The Best Yellowstone, Season 2, Episode 2 Quotes

Jimmy: So they named their team after a cat that, like, got out of the house?

- There's beer in the fridge.
- I don't drink.
- Figures.

- But you'll sure eat our food, won't ya?
- And sit in our field, and sing like a fucking tourist.
- So this is yourfield, is it, rip?
- Mm-hmm.
Lloyd: These are set.
- Jimmy, get on the quad.

- stuck outside the middle of the desert wishin' I was home long way from nowhere, wishin' I was somewhere sangre de cristo to the devil's backbone goddam it, Jimmy!
- It's too big a gap!
- Hold your spot or the whole herd goes.

- Got plenty of ranches in Montana.
- No, it's because they wouldn't have you.
- Why is that, hmm?
- When I start making phone calls, what am I gonna find out about you?
- Well I reckon I got a fondness for the farmer's daughter.
- I guess we got that in common, don't we?

- Wherever you go, Walker,
- I'll find you.
- The whole bunkhouse is watching.
- Why do you think I did it, Lloyd.
- We got two miles of fence to build.
- Let's go to work.

- 'Cause I've never seen a shred of proof that you can, but I guess you see something I don't.
John: He's my son.
- That's what I see.
- Jamie's your son, too, sir.
- What did you see in him?

- I see nothing's changed.
- I don't think she's made it through a whole meal since she was eleven.

- I hope so. 'Cause...
- 'Cause what I'm asking next...
- It'll be the hardest.
- Kayce needs to learn how to run this place.
- Needs to learn how to lead these men.
- And he can't do that while he's living with them.
- You understand what I'm asking?

- Hope you boys got your wild rags.
- It's gonna be a bit dusty.
Lloyd: What the hell's going on?
- Just a little reminder, Lloyd.
- They might let us stay here and get old and rusted.
- But we're just tools.
- And that's all we'll ever be.

- All right.
- Meet me out front in half an hour.
- I'll meet you inside.
- Out front in half an hour.
- Oh, no.
- I wouldn't miss this for the world.
- Great.

- Not like we used to.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'd like to buy your ranch.
- Oh, it's not for sale.
- Everything's for sale, buddy.
- How much?
- I mean...
- Name your price.
[Chuckles] Nine million?

- Yeah. Just hurts to sit.
- Sorry.
- Didn't see that one.
- Oh, Jesus, son.
- Are you aiming for them?
- If you know a smoother way back, you let me know and I'll take it!
- Just, pull over here.

- Nothing suits me about this place.
- Where you headed?
- You know the deal, just gonna wander around till the nextjob finds me.
- Walker, you run into trouble, walk the other way.
- Nice seeing you, cowboy.

- And you should look into faculty housing.
- There's housing?
- You need to read over your welcome packet.
- See, a university is like its own little world.
- And this whole world is open to you now.
- So, go enjoy it. [Chuckles]

- That means you're married to him in the afterlife no matter what you do in this life.
- You two are stuck together.
- Want to decide something?
- Decide how you two are gonna work it out.
- Or you will be miserable, forever.

Rip: Keep it tight boys.
- Bulls will walk through a loose wire like it ain't even there.

- You know, I can have you restrained.
- Just let me look at the sutures.
- Come on.
- Have a seat.
- You can put that on the bed.
- No, I can't

- Go on. Go on, kayce.
- Take it. Come on.

Felix: You two were married in ceremony. Not in some courthouse. Ceremony. That means you're married to him in the afterlife, no matter what you do in this life. You two are stuck together.

- Just go home, kayce.
- Go work on this.
- And you stay far away from him.
- And when he dies, you can have this fucking place.
- I will give it to you.

- A wildcat is just a cat that went wild. That's a run!
- So they named their team after a cat that just like, got out of the house?
- It's not rocket science.
- It's football.
- Kid's got a point.
- Y'all are ruining this for me, shut the fuck up.

- And he runs it.
- You don't listen to nobody else.
- Head on back to the bunkhouse.
- Head on back.
- Take me to the house.
- We're making some changes.

- And you thought you got out of prison.
- Nope.
- Hell, I just stumbled into another one.

- He in there?
- He who?
Kayce: Hey, rip.
- Come here.
- My father wants to see you.
- Hey, hey. Now.

Jimmy: They got three loaded.
- Bobcats look good.
Lloyd: I got my money on 'em.
- Okay, so just to clarify,
- Colby's mom, that's a cougar?
- That'll be the last time you ever refer to my mom as a cougar.
- She prefers wildcat?

Kayce: What the fuck are you doing?
- You needed an excuse.
- Now you've got one.
- No, no, no, no. We'll do it in front of everybody, kayce.
- And I ain't gonna take it easy on you either.

- All right, just, ah...
- Just sign these two at the bottom, I'll have... I'll have Beth fill them out.

- Stop moving. You're moving back.
- Okay, let's go back the other way.
- I don't need the kickboard.
- Need to use the kickboard.
- Come on. One more time.
- Let's go.

- Oh, uh... [Clears throat]
- You got physical therapy tomorrow.
- I know.
- You ain't missing it neither.
- I won't.

- There ain't no fighting on this ranch.
- If you want to fight...
- You come fight me.

- Are you suggesting we eat in silence?
- I mean, is that what you want?
- Are you 'shushing' me, daddy?
- I am a 35-year-old woman.
- When I sit at a table,
- I will talk about whatever the fuck I want.

- I'll flip that horse right on you, you son of a bitch.
- Are you dead?
- You're about to be.

- how to let yourself start living again.
- I don't know how to do that.
- Yeah.
- Shit, I don't know.
- I don't know.
- But we'll figure it out.

Jimmy: So, just to clarify, Colby's mom, that's a cougar?

- You want us to get in there?
- No. This needs to happen.

Rip: Just a little reminder, Lloyd. They might let us stay here and get old and rusted, but we're just tools. And that's all we'll ever be.

- But he doesn't.
- That was never in doubt.
- Don't leave.
- This is my family.
- Whether y'all think of me that way or not.
- Where are you going?
- Home.

- You're in this situation because you ignored your doctor.
- He saw a mass on your ct scan, he said schedule an appointment, and you didn't.
- And so now you've had major surgery for what a pill could've fixed.
- When's the last time you saw a dermatologist...
- Oh, for fuck's sake, Keith.

- justification for its actions.
- And I don't teach that.
- I'll teach you what happened.
- To my people. And to yours.
- Because we are all the descendants of the subjugated.
- Every one of us.

- You all right?
- Funny, how you can do something you love your whole life, and it just takes one man to ruin the whole fuckin' thing.

- The sooner you push it to a head, the sooner it's behind you.
- You know he's not gonna follow me.
- Justyou.
- Ain't about his respect, son.
- It's about everyone else's.