The Best Thomas Eckhardt Quotes

Catherine: If I give her to you, what will you give me in return?
- How can I place a value on something so precious?
- But you will try?
Thomas: Josie.
- Thomas and I will have our main course now.

- Josie: Help!
- Please help.
Thomas: I love you.
- Josie: No!
Thomas: Josie. For god's sake...
- Josie: Don't touch me.
- Don't touch me! Don't hurt me.

Andrew: Thomas, we meet again.
Thomas: I don't believe in ghosts.
Andrew: Pity. It's an appealing notion. The return of the grisly phantom from the grave. You deserve haunting, to be sure. Look closer, Thomas. I'm alive!
Thomas: How?
Andrew: Guess. It's really very simple.
Thomas: Josie.