving pins and the behind of a donkey!
Cyborg: We got a piñata shaped like Beast Boy! You know you want to smack it!

Cyborg: [about Terra] No more chances.
Starfire: No more trust.
Raven: And no more mercy.
Beast: She's just another criminal.
Robin: And we're going to stop her. No matter what it takes.

[first lines]
Narrator: Long ago, on a small, blue planet called Earth, there was a young alien girl who lived in a "T". She had many friends. She was very powerful and very brave. And although she never thought much of it, she was also very beautiful. Her life seemed entirely perfect until one day...
[a bump appears on Starfire's forehead]
Starfire: [gasps] AHH!

Starfire: Never have I been so thankful to have nine stomachs.

Cyborg: Four and a half pounds of baby back ribs! Man, I love picnic food!
[starts scarfing away]
Starfire: Agreed, Cyborg. This tangy yellow beverage is truly delightful.
[starts slurping more of her drink. Robin and Cyborg slowly stop eating and start looking at her, flabbergasted]
Robin: Um... Starfire?
Cyborg: That's mustard.
Starfire: Is there more?

Kitten: Hi, Robbiepoo!
Starfire: Robin... who is this girl, and why is she calling you "poo"?

Cyborg: Let's go. If you're done goofing off with your GIRLFRIEND!
Robin: [long pause.] SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!
Starfire: I am not your friend?

Nightwing: I heard you're looking for help.
Starfire: There is nothing you can do. There is nothing *anyone* can do. The past cannot be repaired. The future cannot be altered. No matter how wrong it seems.
Nightwing: So - it's impossible? Good!
[walks to a station]
Nightwing: If memory serves, we've done the impossible before. I held onto this just in case.
[presses a button and reveals a Titan's Communicator]

Robin: You want to yell at me, too? Everyone else has, and I don't blame them.
Starfire: I do not wish to yell, merely to understand. Robin, why did you not tell us the truth?
Robin: I needed to fool Slade. If you guys knew it was me under that mask, you guys would have held back. Doesn't matter anyway, Slade figured it out, and I haven't figured anything out about him.
Starfire: That is not true. Whoever Slade is, you and he are... similar. He did not trust you... and you did not trust us.

Starfire: Raven, did you hear the strange noises too?
Raven: The strange noises of you talking outside my door? Hard to miss.

Starfire: Please, eat.
[Pull back. The entire table is now loaded with bowls of bizarre food; a servant carries away a huge stack of dishes. We see two close: long shot of the table against a red background, with a total free-for-all taking place atop it. One after another, the four guest Titans are ejected from the all-you-can-eat fracas as the others gorge themselves]
Robin: [the gag ends; normal view-a dumbstruck SD Robin watches Starfire, now hunched over on the table and stuffing her face] I'm guessing you picked up your table manners on Earth?
Starfire: [with great force; he is blown back] Hurry or you will not get any!
Beast: [Robin covers his eyes as bits of food come flying at him. Extreme close-up of the eggplant-like sputflinks she referred to; the pile recedes rapidly to expose Beast Boy] Hel-lo? Vegetarian in the house!
[holds one up to Cyborg]
Beast: Does this look like a veggie to you?
[the big fellow shrugs with a noncommittal grunt and proceeds to chomp the thing right out of his green buddy's hand]
Beast: I'm not hungry.

Starfire: But how do I...
[snap Beast Boy out of his trance]
Cyborg: Make him laugh!
Starfire: [to Beast Boy] How many okarins does it take to hogie a morflark? Fimbar!
Beast: [no response]
Starfire: Umm... boo-gers?
Beast: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Boogers!

Starfire: [trying to coax Silkie] Here, Silkie Silkie! Here, my sweet little mutant!
Killer: Um. Here, Larva M-319... Come to poppa.
Starfire: Oh, Siiilkie! Starfire has a big hug for you!
Killer: Hey, big fella. Did Killer Moth create you in a lab? Yes he did, yes he did!

Raven: [after she and Starfire have switched bodies] Starfire! You have to calm down. My powers are driven by emotion. The more you feel, the more energy you unleash.
Starfire: I will try to calm down.
[takes a few deep breaths and closes her eyes]
Starfire: Peace... quiet... tranquil...
[her powers cause a car to flip over and blow sky high]
Raven: We are sooo doomed.

Cyborg: Star! Remember that purple wiggly Tamaranean pie thingie you made that was full of bugs?
Starfire: My stewed grunthmek which made you physically sick?
Cyborg: Yeah! You gotta cook up some of that!

Slade: I have much to teach you. But the first thing you need to learn is gratitude. I made you my apprentice. All my knowledge, all my power, all for you. But the only thing you care about is your worthless, little FRIENDS! If the Titans are so distracting, maybe I should get rid of them.
Robin: Don't. I'll do whatever you say.
Slade: Good boy. and from now on, I'd like you to call me "Master".
[gets blasted]
Starfire: LEAVE... HIM... ALONE!
Slade: Robin, attack!
Robin: Get out of here! Go! You don't know what those beams did -...
Beast: Dude.
Raven: We know.
Cyborg: We just don't care.
Starfire: We are your friends, Robin. We're not leaving without you.

Beast: So, I guess it is bad to watch too much TV.
Starfire: But, we were only victorious because you watches too much the television.
Raven: So, I guess there really is no lesson.
Cyborg: Yep, it was all completely meaningless.
[everyone laughs]

Fang: [to Robin, who's dancing with Kitten under duress] Keep your hands off my girl.
[attacks Robin]
Starfire: [blasts Fang] Keep your legs off my boy!

Beast: [digging through rubble] Star? Starfire? Where are you? Come on! Gimme a sign here! You have to be all right, okay? 'Cause I-it was just a joke, you know? Back at the Tower, and... I'm sorry. I never said it, but I'm really, really sorry. It was supposed to be funny. And you could've been hurt, and... I'm a total clorbag.
[Starfire walks up behind him]
Beast: Huh?
[she gives him a warm, forgiving smile]
Beast: Starfire!
[taking kitten form again, he jumps into her arms]
Starfire: [laughs] I am glad you are unharmed as well.

Starfire: Perhaps you could use your powers to communicate with the creature.
Raven: I'm still getting his drool off my face. I don't want him anywhere near my brain.

Starfire: Everything is not wonderful, I am happy to see her but Blackfire rules the video games and she is able to share very depressing poems and she knows the cool moves and she always knows when people are not talking about shovels...

Cyborg: When I was at the H.I.V.E., for a time, I felt... normal.
Starfire: Well, I did not know you before, so to me, you *are* normal.