The Best Walter Shreeve Quotes

Terry: What's this?
Walter: Put it to your ear.
Terry: [doing so] Hey, music!
Walter: A microfilament transmitter/receiver. Picks up radio signals.
Terry: Cool! What's this do?
Walter: Don't touch that!
[all sound stops; as he presses a button, it returns]
Terry: What was that?
Walter: Sound masking. See, sound moves in waves. The masker instantly plays back whatever sound it picks up, slightly out of phase, so the waves cancel each other out. No waves, no sound.
Terry: Schway!

Walter: It's getting late, and I still have things to do, so...
Terry: Wait. What about those, you know, sound vibrations?
Walter: Sound vibrations?
Terry: Yeah. I heard about 'em the other day. Someone can knock over a tree?
Walter: So they say.
Terry: So, you know anything about 'em?
Walter: [striking him over the head] Who are you? What do you really want?
Terry: Hey, man, I didn't mean nothin'.
Walter: [Pins him to the floor and holds one of his vibration devices near him] You want to know about sound vibrations? Would you like to see how they can split your skull?
[Terry struggles for a moment and then gives up an upward mule kick off and he runs away]

[Powers enters his office, where Shreeve is waiting for him in his sound suit]
Walter: The police know about me. I'm a wanted man. I can never go back to my lab again. And it's all your fault.
Derek: That's not going to help.
Walter: No, but it'll make me feel better.
Derek: You should be feeling fine anyway.
Walter: And why is that?
Derek: Because your costume gives you power. Real power. Ever had that before?
Walter: No. Not really.
Derek: It's no small thing. Trust me.
Walter: But I can't show my face anymore! Or use my name!
Derek: The face is no loss, and if you miss your name, I'll give you another one. One that fits your new persona... "Shriek".

Walter: Look at this sound suit. I just finished it. It's got four built-in sound generators...
Derek: How's it any better than an old boom box?
Walter: Different kind of boom. Watch. It generates ultra-low frequency vibrations, which I can aim in any direction.
[destroying a block of concrete]
Walter: Imagine the time and effort this suit would save construction workers, road builders.
Derek: Dynamite's cheaper.
Walter: But...
Derek: Shreeve, you're just not a practical guy. All that's ever mattered to you is your research, which is why I had to bail out your company, and now it's time for me to see some return on my investment. I want you to solve a problem for me.
Walter: What?
Derek: Not what. Who.

Walter: It's a neglected sense, hearing. And it shouldn't be, because all too often, our first warning of danger is sound.
Derek: Shreeve, what are you trying to...
[hearing a rumbling engine, he gasps as a train horn blares in front of him]
Walter: [turning a flashlight and another device off] See, Mr. Powers? Just an illusion.
Derek: Uh, I knew that.
Walter: Of course. But after all the research money you've given me, I thought you deserved a demonstration.
Derek: Frankly, I was hoping for more.

Walter: How was I supposed to know Batman would be there?
Derek: Batman's everywhere these days. Everywhere.
Walter: At least I knocked down one of those buildings for you.
Derek: [sarcastic] Well, whoop-de-do. It's the *land* I want! And unless I can shut Wayne up, the stockholders will never authorize the purchase.
Walter: Don't worry. Next time, I'll get him. Guaranteed.
Derek: Haven't you been listening? It's over! Wayne's in the hospital now with guards. There's no way you could get to him.
Walter: I wouldn't be so sure of that.

Bruce: Go away! I don't want to hear you!
Walter: It's for your own good. Now get up.
[Bruce does so]
Walter: Go to the window.
Bruce: What for?
Walter: Go!
[Bruce does]
Walter: Open it.
[hearing various voices repeating the command, Bruce does]
Walter: You know what you have to do.
Bruce: [trying to fight it] Who are you? Why are you saying these things to me?
Walter: I want to help you. I'm you.
Bruce: No.
Walter: Who else could I be?
Bruce: You can't be me!