The Best The Machine Quotes

The: I don't remember. Everyone dies alone and... And something else.
Harold: [laughing] It's so perfect. You've learned the secret of life and you've forgotten it.

- Dashwood.
The: [As root] Now, we can go.
- Thank you.

Officer: How 'bout you give me your full name?
Harold: Harold Osprey.
The: Good choice, Harry. They're common around here and so funny-looking.

Harold: In life, Root was your conduit. So despite my reservations it seems only appropriate that she continue in that function. And I must confess... hers is a voice that I miss... deeply.
The: Aw, Harry. You sure know how to make a girl feel special.

The: Harry, I remembered. It was a police officer. He had to notify a family of a death. The 35th notification he'd had to make over the years. And afterwards he said something that I remembered.
Younger: You know it's true what they say. Everybody dies alone.
Older: Sure. Everyone dies alone. But, if you *mean* something to someone... if you help someone... or loved someone... if even a single person remembers you... then maybe you never really die at all.
The: You know I've made some mistakes. *Many* mistakes. But, we helped some people. Didn't we?
Harold: Yes.
Harold: Yes, we did.

The: [As root] Eight letters.
- Your decision, Harold.
- Eight letters?
- You knew all along.
- Maybe I know you better than yourself.

Harold: The world without you wasn't definitely better or worse than the one we currently inhabit. It was just... different.
The: Are you sure, Harold?

The: Eight letters. Your decision, Harold.
Harold: Eight letters? You knew all along.
The: Maybe I know you better than yourself.

The: [As root]
- If you can hear this, you're alone.
- The only thing left of me is the sound of my voice.

The: [Staying with John until his last moment] I was built to predict people. But, to predict them, you have to truly understand them. So, I began by breaking their lives down into moments. Trying to find the connections, the things that explained why they did what they did. And what I found was... that the moment that often mattered the most... the moment when you truly found out who they were... was often their last one.

- Everything checked out, Mr. Osprey.
- I'm sorry for the trouble.
- No trouble at all, officer.
The: [As root] My approximation of Samantha groves is 99.6% accurate.
- We are virtually indistinguishable.
- I find comfort in that.
- So where to, Harry?

- Not bad for a guy who practices on cardboard cut-outs.
- Let me get a look.
- Some peace and quiet, please.
The: [As root] There we go.
- And the door if you will.

[to Harold]
The: Aren't reunions nice?

The: [As root]
- Harold, you're not doing well.
- I can find someone to help you.
- No. No one else.
- I started this. I'll finish it.
- Alone.

Root: Sir, if you don't mind my asking, is everything okay?
John: Perfectly fine, Ms Groves. The Senator is merely a messenger bearing news of resistance from those who still cling to the grand illusion of democracy.
Root: They'll never truly appreciate all that Samaritan's given to them. They're not capable - they're just bad code.

The: [As root] Harry?
- Are you there?
- Are you still with me?

The: [As root]
- Comforting, isn't it?
- Fixing something.
- Creating order amidst chaos.
- Where are you going, Harold?
- You're all seeing, shouldn't you know?
- Tbuché.

- then maybe you never really die at all.
The: [As root]
- I know I've made some mistakes.
- Many mistakes.
- But we helped some people. Didn't we?
- Yes.
- Yes, we did.