Top 50 Quotes From Resident Evil: Afterlife

Luther: Nice landing.
Alice: I think technically it's called crashing.

Crystal: That plane of yours, do you think it could still fly?
Alice: It can fly, but it only seats two.
Crystal: So you take us to Arcadia one at a time.
Luther: Look, I think she was lucky to land here once. Five or six times would be suicide. No offense.
Alice: None taken.

Luther: We thought they sent you. We've been launching flares for days to get their attention.
Alice: Flares?
[she gives an incredulous smirk]
Luther: Yeah.
Alice: Who's gonna see flares from Alaska?
Luther: Alaska?
Angel: Alaska?
Alice: Arcadia. I've been there. It's in Alaska. It's a town, or so we thought.
Luther: A town? I don't think so.

Luther: [shoots and kills the two zombies following him, as he staggers to the end of a large drainage pipe] That's right!
[stands over the two fallen zombies and quotes his own advertising billboards from his former life as an athlete]
Luther: "Star power, bitches."

Alice: [to Wesker] Any last words?
Albert: [sticks syringe in Alice's neck] How nice to finally meet the real you. Hurts, doesn't it? Well, that's just the start of the bad news. All those powers of yours: Speed, strength, accelerated healing. Well, you can kiss all those goodbye.
Alice: What have you done?
Albert: The serum I've injected you with is neutralizing the T cells within your body. Put simply, the Umbrella Corporation is taking back its property. You just didn't work out, so you're being recalled.

- Purge Facility.
- Authorization.
- Countdown Started.
- Run. Move! Go! Go! Go!
- Out! Everybody move out!
- Turbulence. Turbulence. Turbulence.
- Turbulence. Turbulence.
- Turbulence. Turb...

- Nice.
- Damn.

- Report your situation.
- Everything is quiet here.
- No sign of intruders?
- Hotaka...we have movement!
- Multiples targets
- Surface gate,
- Identify targets. repeat...identify targets.
- Sir, elevator 2 is moving.
- I want security at that main entrance now!

- I guess I am. I agree with Angel.
- If this guy knows a way out
- I want to hear it.
- All right.
- Seriously?
- This...this is a mistake.
- This is a big mistake.
- You'd better keep your eyes on him.

Alice: Why am I not suprised?
Albert: You weren't too hard to find. Our satellite system is still operational, and there aren't too many people flying now days. Besides, I always knew you would be drawn to your friends. Loyalty - Highly overrated.

Sniper: [kills female undead] Bio-hazard terminated. Central Shibuya. Confirm?
Sniper: I confirm. Nice shooting.
Sniper: And I lead three to one.
Sniper: The night is still young.

[Axeman is banging at the gate with its battle hammer]
Claire: Luther, just shoot that motherfucker.
[Luthor shoots Axeman repeatedly in the head, it keeps banging at the gate]
Luther: What the fuck is that thing?

Albert: [Upon expecting Alice to enter his chamber] Well, this is a pleasant surprise.

- I don't know.
- That was the we heard from them.
- Then it just stopped.
- That was two days ago.
- We've been sending up flares on the hour.
- And when you have arrived, of couse, we thought they had sent you.

Alice: You don't look very good, Bennett.
Bennett: Yeah, I'm looking forward to playing with your pretty face.

Alice: Hey, boys. Is that anyway to treat a lady?

- Yeah!
- I really didn't want you to miss that.

- I think I do.
- They're underneath our feet.
- They're holding survivors to experiment on them.
- Look...
- It's K-Mart...she's here.
- Bring them up. All of them.

- Claire!
- Claire!

Claire: Alice, you were my friend?
Alice: I like to think so.
Claire: Was I a good person?
Alice: Why would you ask that?
Claire: I don't know, I just, I have this feeling that I let people down.
Alice: You're not the only one.
Claire: What do you mean?
Alice: We struggle, we fight, we watch our friends die. Survival is a bitch.

- What the hell has happened to you?
- Hey. It's okay. Let him go.
- Look, she suffered some sort of memory loss.
- If you really are her brother...
- It will come back.
- Alright, this is very touching...
- I mean, a family reunion...
- But if we could just get a move on please?
- Before we are all eaten the fuck alive!

- Land?
- That is one crazy son of a bitch.
- It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
- Then cut me loose.
- Thanks.
- Just don't try anything crazy, alright?
- Nothing as crazy as what you have in mind.

- It's our only chance.
- I'll take point. I got your back.
- Ladies...
- Alright, you next.
- I can't do it.
- You can.
- Let's go!

- Your friends are out there.
- I think so.
- You don't remember?
- It's coming back.
- Slowly...
- Nothing makes any sense.

Alice: You know I have the strangest feeling I know you.
Luther: Yeah, I get that a lot. You're a sports fan, huh? Do you like basketball?
Alice: Not really.
Luther: No? Well, maybe just a fan of fine timepieces.
[they look at a distant rooftop billboard with Luther modeling a luxury wristwatch]
Angel: Yeah. Luther here is our resident superstar.

- Hey. It's gonna be okay.
- No!
- Where is Alice!
- Come on!

Alice: Please wait.
Albert: Last words?
Alice: Thank you.
Albert: For killing you?
Alice: For making me human again.

- You're not coming?
- Take care of the others.
- Good luck, K-Mart.
- Claire...

- There didn't stay dead.
- This was the start of an apocalypse that whould sweep the entire world
- The men responsible for this disaster took refuge underground
- And continued to experiment with the deadly T-Virus.
- They felt secure in their high tech fortress.
- But they were wrong.

Luther: That's right. Star power, bitches.

- I ingest you...
- I gain control.
- That's pretty smart thinking.
- There is only one problem with that plan.
- Stop. Right, right there.
- And what is that?
- I'm not on the menu.

- There is no infection.
- Repeat, there is no infection.
- We offer safety, security, food and shelter.
- If you are out there
- We will help you
- There is hope.

- Accelerated healing...
- Well, you can kiss all those goodbye.
- What have you done?
- The Serum I've injected you with is neutralizing the T-cells with in your body.
- Put simply...The Umbrella Corporation is taking back it's property.
- You just didn't work out.
- So, you are being withdrawn

- Hey, boys...
- Is that any way to treat a lady?

- The last handful of survivors took a chopper to safety.
- They were Headed for a town in
- Alaska called Arcadia.
- We had received radio transmissions from there
- They offered food and shelter, safety and security ...
- A Haven.
- Free of infection.

[first lines]
Alice: [narrating] My name is Alice. I worked for the Umbrella Corporation in a secret laboratory developing experimental viral weaponry. There was an incident. A virus escaped. Everybody died. Trouble was, they didn't stay dead. This was the start of an apocalypse that would sweep the entire world. The men responsible for this disaster took refuge underground and continued to experiment with the deadly T-Virus. They felt secure in their high-tech fortress. But they were wrong.

Chris: Claire?
Claire: What?
Chris: Claire, it's me. It's Chris.
[Chris caresses her cheek, Claire grabs his arm and twists it behind his back]
Claire: I don't know you.
Chris: Claire. I'm your brother, remember? What the hell's happened to you?
Alice: Hey. It's okay. Let him go.
[Claire releases his arm]
Alice: Look, she suffered some sort of memory loss. If you really are her brother, it'll come back.

- Knew you'd make it.
- Luther!
- Go!
- Luther!
- We can't help him now.
- We have to move on.

[last lines]
Jill: [to her soldiers] Deployment in T-minus 57 seconds. When you hit the deck, you watch your formation. Take no prisoners and shoot to kill. Total enemy numbers are unknown but will include Umbrealla fugitives and prime targets. Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield and Project Alice. So, people, whatever's waiting for you out there, just know one thing: You are gonna be in for the fight of your lives.

- Come on!
- Hit the cell block!
- Move!
- I'll meet you there!
- This thing has no power!
- We won't need power!
- Oh shit!

- Mikey, Carlos, L.J. ...
- K-Mart.
- You left in a helicopter with a group of survivors headed for Alaska.
- Arcadia, remember?
- Arcadia, remember?
- Arcadia, remember?

Luther: [after Bennett steals the plane and drives it off the building edge] That's right, bitch. Fuck you.

Albert: [During Alice Clone battle] Tell security to flood the the main entrance with nerve gas.
Umbrella: Sir, our men are still up there.
Albert: [Wesker shoots the Japanese Umbrella employee in the head] Any more questions?

- It's time to take a break.
- It's about god damn time.
- I hate being down here.
- I hear the walls.
- Well, let's check it out.
- We'll be back in a minute.
- Come on.

- Don't...even think about it.
- Who the fuck are you?

- All right. Let's go.
- Let's go!

Albert: I'm what you used to be. Only better.

- We do our best.
- It's cold.
- Our best only goes so far.
- These are for you.
- Thank you.
- I guess I should leave you to it?
- I guess you should.
- I'll be right outside.
- Thank you.

Albert: The T-Virus brought me back.
[his head jerks, jaws set, chest heaves]
Albert: But it's so strong. It fights me for control. I thought if I ingested fresh human DNA, I could redress the balance.
Alice: No wonder your crew abandon ship.
Albert: No matter. Now I have a new subordinate. And a new plan. You were the only one who successfully bonded with the T-Virus. Your DNA is stronger than the others. I ingest you, I gain control.
Alice: [nods, walks a few paces to a table] That's pretty smart thinking. There's only one problem with that plan.
Bennett: [aiming gun at Alice] Stop right there.
Albert: And what is that?
Alice: I'm not on the menu.
[she kicks a tray of surgical instruments at Wesker and takes out Bennett's gun with a roundhouse kick. Wesker dodges the scalpels that impale his chair]

- Oh! My God.
- What?
- Look over there.
- Damn.