The Best Aleida Diaz Quotes

Gloria: I miss him! I miss all of them!
Aleida: You want some of mine?
Gloria: You are so stupid.

Aleida: It's hard to get answers from those bitches, you know? Oh, sorry. Can I say bitches?
Susan: You can.
Aleida: Shit!
Susan: Oh! You can't say that.
Aleida: What kind of fucking bullshit rule is that?

Aleida: You think Barbies grow on trees? You think toilets grow on trees? Huh?
Eva: No.
Aleida: What grows on trees?
Eva: Nothing.
Aleida: That's right.

Aleida: When I wanted to rebel against my mother, I had a few babies, packed some heroin. But this?
Margarita: Yeah, she really committed.

Aleida: Not congratulations. More like con-fuck-ulations. Or whatever the opposite of "congratulations" is.

Aleida: Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice...
[in Spanish]
Aleida: I'll fuckin' cut your tit off!

Aleida: All you had to do was be a equally bad mother, not a hundred fucking thousand times worse!

Aleida: Daya! It's me! Don't tell 'em anything! You got rights!
Margarita: Does she?
Aleida: I think you got rights!

Young: And Jordache says I can sleep over at her house whenever I want!
Aleida: Jordache? Someone named their kid after pants?

Gloria: I'm gonna kill her!
Aleida: You're gonna have to be more specific.

Aleida: They probably been living in your hairy Chia Pet poon since before you got here.
Marisol: First of all, I keep my lawn mowed. Second, weren't no problems till Pocket Daya snuck in last week to follow in the family footsteps.

Aleida: They tell you to get the GED like it's gonna change anything. How's a GED gonna make me *not a felon*?
Gloria: Shows you're making an effort.
Aleida: Yeah, and I go from unemployable to unemployable with a pat on my back.

Aleida: I try to do the right thing, and my own daughter hates me
Maria: But at least your daughter knows who you are. Pepa ain't even gonna remember me.
Aleida: It ain't like you deserve it, naming your daughter Pepa.
Maria: Hey! Yo, "Push It" is me and Yadriel's song, alright?