The Best Tom Marin Quotes

Hanna: Hey, what's going on?
Ashley: Oh, your father and I are cooking up a little... farewell fling.
Ashley: Mind setting the table?
Hanna: Are you still leaving in the morning?
Tom: [sighs] Yeah. I thought it would be nice to have one last dinner, just the three of us.
Hanna: So, what's for dessert? Or...
[looks him straight in the eyes]
Hanna: are you saving that for your new family?

Hanna: Kate's going to be in Rosewood?
Tom: Mm-hmm.
Hanna: Is she going to school here?
Tom: Yes, she is.
Hanna: Dad, how could you do that to me?
Ashley: Because he loves you. And this way he can be near you.
Ashley: Isn't that right, Tom?

Hanna: [after being questioned, sees her father] They called you?
Tom: They're keeping the gun. For testing.
Hanna: What kind of testing?
[he just fumes]
Hanna: Dad!
Linda: The kind of testing that determines whether your Dad's gun was used to kill a police officer. I'll be in touch.
[Hanna, her eyes red with lack of sleep, squirms as her parents glare at her]