The Best Yellowstone, Season 1, Episode 8 Quotes

- You'll regret ever having met me, you have my word.
- No, Dan, regret is the one thing I just won't do.

- No, hurting you is gonna be tomorrow morning, when I purchase every share you've put up for trade.
- I'm only telling you this,
- 'cause I know you can't stop it.
- So I recommend begging your friends in California for more money.
- Maybe they'll be dumb enough to do it, and frankly, Dan, god, I hope they are,
- 'cause this has been too fucking easy.

- Was he trying to steal a horse?
- Nope, found him sleeping in the hay loft.
- Tried to toss him out, went all wild-cat on me.
- That's trespassing, Stan.
- Call the sheriff.
- The sheriff told me to call you.

- You okay?
- No, rip, I don't know that I am.
- Hundred and thirty-two years this ranch has been in my family, and I'm the one to lose it.
- To be honest,
- I don't even know who I'm trying to save it for, anymore.

- Listen to me... whoa.
- Easy now.
- This is between family.
- You're gonna fight yourself right out of it.
- Now, go get a hotel, okay?
- And then calm down.

- Yeah, we should...
- We should all grab dinner.
- I mean, you know, with all our free time.
- I'll make time for that.
- Great.
- Man: Back in five, four, three...
[Sighs] Fuck.

- Did it to my place, too.
- Tore it to pieces.
- Who?
- Treasure hunters.

- You got any homework?
[Sighs] Boy, do I.
- Did you get my bones?
- They took 'em, son.
- I told you.
- I'm really sorry, buddy.

[Sighs] Is that wrong?
- Is it wrong to want it?
- Wanting something for yourself isn't selfish, Jamie.
- I don't know how he convinced you to believe that.
- Maybe I do.
- When's the last time you did something just for you?

- I said fuck you!
- Today's not the day.
- Yeah?
- Maybe today is the day, motherfucker.
- Now you can give me everything you got.
- Man: Hey, buddy! Break it off!
- Get off, now!
- We need help over here!

- Don't fuckin' touch my horse, you understand me?
- Ma'am, if that horsefly bites his ass...
- Don't you touch my horse...
- Nobody ever fucking listens to me.
- You lost the reins!
- Jump!

- You should've thought of that before you took the brand.
- You said that brand was to prove
- I could be trusted.
- Trust is do what we ask, Walker.
- That ain't what that word means.
- Walker, I'm sure glad you think it's pretty here,
- 'cause your chance to leave this place has passed you by.

- Don't be dying on me, now.
- I'm not getting killed by a fucking fence post.
- My ego won't allow it.
- Listen, when the pain gets really bad,
- I want you to try and break it.
- Okay.
- All right?
- Yeah.

- and it's gonna drag your ass to your death.
- Now give me the gun.
- You do not get my gun.
- All this time I'm wasting cutting this horse loose
- I could be saving you.
- Easy, easy.
- Okay, come on. [Clicks tongue]

- You know what.
- We don't know how to help you find what we don't know you're looking for, Jimmy.
- Where's my fucking hat?
- Oh, that.
- Yeah, we got rid of that.
- Retarded scarecrow ain't a good look, Jimmy.

- Uh-huh.
- But you have to.
- Now, please, put your arm around me.
- Come on.
- Okay...
- Okay, it's okay.
- Are you ready? Here we go.
- One!

- What are you doing here?
- I'm not gonna smoke in your living room, Dan.
- I do have boundaries.
- Where's my wife?

- There any problem?
- Nah, no problem.
- Just like to have a word with you.
- All right, come on.

- I don't know.
- I want you to do something just because you want to.
- Be selfish with me.

- You're a stranger till she whispers you can stay you're a stranger till she whispers that your journey's over weigh your worth before her majesty the verde river

- Well, that's a first.
- Mm, who's this strapping lad?
- This is my assistant, but I'm willing to rent him out.
- Can I buy you a drink?
- Unfortunately I'm on the wagon, but that's good news for you.
- You have a designated driver.

[Scoffs] Look, John, somebody kills a bear, and ten thousand vegans send letters to their congressman.
- They won't send one god damn letter for those tourists.
- Now you should have buried that thing in a hole before I got here,
- 'cause I ain't the problem, the feds are.

- You can't trust anyone, Dan.
- You been doing this long enough to know that.
- But you can trust me on this.
- I want you to build that for me.
- That will fit in the powder room.
Thomas: Can't wait to see your powder room.

- Jesus fuck.
- That's bad luck, Jimmy.
- You can't give him anything.
- Is there any way to undo that, or...
- Hell, Jimmy, if you cowboy into this outfit, you're already cursed.

- Okay.
- How far's the ride?
- Mm, it's a few hours.
- You Mr. Wheeler?
- You the one who shot the bear?
- Yes, ma'am...
- Officer skyles. I am, yeah.
- Is this the rifle?
- Yes.

- You're gonna have to prove yourself, you want a chance.
- You gotta pay a price if you wanna work for me.
- I ain't got no money.
- Don't cost money, just a little pain.
- Well, sir, pain I'm used to.
- May I finish my sandwich?