50 Best Anne Hathaway Quotes

Jules: Nobody calls men "men" anymore. Have you noticed? Women went from "girls" to "women."Men went from "men" to "boys?" This is a problem in the big picture. Do you know what I mean?

Cooper: You're a scientist, Brand.
Brand: So listen to me when I say that love isn't something that we invented. It's... observable, powerful. It has to mean something.
Cooper: Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing...
Brand: We love people who have died. Where's the social utility in that?
Cooper: None.
Brand: Maybe it means something more - something we can't yet understand. Maybe it's some evidence, some artefact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade, who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it. All right Cooper. Yes. The tiniest possibility of seeing Wolf again excites me. That doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Cooper: Honestly, Amelia... it might.

- Don't you know who we are, Coop?
- No, professor, I don't.
- WOMAN: You know my father, Professor Brand.
- We're NASA.
Brand: NASA.
- The same NASA you flew for.

Jules: [Alluding to age difference] I'm glad you also see the humor in this.
Ben: [Smiles wryly] It would be hard not to.

Emma: I got to know you. You cured me of you.

Matt: I can't tell you how s-Sorry and ashamed I am. I thought I could do it. I thought I could be the guy that I told you I was going to be. And then, somewhere along the way... I thought I was losing you. But it was actually me. I got lost. It's a confusing world out there, and who I am got messed up for a minute. And now I'm watching you ready to give all this up for me. I will not let that happen. I love you, and I will do so much better if you'll let me. Please, Jules. Let me make it right again.
Jules: [crying her eyes out] You know what would be good? If you carried a handkerchief.

Brand: Couldn't you've told her you were going to save the world?
Cooper: No. When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that's that you want to make sure your children feel safe. And that rules out telling a 10-year old that the world's ending.

Dexter: I'd still like to read that poetry. What rhymes with Dexter?
Emma: Prick. It's a half rhyme.

Jenny: Are you trying to tell me our entire relationship is based on lies?
Bart: Not everything, just the things I said.

Jules: I'll call you when I have something for you to do.

Cooper: It's hard leaving everything... my kids, your father...
Brand: [cutting him off] We're gonna be spending a lot of time together...
Cooper: We should learn to talk.
Brand: And when not to. Just being honest.
Cooper: I don't think you need to be *that* honest.

Jules: Here's my theory about this. We all grew up during the "take your daughter to work day" thing, right?
Ben: Mm-Hmm.
Jules: So we were always told we could be anything, do anything. And I think guys got, maybe not left behind, but not quite as nurtured, you know? I mean, like, we were the generation of "you go, girl."We had Oprah. And I wonder sometimes how guys fit in, you know? They still seem to be trying to figure it out. They're still dressing like little boys. They're still playing video games. Well, they've gotten great. So...
Davis: I love video games!
Lewis: Oh, boy.
Jules: How, in one generation, have men gone from guys like jack Nicholson and Harrison Ford to... take Ben, here. A dying breed. You know? Look and learn, boys. Because if you ask me, this is what cool is.
[leaning on Ben]

Factory Woman 1: And what have we here, little innocent sister? Oh, come on, Fantine, let's have all the news.
[reading the note]
Factory Woman 1: "Dear Fantine, you must send us more money. Your child needs a doctor; there's no time to lose."
Fantine: [taking it back] Give that letter to me; it is none of your business. With a husband at home and a bit on the side? Is there anyone here who can say swear before God she has nothing to fear, she has nothing to hide?

Jean: Where is your child?
Fantine: With the innkeeper in Montfermeil.
Jean: I will send for her immediately.
Fantine: [shocked] Oh, Monsieur.

Jules: Well, I was going to say intern slash best friend.

Fantine: Cosette, it's turned so cold. Cosette, it's past your bedtime. You've played the day away, and soon it will be night. Come to me, Cosette, the light is fading. Don't you see the evening star appearing? Come to me, and rest against my shoulder. How fast the minutes fly away and every minute colder.
Jean: Dear Fantine, Cosette will be here soon. Dear Fantine, she will be by your side.
Fantine: Come, Cosette. My child, where did you go?
Jean: Be at peace. Be at peace evermore.
Fantine: My Cosette...
Jean: Shall live in my protection.
Fantine: Take her now.
Jean: Your child will want for nothing.
Fantine: Good monsieur, you come from God in heaven. Tell Cosette I love her, and I'll see her when I wake.

Emma: I love you Dex, I really do. I just don't like you anymore.

Jules: Mark Zuckerberg never brought in a CEO - and he was a teenager!

Emma: I didn't mean to call your dad a fascist.
Dexter: A bourgeois fascist.
Emma: Yeah, I'm sorry.

Dexter: [referring to the back of her bathing suit] It's scooped a bit low isn't it?
Emma: Good job I didn't put it on backwards.

Emma: A tortilla is either corn or wheat. But a corn tortilla folded and filled is a taco, whereas a filled wheat tortilla is a burrito. Deep fry a burrito, it's a chimichanga.Toast a tortilla, it's a tostada. Roll it, it's an enchilada.

Ian: Call the bloody police! It's my flat too!
Emma: Is it? I paid the mortgage! You just sat around farting and watching the bloody Wrath of Khan!

Brand: You might have to decide between seeing your children again and the future of the human race.

Cooper: Well, this little maneuver's gonna cost us 51 years!
Brand: You don't sound so bad for a man pushing 120!

Emma: I love you, Dex, so much. I just don't like you anymore. I'm sorry.

John: [points to the pictures] Do you know this woman?
Daphne: No.
John: Debbie Ocean, convicted felon. Her brother, Danny Ocean, more convicted felon. She was present on the night of the incident.
Daphne: Did she steal the necklace?
John: Apparently not, she's the only one with an alibi. Smiling at the camera the entire time.
Daphne: Oooh! So?
John: So I have five innocent people who seem to be suspects, and someone who should be a suspect but isn't. I have cameras covering every inch of the museum, except for the loo, where $150 million was stolen from that neck, your neck.

Emma: If I can't talk to you then what's the point of you?

Emma: A tortilla is either corn or wheat. But a corn tortilla folded and filled is a taco, whereas a filled wheat tortilla is a burrito. Deep fry a burrito, it's a chimichanga. Toast a tortilla, it's a tostada. Roll it, it's an enchilada.

John: You made some mistakes, Miss Kyle.
Selina: A girl's gotta eat.
John: Well, you got quite an appetite.

Doyle: Where's the rest?
Brand: Towards the mountains!
Cooper: Those aren't mountains... they're waves.
Brand: Oh shit. Oh shit!
Cooper: That one's moving away from us...
Brand: [struggling through the water] We need the recorder!
Cooper: [he looks in the other direction and sees a mounting wave towering thousands of feet over them] Brand, Doyle, back to the Ranger, now!

Selina: No.
- But my friend over there?
- Every cop in the city's missing him.
Stryver: That's cute.
- But they're not gonna be looking in a place like this.
- I don't know.
- You did just use his cell phone.

Catwoman: I blow that tunnel open, I'm gone.
Batman: There's more to you than that.
Catwoman: Sorry I keep letting you down.
Catwoman: Come with me. Save yourself. You don't owe these people any more. You've given them everything.
Batman: Not everything. Not yet.

Emma: I'll only be a minute. No playing with yourself while I'm gone.

Fantine: I had a dream my life would be so different from this hell I'm living!

Selina: There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.
Bruce: You sound like you're looking forward to it.
Selina: I'm adaptable.

[Batman and Selina have just escaped from Bane and his mercenaries in the Bat. Batman lands it on top of a skyscraper and Selina immediately hops out]
Catwoman: See you around.
Batman: You're welcome.
Catwoman: I had it under control.
Batman: Those weren't street thugs, they were trained killers. I saved your life. In return I need to know what you did with Bruce Wayne's fingerprints.
Catwoman: Wayne wasn't kidding about a "powerful friend".
Catwoman: I sold his prints to Daggett. For something that doesn't even exist.
Batman: I doubt many people get the better of you.
Catwoman: Hey, when a girl's desperate.
Batman: What's he gonna to do with them?
Catwoman: I don't know. But Daggett seemed pretty interested in that mess at the stock market.
[Batman is distracted by the spotlight of a police chopper doing the rounds. He looks up at it, then turns back to Selina]
Batman: Miss Kyle?
[Catwoman has vanished]
Batman: So that's what that feels like...

Cooper: Oh we are not prepared for this. We have the survival skills of a Boy Scout troop!
Brand: Well we got this far on our brains, further than any human in history.
Cooper: Well not far enough! And now we're stuck *here*, until there won't be anyone on Earth left to save!
Brand: I'm counting every minute, same as you, Cooper.

Fantine: There's a child who sorely needs me, Please M'sieur, she's but that high. Holy God, is there no mercy? If I go to jail she'll die!
Javert: I have heard such protestations, every day for twenty years. Let's have no more explanations. Save your breath, and save your tears.

Ben: "You're never wrong to do the right thing."
Jules: Who said that, you?
Ben: Yeah. But I'm pretty sure Mark Twain said it first.

- Feeling 200 years old.
- Okay, kid, and, uh, have fun at school. All right?
- You take care of yourself, and remember your past.
- Love you, grandpa.
- Aaron: Love you, too.
Esther: Love you.

Jules: [distraught and ranting] I don't want to be buried alone. Paige'll be with her husband, and Matt'll be with his new family, and I will be buried with strangers. I'll be buried in the strangers singles section of the cemetery. Not that that is a reason to stay together. But it's just, you know, a scary sidebar.
Ben: Let's take that one off your plate right now. You can be buried with me and Molly. I happen to have space, okay?
Jules: Oh. Thank you so much.

Brand: Maybe we've spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory.
Cooper: You're a scientist, Brand.
Brand: So listen to me, when I say that love is not something we invented. It's observable, powerful. It has to mean something.
Cooper: Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing...
Brand: We love people who've died. Where's the "social utility" in that?
Cooper: None.

- He said that the two of you would launch your rocket.
- Yeah, I gotta finish it.
Esther: Mmm.
Paul: Ma?
- I had a pretty good day atschool good.

Emma: If you muck me about, Dexter, lead me me on, or let me down, or go behind my back, I will murder you.

Jean: How have you come to grief in a place such as this?
Fantine: M'sieur, don't mock me now, I pray. It's hard enough I've lost my pride. You let your foreman send me away - yes, you were there, and turned aside. I never did no wrong
Jean: Is it true, what I have done? To an innocent soul? Had I only known then...
Fantine: My daughter's close to dying. If there's a God above... He'd let me die instead...
Jean: In His name my task has just begun, I will see it done!

[a couple thugs go to attack Lucius while he's handcuffed. Catwoman intervenes and beats them down]
Lucius: [to Batman] I like your new girlfriend!
Catwoman: [she undoes his cuffs] He should be so lucky.

- You have a headache?
Esther: Yeah.
- Okay. Come here. I have a knee ache and you got a headache.
- Come here, let's dance.
- We're quite a pair. Yeah.
- Pa pa pa Pam.
- Hey, you're gonna be okay. These kids could drive you nuts, though.

Dexter: An orgy won't keep you warm at night, Emma.
Emma: An orgy won't look after you when you're old.

Emma: That's a very serious face. You're not having a wee, are you?

Jules: It's 2015, are we really still critical of working moms?