The Best Trigon Quotes

Raven: You may have created me. But you were *never* my father.
[blasts Trigon]
Trigon: Wretched - insignificant -
[gets blasted again]
Raven: Fathers are *kind*. Fathers *protect* you. Fathers *raise* you. I was protected by the monks of Azarath. I was raised by my friends. *They* are my family. *This* is my home. And you are not welcome here!

Trigon: What you have concealed you shall become. You have no other choice. Your destiny will be fulfilled. The portal must be opened!

Raven: You may have created me. But you were never a father!
[She blasts Trigon]
Trigon: Wretched! Insignificant...
[He gets blasted again]
Raven: Fathers are KIND!
[She blasts Trigon again]
Raven: Fathers PROTECT you!
[She blasts Trigon again]
Raven: Fathers RAISE you!
[She blasts Trigon once more]
Raven: I was protected by the Monks of Azarath. I was raised by my friends! They are my family! This is my HOME! And you are not welcome here! Azarath Metreon Zinthos!

Slade: The first task is complete... master. The message has been sent. The inscriptions are in place, she knows what she must do. The Prophecy will be fulfilled.
Trigon: Then the world of mortals shall be ended.

Trigon: I may be the source of all darkness, but you are your own worst enemies.

Robin: Trigon! Stand up and fight!
Trigon: [using the Titan Tower as his throne] Insignificant insects.