The Best Antoinette Quotes

Antoinette: Not big on audiences. So, if you don't want to die, you'd better run.
Elijah: [seeing another killer] I thought I was the only one.

Elijah: You were right.
Antoinette: About what?
Elijah: That feeling after sundown without the ring. It's just the most transcendent joy!
Antoinette: I'll take credit for most of that joy.
[they kiss]

Antoinette: Don't tell me you've never heard of vampires?
Elijah: Stories... I think. Uh, folklore.
Antoinette: [husky voice] Do I look like folklore to you?
Elijah: Is there a cure?
Antoinette: Why would you want one?

Antoinette: [describing every-day type sounds to the intensified hearing of a vampire] It used to be noise, now it's music. On the other hand, we also risk getting burnt to death by the sun, but, hey, nothing's perfect.

Antoinette: [at piano] Your past seems to have caught up with you.
[Elijah reacts]
Antoinette: Keep playing, keep playing. There was a man waiting for me in the kitchen. He tried to compel me to walk away from you forever. He said he's come to take you home.

Antoinette: There is nothing to forgive.

Antoinette: [has no Daylight Ring] Hmm. I prefer the purity of night.

Antoinette: [to Elijah] You're an amnesiac with zero life experience, do you really think you ought to be planning surprises?
Elijah: Consider it a thank-you for taking me under your wing these past few weeks.